
ChatGPT: The Swiss Army Knife of AI? Unleashing Its True Potential through APILayer API Integration

ChatGPT is fast becoming the people’s go-to API.  According to Reuters, ChatGPT has reached 100 million monthly active users in January 2023, just two months after its launch. This is also confirmed by The Guardian. In addition, ChatGPT received an average of 13 million unique visitors per day in January 2023, more than double the daily number in December 2022. You’ve heard ChatGPT…
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API Testing Tutorial: What Is API Automation Testing?

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) consists of the stages of software development processes. One of these stages is the testing stage. The testing stage is important between the software development process and the transition to the production environment. Today, many tests of applications developed by software teams, such as UI testing, API automation testing, and more, are performed at this…
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How To Scrape Review From Amazon And Google

Managing all the reviews online and maintaining the reputation is one of the essential processes for keeping your service or product up-to-date. Since we have dozens of different reviewing websites and services, it takes time to catch up with what is going on. For example…

Accelerating Vehicle Information Gathering with API Automation

A vehicle data API is an application programming interface that allows developers to access and use various types of vehicle information, including vehicle characteristics like make, model, and year, as well as technical specifications like performance and fuel efficiency. Moreover, by using a vehicle data API, developers can create applications that use real-time data about vehicles, such as…
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Perfect Way to Automate Natural Language Processing - NLP API

With the current speed of data, it is not easy to load, analyze and transform the data. For instance, analyzing text for cyberbullying, hate speech, sexual harassment, and suicidal behavior is critical. Furthermore, if we can determine the topic of the text or entities, sentiment, and more with dozens of language support – we will be able to clean up the content and understand it quickly. To…
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