Stateful vs Stateless: Understanding The Key Differences

Have you ever thought about how information travels on the internet through API products? It’s all thanks to protocols, which are like rules that guide data on the web. In this blog, we’ll look at two types: stateful and stateless. Stateful protocols include remembering details of your interactions with the server, like keeping track of a conversation. Stateless protocols treat each…
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10 Tools to Learn AI with Python

With technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) has been on the rise across numerous industries. Several organizations are hopping into this trend and actively investing in this domain. The demand for AI is especially spreading exponentially for analyzing and…

Query Parameters – What Are Query Parameters?

In this article, we’ll provide a thorough understanding of query parameters with examples. What is a Query Parameter? A query parameter is a set of parameters (key-value pair) appended to the end of a URL.  They’re URL extensions that provide additional information to a server when making requests. In other words, query parameters let us define customized content or actions based on the…
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A Guide to HTTP Status Codes: Rest API Response Code

Encountering an “unspecified” error during development is like hitting a snag with no clue how to fix it. These errors are cryptic messages that leave developers and users scratching their heads. So, when building an application, it is important to clear the error messages using the correct Rest API response codes.  This blog post explores the importance of specifying errors and how…
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Detect Objects From Video | Top 5 APIs to Know

Have you ever wondered how your phone knows who’s in your photos? Or how does social media suggest tags for your posts through object detection? It’s all thanks to image recognition and artificial intelligence, which are changing how we interact with technology.

API to Excel Integration: How to Achieve it in 2024?

Have you ever wanted to make Excel work with web APIs to manage data better? Integrating an API to Excel can help you update real-time data, automate tasks, and analyze data more effectively. But figuring out how to do it can be tricky. This blog will show you how to connect API to Excel using Power Query. We’ll also talk about other methods like Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and…
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