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Automating Currency Exchange Rate Updates with exchangeratesapi.io

Automating Currency Exchange Rate Updates with exchangeratesapi.io

Real-time currency exchange rate data is crucial for different types of businesses, such as those involved in international trade. These rates directly affect various financial business activities and decisions. For example, companies selling products or services internationally need to set reasonable prices that reflect accurate exchange rates to remain competitive and profitable. Thus, accurate real-time exchange rates help companies make informed decisions, manage risks, and operate more efficiently. Automating currency exchange rate updates further enhances business efficiency.

With automated systems, businesses can access accurate currency exchange rates in real-time. This eliminates delays and manual errors. Automation also ensures continuous monitoring and updating of data.

In this detailed guide, we’ll show you how to use exchangeratesapi.io API to automate currency exchange rate updates. We’ll cover both basic and advanced usage of the API to automate the process.

Understanding exchangeratesapi.io

What is exchangeratesapi.io?

exchangeratesapi.io homepage

exchangeratesapi.io is a reliable exchange rates API that developers can integrate into their apps to get highly accurate real-time, intraday, and historical currency rates. The REST API provides data in lightweight and easily understandable JSON format.

Here are the prominent characteristics and features of the exchangeratesapi.io API:

  • exchangeratesapi.io is integrated with a number of highly reputable foreign exchange rate sources. This allows the API to deliver real-time, accurate and reliable currency exchange rate data.
  • The currency exchange API is capable of updating real-time data as often as every 60 seconds, depending on your subscription plan.
  • The API supports 200+ worldwide currencies.
  • exchangeratesapi.io is powered by a robust, scalable infrastructure. This enables the API to handle thousands of requests per second without compromising performance.
  • The exchange rate API also supports historical exchange rates all the way back to 1999.
  • Exchangerates.io offers 256-bit SSL encryption for all API requests if you’re using a paid subscription plan. This significantly enhances the API security.
  • Exchangerates.io also has a separate endpoint for currency conversion. You can use this endpoint to convert any amount from one base currency to another.
  • With the exchangerates.io’s timeseries endpoint, you can get daily historical rates between two dates of your choice,
  • The API has detailed documentation containing all the details regarding the API usage, endpoints, and parameters. You’ll also find various coding examples in the documentation.
  • Exchangerates.io offers a completely free plan that supports 250 monthly API calls, hourly updates, and historical data. To get more advanced features, such as real-time updates every 60 seconds, you can subscribe to a paid subscription plan.

How the API Works

To use the exchangerates.io currency exchange rate API, you first need to get your API key. To do so, go to the official exchangerates.io API website and sign up to create an account. Once you’ve successfully created an account, you’ll find your unique API key in your dashboard.

You can then use this API key to make API requests. Here is the base API URL:

Below is an example of how to authenticate the API with the access_key parameter (here, we’ve used the latest endpoint):

Using different API endpoints

Latest rates endpoint

With this endpoint, you can get accurate real-time exchange rates. These rates can be updated every 60 minutes, 10 minutes, or 60 seconds, depending on your subscription plan. You can also specify your desired base currency and target currency/multiple currencies.

(The default currency is EUR/Euro)

Example API request:

Sample JSON response:

automating currency exchange rate updates: example exchangerates.io API response

Historical rates endpoint

You can get historical/dated exchange rates by appending a date of your choice (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL.

Example API request:

Example response:

example exchangerates.io API response for historical currency rates

Setting Up Your Development Environment


  • API Key: As discussed in the previous section, you need to sign up at exchangeratesapi.io to get your API key.
  • Programming Language: Basic knowledge of a programming language, such as JavaScript and Python.
  • HTTP Client: Familiarity with making HTTP requests, such as using fetch in JavaScript or requests in Python.
  • Scheduler: Knowledge of scheduling tasks, such as cron jobs, Windows Task Scheduler, or language-specific schedulers like cron in Python. We’ll need this to automatically update exchange rates.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): We’ll use an IDE like Visual Studio Code to write our code. VS code provides various helpful features that enhance the development experience. These include an advanced code editor with syntax highlighting, code completion, integrated debugging, and more. You can download VS code here.
  • PyCharm: You can also use PyCharm instead of VS code. PyCharm is an IDE specifically designed for Python development. It offers a variety of features to streamline and enhance the coding process for Python developers. You can download PyCharm here.
  • Libraries: In this guide, we’ll use Python to automate currency exchange rate updates through the exchangeratesapi.io API. We’ll need the following libraries: requests, schedule, pandas. Here is how you can install these libraries:

Creating a Simple Project

  • Open your IDE, such as VS Code.
  • Create a new directory for your project:
  • Initialize a new project:

Automating Currency Exchange Rate Updates: Basics

Making API Requests

Here is an example code for initializing a basic project setup and making API requests:

In the above code, we’ve:

  • Imported the requests library, which allows us to make HTTP requests, such as an outbound http get request.
  • Declared API_KEY and BASE_URL. You need to replace ‘your_api_key_here’ with your actual exchangeratesapi.io API key. The base URL of the API endpoint will allow us to fetch the latest exchange rates.
  • Defined functions to get exchange rates. For example, the get_exchange_rates() function will make the API request and handle the response.
  • Used multiple if/else conditions in the main block to retrieve the latest exchange rates and print them out or display an error message if the request fails.

