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Turbocharge Your Geocoding Solutions With Powerful API Automation

Easily Integrate Geocoding REST API In Your Application

Geocoding is a complex and powerful process that has enabled the execution of disruptive and innovative ideas that are leading the world of technology. Google Maps offers geocoding services to delegate the location tracking system throughout the world. 

Geocoding is a complicated and computationally-expensive process. Not every company can afford to set up geocoding features from scratch, and there isn’t any need to do that either. Tools like a geolocation api from positionstack allow you to seamlessly integrate geocoding facilities in your application to provide a smooth and satisfactory user experience. 

The positionstack is a third-party service that provides accurate forward and reverse batch geocoding REST APIs. Due to its scalable infrastructure, positionstack provides real-time geocoding with a worldwide coverage at nominal pricing. 

Read on further to know how you can easily integrate geocoding services in your application with positionstack

How can I integrate forward and reverse geocoding?

Location-based software applications are highly dependent on forward and reverse geocoding models to provide accurate and reliable data to users as per their use cases. 

To clarify a bit, forward geocoding is the process of converting a free-text address or place to location data. To make a forward geocoding request in the positionstack API, you can use the API’s forward endpoint and specify your query using the query parameter.

Similarly, reverse geocoding is the process of converting coordinates (latitude & longitude) or an IP address to location data. To make a reverse geocoding request in the positionstack API, you can use the API’s reverse endpoint and specify your query using the query parameter.

How can I make batch requests with positionstack API?

Batch requests are a way of sending multiple forward or reverse geocoding queries to the API at once. Batch requests look very similar to regular geocoding requests in positionstack, however they have a requirement for an additional HTTP POST request body.

To make a batch request you can add additional batch request parameter in the JSON body with multiple queries. 

If you are focused on offering this ease and familiarity to your customers, then positionstack API is definitely your way to follow. 

What is an easy way to embed a map in my application using positionstack?

Using positionstack’s robust API, you can embed a map containing location information in your software application. In positionstack API, each API response carries a map_url object that contains a URL leading to an embeddable map associated with your geocoding result. This map can be embedded using an iFrame element on your website or in your application.

Is it possible to get astronomical data using positionstack API?

Getting astronomical data insights is something that is not very common and available easily. The positionstack API is capable of returning you the astronomical data along with forward and reverse geocoding requests. The positionstack API has a dedicated Sun Module that does this job. You simply have to append the sun_module HTTP GET parameter to your API request URL and set it to 1.

How to integrate forward geocoding using positionstack in JavaScript?

Following is a simple jQuery code snippet that allows you to integrate positionstack’s “forward geocoding” API in your applications.

How to integrate reverse geocoding using positionstack in JavaScript?

Following is a simple jQuery code snippet that allows you to integrate positionstack’s “reverse geocoding” API in your applications.

As you can see, integrating geocoding REST APIs in your applications with positionstack is extremely simple and easy. Not only that, positionstack is reliable and easy on your budget to help you enable a diverse digital ecosystem that focuses on user experience. Moreover, the free plan of positionstack is an ideal choice for experimentation, trials, and proof of concepts.

Head over to positionstack and start incorporating email address verification in your applications.

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