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How To Create Email Validation Service With NodeJS

mailboxlayer by apilayer is one of the market-leading email validation and verification APIs. With mailboxlayer, you can easily separate low-quality email addresses in your mailing lists from your real users. 

Why is this important? It’s pretty simple really. As a marketer, you spend time creating and maintaining an ever-growing email database. If you regularly send emails to bad or incorrect email addresses, however, you could run into trouble. ISPs monitor email senders and high bounce rates result in a lower email score.  When that happens, ISPs will begin treating your email address as Spam and all your emails will start going to your recipient’s Spam folder. As you can imagine, this is a disaster if you are trying to connect with your customers.

To solve this issue, you can rely on an email address validation api such as mailboxlayer API. With the mailboxlayer API, you can:

  • Reduce your bounce rates
  • Clean your email list
  • Increase your email deliverability
  • Defend your organization’s reputation

Why mailboxlayer API?

The MailboxLayer RESTful web service is feature-rich and developer-friendly. Its many features allow you to do:

  • Syntax checking
  • Typo checking
  • SMTP verification
  • Disposable and free email provider filtering 
  • Email quality checking

Moreover, the mailboxlayer service uses an email provider database for daily updates to remove disposable email services as quickly as they are created. 

How to get free access to mailboxlayer?

You can head over to mailboxlayer.com and sign up for a free subscription plan. In the free subscription plan, you get 250 API requests per month to learn more about the API.

How to utilize mailboxlayer API?

After you sign up for a free subscription plan, you can make call requests to the API endpoint. Here is an example of a request call with a response:

As you can see, using the API is straightforward.

How to do Bulk Mail Checks?

The bulk email check endpoint is available for higher subscriptions. For example, with a Professional Plus subscription you can search up to 25 email addresses, and with the Enterprise Plus plan, you can search up to 100 email addresses.

How to do a syntax check?

When you send a request, it is better to use an email syntax checker that verifies the format. The API sends a format_valid JSON object that shows the result of your check.

In addition, the mailboxlayer service has several features like real-time verification, typo check, and suggestions. 

Want to know more? You can learn all the functionality in the official documentation here.

How to set up Node.js with mailboxlayer API?

First of all, you must have NodeJS installed on your machine. Next, follow these commands and steps to initialize a simple NodeJS app and configure the entire project.

Open your terminal and type this command to install the required node packages.

Here is the project structure. You should download or copy the static files first.

Finally, you need to install nodemon. With nodemon, you can easily develop NodeJS apps. Restart nodemon immediately after you make changes.

Type this command to install nodemon and make changes like this:

After that, go back and copy this code:

As you can see in the code, you can send any email address as a string to the request URL to check it on localhost:

You are done! Here you can see our demo in action: (Check out the full source code here)

Head over now and get your free email verification plan on MailboxLayer!

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