APIGenerative AI

Mastering ChatGPT Plugins & Custom GPTs

Your Comprehensive Guide to Designing a ChatGPT App with ChatGPT Plugins How can I create a Plugin for ChatGPT? If you are an avid chat openai api user and were searching for best chat gpt plugins, you may have discovered from openai chatgpt plugins website that creating a Plugin for ChatGPT is no longer possible. OpenAI has shifted its focus from Plugins to enabling developers to create…
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Generative AI

The Most Powerful Crypto Trading Bot

How to Comply with California’s Bot Disclosure Law Based on several conversation snippets, we assess that some crypto mixers are involved. There is a missing link between when money is scammed from the Mammoth and the payout to the Neanderthals, which is usually in…
Generative AI

10 Best Sales Chatbots to Boost Your Revenue in 2024

Automated Chatbot for Sales & Marketing Drift Automation Regardless of your industry, chatbot marketing is poised to make a massive impact on what matters most — revenue. Menus, pricing, orders, reservations, hours of operation…there’s a lot that stands to be streamlined by using chatbot marketing. Real estate agents have a large suite of tools at their disposal with the real estate…
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