Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Are Your AI-Powered Applications Safe? Make Sure You Don't Fall Victim To Offensive Content

Embarking on a project that leverages any of the available AI-based APIs presents an exciting frontier for developers. The power to create, innovate, and bring ideas to life through AI is truly thrilling. However, this journey is not without its challenges, especially when it comes to managing AI-powered applications. One particular concern is the inadvertent generation of offensive or…
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The 5 Types of API Marketplaces

An API (Application Programming Interface) allows two software applications or systems to communicate and interact with each other. It basically enables an app to access and use existing data and functionality of another app. However, beyond being an intermediary between two…

Unleash the Power of the Top 7 Most Popular APIs

APIs or application programming interfaces allow interaction between two applications and software, enabling them to send and receive data. Thanks to their various benefits, they are becoming increasingly common in today’s fast-paced software development world. APIs speed up web development by enabling developers to leverage existing data and functionality. Hence, they facilitate the rapid…
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How to Perform API Testing With Postman

Today, the tolerance of errors in software applications is quite low. When most of the users encounter an error while using an application, the rate of reusing that application gradually decreases. Errors undermine users’ trust in applications. For this reason, APIs…

What Is API Integration? A Comprehensive Guide

If you’ve ever invested in stocks or into trading, you would have an idea of how important real-time data is. One minute you’re rich, and the next minute, you’re gone broke if your data is not updated. This applies not only to trading. Let’s say you’re an employee…

API Development: What Are the Best Practices?

An API (Application Programming Interface) enables two software or apps to communicate or talk to each other. Developers worldwide utilize APIs to accelerate app development using existing data and functionality. For instance, many developers utilize the Facebook Graph API to access specific data and functionality from the Facebook Platform. Similarly, a weather app uses a weather API to quickly…
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API Integration: How to Import Data From API to Google Sheets

In today’s data-driven world, businesses and individuals rely heavily on accurate and up-to-date information for making informed decisions. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are crucial in accessing and integrating data from various sources into different…

API Development | A Complete Guide for Beginnners

Imagine this: you’re building a mobile app that needs to fetch real-time weather data, process payments securely, or leverage the power of machine learning algorithms. Instead of reinventing the wheel and painstakingly developing each of these functionalities from scratch, APIs provide a gateway to access these services. Therefore, you must know how to develop API. This blog is all about API…
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