Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Currencies - What are Currencies?

What do you mean by currencies? Currencies are a kind of payment that can buy and sell products and services.  It is usually in paper or coins, authorized by a government, and widely accepted as a means of payment at face value.  Currency plays a crucial function in the foreign exchange market and the realm of international finance by acting as a means of exchange in…
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Bounce Rate - What is Bounce Rate?

What is the Bounce Rate? It is the calculation of website visitors who exit a web page without action.  Examples include clicking a link, completing a form, or purchasing something. Also, you can determine how many sessions resulted in the user only coming to the…

Autonomous System Number (ASN)

What is an Autonomous System Number (ASN)? To understand what an ASN is or is used, we must first discuss autonomous systems (AS).  An AS comprises large network groups within the Internet, generally operated by one major entity, such as internet service providers…

API Security - What is API Security?

What is API security? Application Programming Interface (API) is a mechanism through which software applications can interact with each other.  APIs are considered fundamental in most modern software systems, such as microservices structures.  These APIs can come under attack, and API security is used to protect them.  Unfortunately, APIs are becoming the prime targets of…
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Api Key - What is API Key?

What is Api Key? An application programming interface (API) defines the contract enabling two parties to communicate to transmit data by creating a communication channel.  An API key is a unique code used to identify the legitimacy of an application or a project that…

API Endpoints – What Are API Endpoints?

What Are API Endpoints? An API endpoint is a digital address where an API receives requests concerning a certain resource on its server.  An endpoint in an API is often a unified resource locator (URL) that specifies where a resource on the server can be…

API Access - What is API Access?

What is API Access and the Basics? If you’re a developer or just a regular fan of tech news and blogs, you’ve probably heard of APIs and how important they are in the software development world.  APIs are tools that allow applications and web systems to communicate with one another, and without APIs, modern programming is complicated to imagine.  Although APIs are…
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Application Programming Interface (API)

What is Application Programming Interface (API)? API is a collection of programming code that allows data to be transferred between software products. API sends a user’s response to a system and then returns the system’s response to the client.  While…

How To Get More Results Out Of Your Email Address Validation API

The internet has opened the possibilities of communication like never before. After all, easy communication is a crucial factor in making phenomena like remote working and social media possible. However, it hasn’t always been this way, and communication over the internet has steadily evolved. It all started with one of the most basic forms of electronic communication – email. To…
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