
How to Easily Implement "Did You Mean This" in Your App?

Data accuracy and correction are issues of fundamental importance in the field of information technologies today. Accurate and reliable data helps businesses determine the right direction in their decision-making processes and move toward their goals more effectively. In particular, the accuracy of text data plays a critical role in ensuring semantic integrity in communication. Therefore, tools…
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Typos - What Is a Typo?

Ever noticed a spelling mistake on a website? Those are typos, and they can be a big deal. In this blog, we’ll talk about typos—what they are, why they happen, and why they’re important. Typos are simple mistakes in writing, like typing “hte&#8221…

API Examples, Uses, and Challenges of a REST API

REST APIs have become integral to modern software development in today’s interconnected world. REST, representing Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style that provides a standardized way for systems to interact over the Internet. In this blog, we will explore the concept of REST APIs, their workings, and the significance they hold in the realm of web development. We will…
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What Is Syntax in Programming?

Much like how every human language has its own set of rules for grammar and vocabulary, every programming language has its own set of rules and structure that define how we use the language. That’s what basically a syntax is. And just like proper grammar and vocabulary are…

Flight API Comparison: Aviationstack Vs. FlightAPI

One of the greatest applications of API technology is the manner in which it has made timely and accurate flight API surveillance data available to so many industries and even individuals. Whether you are in the logistics or aviation industries or even involved in predictive data analysis, with the advent of the flight data API, you are spoiled for choice. If you are looking to integrate…
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The Top 10 Website Examples Using IP Geolocator

Geographic location data has gained increasing importance recently with the rapid advancement of technology. With the widespread use of the Internet and the proliferation of mobile devices, accessing and using users’ geolocation information has become critical for many…

Tackling Business Frauds with Reverse Phone Lookup API

Businesses have used various marketing strategies over the last decade. One such marketing technique is SMS marketing, which is quite a popular technique in the industry. SMS marketing companies collect potential clients’ mobile phone numbers through email or text-to-win competitions. The customer is then notified via text message of new and updated offers or promotions. Therefore, ensuring that…
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