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Automated Background Removal with PicWish API

What is an API? (Beginner's Guide)

Background removal removes an undesired object from an image using image editing software. Sometimes you get the perfect photo, but an unwelcome interruption destroys your efforts.

There are services for removing background information, unwanted elements, and image backdrops that should be clipped out or removed. Are you a photographer, an online vendor, or the owner of an eCommerce business? Do you require a professional Background Remover to remove or change the image background?

We use the background removal service to chop out photos and eliminate distracting backgrounds. Also, ensure that your product image is compatible with e-commerce websites. You will frequently have a photograph with a beautiful subject, but need a better location.

Sometimes a fantastic photograph of a product is ruined by distracting scenery or things. In other circumstances, you must isolate your topic to use it more effectively in a digital photo composite! Here are a few use cases of the background removal service:

  • Logo
  • eCommerce
  • Marketing
  • Car Dealer
  • ID Photo
  • Individual needs

How Do We Remove the Image Background?

Background removal in Photoshop requires knockout backdrops and deep etch pictures. For the highest standard of service, we resort to clipping path and Photoshop image masking. You may remove the backdrop in Photoshop using clipping paths or masking tools. However, they pop in a variety of image formats. The process and outcome are distinct from what one may expect. The primary distinction lies in the techniques used to remove the image. Combining the two is sometimes necessary for a portrait or an online store’s product photograph. Clipping path services for photographs are challenging because of the ability to change the backdrop color to white or another color.

What We Do in Image Background Removal

Background removal services for photos are a service for removing the background of your image. It’s widespread for people to take pictures of their kids and then have them in front of a white or solid-colored background. These are great, but where do you put these pictures? It becomes tricky if you want to use them to create an album with friends and family, or if you want to spruce up the project with some fun text overlays. This is where a background removal service can come in handy. Background Removal Service is a photo background removal service website. 

Why Should You Use Our Background Removal Services?

Many photos are used on websites for product listings in the eCommerce shopping era. And they need to be changed.

This backdrop removal or knockout technique is in high demand. If you sell items on eBay, Amazon, Bogus, or Google Shopping, you must remove the photo background from your product photos, because these sites do not accept raw camera images. As a result, the submission of your product photograph for listing will be delayed. It might also be more professional.

PicWish – APILayer Platform

What is Background Removal Automation?

A service like PicWish, powered by AI, can be used to automate image background removal. PicWish is now available on the APILayer platform, and the APILayer platform has been giving a reliable and solid API marketplace for years. So you can go to APILayer.com and get a free subscription plan for the PicWish API!

background removal
PicWish Background Removal API

If you go to the PicWish API documentation page, you can see that PicWish API provides various customizations and parameters that we can alter based on our needs, like:

  • Output/return type
  • Crop
  • Format

APILayer platform provides its API Live Playground, where you can test APIs without leaving the browser. In addition to that, you can find various sample source codes for a quick start.

background removal
Remove Background Scenes via API

Moreover, check out these articles to learn more about automating various tasks using APIs:

Why Should You Choose PicWish API?

PicWish API enables the integration of the automatic background removal solution on any platform. With API Live Playground, you can quickstart the integration process and get results in seconds. Moreover, with the free subscription plan, you will have 30 free requests monthly and for a lifetime. Head to the APILayer platform and get your free API access key for PicWish.

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