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Common Mistakes Of Address Validation API

Common Mistakes Of Address Validation API

You may eliminate fake IDs by using an email address validation API. This assists you in maintaining a clean database with valid email addresses. This means you will always have a record with accurate contact information. You may approach real clients, close significant deals, and expand your firm with that precise information. This, however, is more challenging than it seems. For the smooth performance of email validation, a few common mistakes need to be taken care of.

In this article, we will be looking at some common mistakes made while using address validation API.

What is the Importance of Mailboxlayer?

address validation api

Mailboxlayer is the greatest email address validation API. It removes fraudulent and outdated email IDs from your mailing list. Powerful technologies are used, for example, syntax, typo, and SMTP checking. In addition, Mailboxlayer may also detect free email address providers. Overall, Mailboxlayer includes all of the capabilities you’ll need to maintain your mailing list free of invalid email addresses. To find out further about Email Address Validation, check this out.

What are the Most Common Address Validation API Mistakes?


Do Email APIs have real-time address verification?

Email addresses entered into registration forms, for example, are verified by APIs for validity. This requires verification without delay, but unfortunately, most address verification APIs do not offer quick real-time email verification.

The Mailboxlayer API verifies email addresses by scanning for MX-Records and using the Simple Mail Transfer Technique (SMTP). It is the standard protocol for sending and receiving emails over the internet.

The real-time email verification procedure begins as the system assesses it. First, check whether the requested domain is configured to accept the email. The API’s mx _found result object will alert you if MX-Records for the supplied field are discovered.

Through SMTP, the supplied email address’s mail server is contacted. The conversation is crucial in establishing legitimacy. Users can also use the bulk email tool to request email checks for multiple addresses. Add a list of comma-separated email addresses to the API’s basic URL. The API return will contain several objects for each email address.

// set endpoint and your access key
var access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY';
var email_address1 = '[email protected]';
var email_address2= '[email protected]';

// verify email address via AJAX call
url: 'http://apilayer.net/api/check?access_key=' + access_key + '&email=' + email_address1 + ', 'email_address2,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {


If you want to learn more about different use cases for an email validation API, read our post on how to obtain more results from your email address validation API.

Is it possible for code inconsistency to affect an API’s performance?

Of course, it is possible! Consistent and well-written code is easy to comprehend and interpret. Inconsistent code is challenging to understand and may be frustrating in the long run. Moreover, the writing style of the code determines the time it takes to learn its capabilities. Naming conventions illustrate how keeping to a consistent format may make coding more straightforward and understandable.

Instead of continually hunting up documentation or other resources, Mailboxlayer allows users to reuse endpoints and save time quickly. In addition, every user will benefit from a uniform design and style across your whole API.

Do email APIs return proper error codes?

Most address verification APIs do not return proper error messages. A poor API error message may cause frustration and result in many service complaints and lost time.

The Mailboxlayer API  will return a three-digit error code, an internal error type, and a plain text “info” object with user recommendations if the request is unsuccessful. Below is an example of an error code shown by Mailboxlayer. When the user did not provide any email address to be validated, the following error was shown:

"success": false,
"error": {
"code": 210,
"type": "no_email_address_supplied",
"info": "Please specify an email address. [Example: [email protected]]"

With the provided information, the code can is checked with the code description to make it easier to debug. The Code: 210 means “no_email_address_supplied,” and the explanation following it is “User did not provide an email address.” Check out the table with the codes and error descriptions listed for further code information. 

How can API documentation ensure the success of an API?

A decent API is meaningless if no one knows how to use it. So ensure your API launches successfully. This should include code snippets in popular programming languages like JavaScript. Good documentation can help you keep structured, lowering your chances of mistakes.

Mailboxlayer documentation is quite simple and easy to understand; hence, it enables users to understand it easily. 

Do APIs validate data before sending it out?

Validating incoming data before moving on to the next step is critical since it might endanger the project if done incorrectly. Some things appear easy, but a flaw can always be identified. For your database, input validation is crucial. Some values must adhere to a specific format as obligatory fields, for example, cannot be left blank. Such as containing at least one special character, etc. Make sure your data is correct before emailing it!

What is Data Oversharing?

Another typical error made by API developers is exposing too much data to end-users. While this may appear to be a smart idea at first, it might lead to significant issues. As the API grows in popularity, a wide range of customers from various sectors have to give access.

Mailboxlayer makes sure that each client has its rights rather than sharing all resources with everyone in such circumstances. 

How can scalability issues affect an APIs execution?

Developers must be confident that their APIs will be viable in all circumstances, from tiny to large-scale applications. This implies prioritizing simplicity of access and use over anything else. If a company’s API is challenging to deal with, a developer is not expected to stay for long.

Mailboxlayer efficiently caters to this problem. It has focused on building a scalable infrastructure from the beginning. As a result, the API can flawlessly manage a wide range of requests and offer access to resources with little downtime.

Does Mailboxlayer Deal with the Common Problems?

address validation api

Mailboxlayer includes all of the tools you’ll need to authenticate the email addresses in your database correctly. It makes it simple to verify email addresses. It is solid and quick, taking only a blink of an eye to complete the verification. Mailboxlayer is also safe, with 256-bit HTTPS encryption protecting your database from any security concerns. It’s also simple to use and low cost. Consequently, Mailboxlayer is widely regarded as the greatest online email checker API. 

So. without a doubt, we can say that Mailboxlayer is the best email validation API among other available APIs in the market. Try out Mailboxlayer today!

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