Scheduling Regular Updates

We’ll need to schedule regular updates to update exchange rates automatically. To do so, we can use cron jobs or scheduled tasks.

Here is an example code to schedule triggered flow or regular updates:

The above code automatically fetches the latest currency exchange rates from the exchangeratesapi.io API every day at a specified time (10:00 AM) and prints the data.

Note: we’ve extended the code in the previous section to schedule regular updates.

Here is how the code works:

  • Imported schedule and time libraries. Schedule is a simple library for scheduling tasks. The time library provides various time-related functions. Here, we’ve used it to pause the execution of the script.
  • schedule.every().day.at(“10:00”) schedules the task to run every day at 10:00 AM.
  • .do(get_exchange_rates) specifies the task to be run at the scheduled time, which is the get_exchange_rates function.
  • while True defines an infinite loop to keep the script running.
  • schedule.run_pending() checks if a scheduled task is pending and runs it if the time matches.
  • time.sleep(1) pauses the loop for 1 second to prevent it from running continuously. This is to ensure it isn’t consuming too much CPU resources.

Advanced Features and Optimization

Handling Large Data Sets

Handling Large Data Sets

Here are some effective techniques to manage and display large volumes of exchange rate data efficiently:

  • Implement pagination to fetch data in smaller chunks instead of loading all data into memory at once. You can use a library like Pandas for efficient data loading and manipulation with built-in support for pagination.
  • Process data as it arrives instead of storing it entirely in memory.
  • Store record data or large datasets in a database and use SQL queries to retrieve specific subsets of data.
  • Use database indexing to retrieve and aggregate data faster.
  • Using data structures like numpy arrays to optimize memory usage.
  • Implement caching for large data sets.

Here is an example code for paginating and caching data:

Real-time Data Updates

We can implement real-time updates using WebSockets or periodic polling.

Here is an example Python code for periodic polling:

Customizing Data Retrieval

Customizing data retrieval is crucial when working on automation projects like currency exchange rate updates. It allows you to customize data fetching to specific business requirements.

Here are a few tips for effectively customizing data retrieval:

  • Clearly define your business requirements.
  • APIs usually support query parameters. Thus, it’s best to parameterize your requests to fetch data based on specific criteria.
  • Use parameters to filter data based on specific criteria such as currencies, dates, or values.
  • Implement server-side filtering for web apps to minimize data transfer and improve performance.
  • Use parameters to specify sorting criteria for retrieved data.
  • Implement client-side sorting for small datasets. Or you can implement server-side sorting for large datasets to optimize performance.
  • Implement error handling to manage API errors or invalid requests.

Integrating Advanced Features

Historical Data Analysis

automating currency exchange rate updates: a graphic for historical data visualization and analysis

For historical data analysis, we first need to retrieve historical exchange rate data using exchangeratesapi.io. We need to specify a date range and our desired currencies.

Once you have retrieved historical exchange rate data, you can analyze it to understand trends and patterns. Here’s a basic example using pandas for data manipulation and Matplotlib for visualization:

User Authentication and Access Control

User authentication and access control are crucial elements of any app that manages sensitive data. Authentication ensures that only authorized users are accessing the resources or functionalities within an app. Thus, it protects sensitive data from unauthorized access and reduces the risks of data breaches.

Access control allows us to restrict access based on users’ authenticated identity and assigned permissions. This prevents unauthorized users from viewing, modifying, or deleting sensitive data. For example, you can implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). It allows us to assign permissions based on user roles, such as admin or user.

Performance Optimization Best Practices

automating currency exchange rate updates: a graphic for performance optimization

  • Batch multiple API requests together to reduce overhead and network latency.
  • Cache API responses to store frequently accessed data. This helps avoid redundant API calls.
  • Utilize webhooks if supported by the API to receive real-time updates instead of polling at fixed intervals. This also reduces unnecessary requests.
  • Aggregate data locally when possible instead of making API requests repeatedly for the same data set.
  • Use asynchronous programming techniques, such as asyncio in Python, to handle multiple API requests concurrently.


Mastering API integration is crucial for automating currency exchange rate updates. It allows automation of data retrieval, enabling businesses to get reliable information in a timely manner. In this detailed guide, we’ve provided:

  • A basic understanding of how to use and set up the exchangeratesapi.io API.
  • Detailed steps with coding examples for automating currency exchange rate updates.
  • Tips for handling advanced features, such as large datasets, real-time updates, visualization of historical currency data, and customizing data retrieval.


How do I start automating currency exchange rate updates with exchangeratesapi.io?

Begin by setting up your development environment and obtaining an API key from exchangeratesapi.io. Follow the guide for basic and advanced implementation steps.

What are the best practices for integrating the exchangeratesapi.io API?

Best practices include proper data handling, real-time updates, performance optimization, and secure authentication.

How can I handle large volumes of exchange rate data efficiently?

Implement techniques such as data pagination, caching, and visualization libraries to manage and display large data sets efficiently.

What kind of support is available for developers using exchangeratesapi.io?

Exchangeratesapi.io provides comprehensive documentation, community forums, and support channels for developers.

Sign up for exchangeratesapi.io today and automate currency exchange rate updates with ease!

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