
How to Use the ScreenshotLayer and PDFLayer APIs to Create a Web Page Archiver

In today’s digital age, preserving web pages is critical for a variety of reasons, including compliance, research, and record-keeping. The ScreenshotLayer and PDFLayer APIs make it easier to build a powerful web page archiver. This post will walk you through the steps required to develop a web page archiver and demonstrate the capabilities of these two APIs in our API…
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Automated Social Media Monitoring ChatGPT App With Keyword Extraction, Sentiment Analysis API

We say we live in an era where data is the new oil, but we have limited power over this massive body of data. Moreover, this data, most of the time, stays as raw data without making something useful out of it. Businesses are continuously seeking new tools to extract practical insights from the vast sea of unstructured data available on the internet. One of the substantial sources of this data is…
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API Testing Tutorial: What Is API Automation Testing?

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) consists of the stages of software development processes. One of these stages is the testing stage. The testing stage is important between the software development process and the transition to the production environment. Today, many…

ChatGPT API vs. Davinci: Which AI API is Right for You?

It’s possible that you’ve been informed about the recent announcement that OpenAI has released the ChatGPT API. If you are currently using the Davinchi-003 API, you might be considering whether it’s the right time to make the switch. Additionally, there has been speculation circulating that the release of GPT-4 is imminent. GPT-3.5- Turbo and ChatGPT API Models In case…
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How To Scrape Review From Amazon And Google

Managing all the reviews online and maintaining the reputation is one of the essential processes for keeping your service or product up-to-date. Since we have dozens of different reviewing websites and services, it takes time to catch up with what is going on. For example…

Use APILayer’s APIs to Analyze your favorite Spotify tracks

To help you get started with the APIs offered by APILayer, we’ve compiled the necessary Python code for analyzing Spotify tracks and retrieving recommendations tailored to your country of residence. How do I find out the Spotify track ID? Spotify track IDs can be found by right-clicking on the track in the Spotify app and selecting “Share”, “Copy Song Link”. The…
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