Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


How To Scrape Review From Amazon And Google

scrape review

Managing all the reviews online and maintaining the reputation is one of the essential processes for keeping your service or product up-to-date. Since we have dozens of different reviewing websites and services, it takes time to catch up with what is going on. For example, not all people send emails to support to complain; they open any reviewing service and complain about your service. You must maintain the reviews and connect with people to catch up with all of these. But there is another way to automate reviews and learn about them in one dashboard – so that you won’t need any data-gathering process. This can be done with review scraping services. Moreover, these services provide APIs where you can quickly integrate the review scraping into your system. So, you will learn how to scrape reviews from various services in this tutorial.

How Does a Review Scaping Process Go?

Review Scraping is running a task that does the job, like reviewing websites and gathering reviews related to your company or product.  

Scraping review data from different platforms is a challenging task. It’s always challenging for developers to develop a system to scrape review data. Also, if we try it manually, it’s very time-consuming. It involves adding several data sources, adapting to markup changes, and managing proxy networks.

If you think about where to start? Read the remaining article, and also you will build your first review scraping application with our free review scraping API!

Scrape Review API
Review API

Does the Review API Scrape from the Platforms I Want?

Do not worry! Use our free Review API to scrape structured and normalized JSON review data from 10+ review platforms to build your apps or custom reports.

What are the Use Cases of a Review API?

We talked about it earlier, and if you love coding, you can pick up this API and build your review scraping service with more functionality. 

Many people need data, and if you can gather data and transform it into heat maps and create statistical charts, you will earn great money without a problem or develop your first software as a service product!

How to Scrape Review Using the Review API?

Review API uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new API key at our developer portal. The /status route returns the number of left credits. First, you should get your free API access key for the Review API to make API requests to the server. 

Review API looks for the API key in a header like the following. This is the recommended way of authentication.

scrape review
Review API Access Key

However, you may also pass your API key as a request parameter.

scrape review
Passing API Access Key

Moreover, we have several samples written in popular programming languages that you can find on the documentation page. The below Python example will retrieve the most recent 15 TripAdvisor reviews for a particular restaurant.

How to Scrape Review from Capterra via Review API?

Let’s learn how to scrape Capterra reviews using this unique Review API. To scrape reviews from Capterra, you should provide the URL of the page you want to scrape. For instance, 

This is the code we are using to scrape reviews and a sample response:

How to Integrate Review API into Delphi Application?

Integrating any RESTful service in Delphi is quick and simple compared to any other technology. First, you should get Delphi Community Edition and create a new multi-device application, which provides you with the ability to target five different platforms using a single codebase.

Integrate Review API into Delphi Application with Delphi Community Edition
Delphi Community Edition

Then open the REST Debugger from the menu and provide the endpoint URL to connect. After a successful connection, you can click the Copy Components button. This function creates pre-configured REST client components, so we can put them on the form and easily send requests to the endpoint.

REST Debugger for C++ and Delphi Developers
Delphi IDE – Integrating Review API

Furthermore, if we want more customization for our requests, we can write a few lines of code:

So, this is the final result of our application that uses Review API to scrape Capterra reviews.

You can find the complete source code from this repository. Moreover, check out these tutorials where you can learn how to automate various business tasks using our powerful API powered by APILayer!

Why Should You Use Review API?

Review API is a comprehensive service that can scrape data from various sources at high speed. Moreover, you can find compelling subscription options, and with a free subscription plan, you can test out how the services work.

Head over, get your free API access key, and manage your online reputation!

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