What Is Open API? Pros, Cons, and Examples

In recent years, Open API has become a buzzword in the tech industry, and for good reason. Answering the question ‘What is Open API?’, Open API, also known as RESTful API, is a type of application programming interface that enables developers to access and interact with the functionalities of an application or service over the Internet. With its emphasis on interoperability and…
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Cloud Storage API | Top 5 Picks for Developers in 2024

Ever thought about how to keep your data safe and accessible online? Cloud storage API is the answer. It’s like having a virtual space where you can store all your photos, videos, and files securely. Understanding cloud storage is key for anyone who wants to make the…

Python Currency Converter: Creating a Currency Conversion API-Based Web App

Currency conversion is a crucial aspect of international trade and foreign transactions.  Thus, foreign investors and businesses frequently use currency converter apps to get accurate real-time exchange rates. Travellers also need currency conversion data to get the best exchange rate data. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a Python currency converter app using a currency…
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API Development: What Are the Best Practices?

An API (Application Programming Interface) enables two software or apps to communicate or talk to each other. Developers worldwide utilize APIs to accelerate app development using existing data and functionality. For instance, many developers utilize the Facebook Graph API to access specific data and functionality from the Facebook Platform. Similarly, a weather app uses a weather API to quickly…
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What Is Scaffolding In An API?

Software development is a time-consuming process that involves several complex tasks. For example, if you’re developing a web app, you need to build the front end, perform several tests related to the app’s functionality, performance, usability, security…

CRUD Operations – What is CRUD?

In the world of computer programming and software development, CRUD is a very important term. Without CRUD operations, it’s difficult for software developers to get things done in database applications. But what is CRUD? The acronym CRUD stands for create, read, update and delete. These operations are necessary to interact with database applications. In addition, CRUD operations are also an…
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