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CoinLayer vs. CoinAPI: Which is the best API?

CoinLayer vs. CoinAPI:

When creating a financial app or platform that includes cryptocurrency services, the ability to track and analyze data from crypto exchanges can be precious for both your business and your customers. But what is your best option for getting that information?

What Is a Cryptocurrency API?

A Cryptocurrency API allows your software or site to retrieve data from cryptocurrency exchanges and provide tools to analyze that data. As a result, they enable developers to include real-time tracking of crypto market data in their websites and services. A great API to pair with a crypto API is a currency conversion API.

CoinLayer vs CoinAPI

Here we will compare the two crypto API against the following criteria: Functionality, currencies supported, reliability, wallet integration, tech support and, finally, pricing


Both APIs in this comparison have similar functionality but where they differ is in the number of exchanges they access and the historical information they provide.


Coinlayer can retrieve market data from more than 25 crypto exchanges., selected for their reliability to ensure accurate and up-to-date data at all times. Coinlayer users can also analyze market data going all the way back to 2011.


CoinAPI retrieves market data from 336 exchanges and provides access to historical market data, though not as far back as Coinlayer.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

Here we will compare the number of currencies each API supports.


Instantly retrieve up-to-date crypto exchange rate data for more than 385 cryptocurrencies, collected from 25+ exchanges. All of the most popular cryptocurrencies are here such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.


CoinAPI supports more than 12,000 currencies, which includes fiat currencies as well as crypto.

Reliability and Responsiveness

Reliability and responsiveness are indicators of each APIs call latency in milliseconds and uptime percentages.


Coinlayer can respond to API calls in less than 20 milliseconds. Its market data is updated every 60 seconds. The API has an average uptime of 99.7% over the last 90 days.


CoinAPI uptime is not publicly available. However, CoinAPI estimates average response times at around 20 milliseconds, depending on location.

Wallet Integration

Neither API has native support for wallet integration. However, Coinlayer offers clearer and more complete API documentation, with comprehensive integration guides, making it easier to create an integration for the wallet of your choice.

Tech Support

Tech Support takes to account the number of support channels each API gives you access to.


Coinlayer provides limited support to free users and premium support to all paid packages. In addition, enterprise customers get a dedicated support line.


CoinAPI provides basic email support only to non-Enterprise customers and no support to free users.


Here we compare each APIs pricing plans.


Coinlayer has 3 fixed-price packages and a scalable option for enterprises:

  • Basic: $9.99 per month for 5,000 API calls
  • Professional: $39.99 per month for 30,000 API calls
  • Professional Plus: $79.99 per month for 100,000 API calls


CoinAPI also offers 3 paid packages as well as a flexible option for enterprises:

  • Startup: $79 per month for 30,000 API calls
  • Streamer: $249 per month for 300,000 API calls
  • Professional: $599 per month for 3 million API calls

Overall Rating


Taking all the above criteria into account, we compare and contrast each APIs pros and cons and assign a final star rating.



  • Lower cost per API request
  • Better support for non-Enterprise customers
  • No daily limits on API calls


  • Fewer currencies and exchanges

Overall rating: 5 stars out of 5

Rating: 5 out of 5.



  • Many more exchanges and currencies supported, including fiat currencies


  • Unclear documentation
  • Daily request limits
  • No support for free users

Overall rating: 3 stars out of 5

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Which crypto API is better?

The availability of full support to all paying customers is an important factor to consider for any API, especially for smaller businesses. Coinlayer is much more suitable for smaller businesses in general, offering a more flexible range of packages for businesses of different sizes. Furthermore, the real value of an API is what you can do with it yourself. Coinlayer provides clearer and more complete documentation, making the API more straightforward to integrate into your site or app.

CoinAPI certainly has more currencies, but the cryptocurrency world is full of currencies that don’t stand the test of time. So, unless supporting these short-lived meme coins are part of your design goal, the 12,000+ currencies may not be of value to you.

Empower your users with accurate market data from the biggest crypto exchanges to track and manage their investments in the most important cryptocurrencies on the market.

Get the fastest market updates available with Coinlayer Professional Plus, or test the API’s capability with permanent free access.

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