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An Ultimate Guide To HTTP PUT vs POST In REST API In 2024

An Ultimate Guide To HTTP PUT vs POST In REST API In 2022

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is an application layer protocol in the internet protocol suit model for hypermedia information systems, collaborative, and distributed systems, etc. We can find several HTTP methods to solve multiple problems online. This article will explain about PUT vs POST method. We can test public APIs using these methods.

For example, if we have to test public APIs or retrieve data from the web server, we can use the “GET” HTTP method. Now, if we want to get an image from a website, then we can use this command:

Apart from the “GET” method, there are so many other HTTP methods. These methods are listed below:

  • PUT
  • POST
  • HEAD

Developers sometimes confuse POST and PUT methods. For example, which method to use where in the code? Or whats an API testing process through POST or PUT?

This article will highlight all those aspects that differentiate HTTP PUT and POST methods. Continue reading!

put vs post


Before proceeding with the HTTP methods, it is important that we know about REST API


Roy Fielding developed REST which means representational state transfer. REST API also known as RESTful API, is a web application programming interface.

The REST API allows us to interact with RESTful web services. Moreover, it adopts a REST architectural style.

Simply put, we can say that REST helps us to communicate between two computers using HTTP technologies. The HTTP technologies are mostly found in web servers or web browsers.


People also sometimes confuse REST with SOAP. Therefore, you should know that SOAP has a rigid set of patterns compared to REST.

What Is PUT Method?

If we want to update the available resource on the server, the PUT method can be helpful.

Typically, we can say that the PUT method replaces the target URL with something else.

We can use the PUT method to overwrite an existing resource or make a new resource. Some examples of PUT are listed below:

The request is given as under:

If the target resource is modified with the enclosed representation then there should be two responses from the server.

First response = 200(OK)

Second response = 204(No Content)

If there is no representation from the target resource, then the server should inform the user through a 201 (Created) code.

For example:

What Is POST Method?

If we want to send user-generated data to the web server, then the POST HTTP method is useful.

For example, if we upload a profile picture or comment on any forum, it will happen using the POST method.

An important thing to note is that we should use the POST method only when we don’t know the specific URL of your newly created resource.

Let’s suppose we created a forum thread. If the path of the thread is not specified, we can use the following:

This method will give us the URL path from the origin server and a response similar to:

In simple words, we can say that the POST method helps to create subordinates. The request URI identifies the subordinates or child resources.

valid resource uri & identical post requests

How To Explain PUT Vs POST In REST APIs?

The differences between these two methods are often asked in REST API interview questions. Some of the key differences between the POST method and the PUT method requests are enlisted below:

  • PUT is an idempotent while POST is not an idempotent method.
  • The PUT method is used when we want to overwrite an existing resource or create a resource.
  • On the other hand, the POST method helps to create a subordinate resource under a collection of resources.
  • Syntax of the PUT method is:

while the syntax of the POST method is:

  • We can cache PUT method responses but not POST method responses.
  • PUT gives you the same results if we send the same request multiple times. On the other hand, the same POST request gives us different results each time.
  • PUT is specific while POST is abstract.
  • PUT uses the UPDATE query while POST uses CREATE query.
  • PUT lets us decide the resource URI while POST lets the server decide the URI of the resource.
single resource & new resource in HTTPs

What Are The Uses? PUT vs POST

If we talk about general case scenarios then we should use PUT every time when we want to update operations.

On the other hand, we should use POST when we want to create operations.

We also need to use PUT when we want to modify a part of resource collection. On the other hand, if want to add a child resource into resource collection then we should use POST.

PUT vs POST With Examples

Now if we take an example of networking and we need to use PUT and POST requests. Then we can code as under:



We can take another example of put and post that is linked with testing APIs. If we want to test APIs using put or post, we will do it as under:

Testing APIs with PUT:

  1. Update resources
  2. Use GET to retrieve data

Testing APIs with POST:

  1. Create resources. (make sure it gives status code 200)
  2. Use GET to save data.
  3. Adding tests. (It will ensure that the results fail in case of incorrect data).
new resources & two identical post requests

How To Use APILayer REST APIs To Improve Developer’s Productivity?

APILayer REST APIs are helpful in creating applications and improving developers’ productivity. We can use it in the following ways:

  • It helps to integrate more services and data into our apps and write less code from scratch.
  • We can add feature-rich programs to our apps. So we can launch applications quickly.
  • APILayer REST APIs help to meet users’ demands by quickly modifying them according to their needs. It is because developers can entirely remove a feature without consuming too much time.
  • Developers’ productivity increases due to less time consumption in getting a modified version of the app.
  • Lastly, developers can meet their standards for users’ expectations and app qualities.


What Is A PUT Request?

PUT request URI refers to creating a new resource or modifying the already existing resource.

What Is HTTPS Post?

It sends user-generated data to the server. For example, we can upload profile pictures or comment on any forum using a POST request.

How To Use Put?

You can use PUT through the following syntax:

What Is Post Method?

The POST method requests that the origin server accept a message in an enclosed entity. In simple words, it helps to create operations.

What Is A POST Request?

POST request helps to add a new subordinate to the resource identified by URI.

When you use post request multiple times, it will give you different results.

POST request identifies the resource that will accept the enclosed entity.

When To Use Get And Post In Rest API?

GET requests are helpful in retrieving data while POST helps to create data while designing APIs.

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