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Airline Analysis with Python and Flask, Aviationstack and Zenserp


Airline Analysis is fascinating. It’s where incredible engineering, complex logistics, and human stories meet 30,000 feet above the ground. But have you ever thought about how airlines create their routes and the stories those routes tell? In this blog, we’ll explore how to analyze airline routes, gather related news, show relevant images, and map these routes using Aviationstack, Python, Flask, and a bit of AI.

By the end of this blog, we’ll provide you with the code to:

This blog aims to equip readers with the knowledge and code to build a platform that explains airline route networks and their stories. Whether you’re a data enthusiast, developer, or just curious about aviation, this blog will give you insights into data, visualization, and AI in airline analysis.

Giving users control from a web page to perform airline analysis of their choice from the dropdown menu.

Retrieving flight route data from Aviationstack API and passing it to Mapbox. Providing a commentary about the flight routes and destinations using GPT-4.

Retrieving news and image data from Google using Zenserp API.

Our solution integrates a suite of specialized tools and APIs:

Flask as the Web Framework

Flask is our chosen lightweight web framework for Python. It supports the rapid development of this application, with a primary interface where users can view an airline’s routes, read about its history, and access the latest news and images.

Data Processing and Visualization

Updates on News and Images

We integrate the Zenserp API to continually update the application with:

Interactivity and UI

The Flask-powered user interface boasts:

Optimization Strategies

We have implemented certain best practices for efficiency:

Deployment Overview with PythonAnywhere

Deploying our application is crucial to reach a global audience. To achieve this, we’ve chosen PythonAnywhere, an ideal platform for Python web applications.

Our application’s core lies in the union of and templates/airlines.html. The former manages data processes, API interactions, and routing, while the latter visualizes this data for users. This combination ensures the application is not only functional but also globally accessible. With this structure, we seamlessly bridge backend operations and frontend visuals, immersing users in the airline domain.

Key Aspects of the Deployment:

Deployment Platform

We’ve adopted PythonAnywhere, tailoring our application for global accessibility.

In essence, by harnessing Python, Flask, and PythonAnywhere, we’ve crafted a comprehensive tool for airline insights, enabling users to delve deeply into the world of aviation.

How to Find and Edit Files on PythonAnywhere for Airline Analysis:

  1. Login to PythonAnywhere:

Begin by logging in to your PythonAnywhere account.

  1. Access the Dashboard:

Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard. This dashboard displays an array of options, such as ‘Files’, ‘Consoles’, ‘Web’, and more.

For templates/airlines.html:

  1. Navigate to ‘Files’:

On the dashboard, click on the ‘Files’ tab.

  1. Locate the ‘templates’ Directory:

Browse through the list of directories and files to find the ‘templates’ directory.

  1. Open / create airlines.html:

Inside the ‘templates’ directory, find and click on the airlines.html file to open it.

  1. Input Your Code:

Here, you can paste or write the code intended for airlines.html. Once done, save the changes.



  1. **Back to ‘Files’ Directory**:

If not already there, click on the ‘Files’ tab on the dashboard.

  1. **Find**:

Browse the directory to locate the file.

  1. **Edit the File**:

Click on to open it. Paste or write your desired code and remember to save the changes afterward.

For WSGI Configuration of Airline Analysis:

  1. Head to the ‘Web’ Tab:

Go back to your dashboard and select the ‘Web’ tab.

  1. WSGI Configuration File:

In the web application settings, locate the section labeled ‘WSGI Configuration File’. You’ll see a link to the file path, which typically looks like /var/www/

  1. Open and Edit:

Click on the link to open the file. Here, input the necessary WSGI configuration code. Ensure you save the file after making your edits.
Remember: Always ensure that your code is correctly formatted and free of errors before saving to avoid potential issues when running your application.

Airline Analysis: Conclusion

This project underscores the potential of integrating data analysis, visualization, and AI in a streamlined web interface. It offers value not just to travelers and aviation enthusiasts, but also to industry professionals and data analysts. As the skies become busier, understanding the networks and narratives that shape air travel becomes increasingly vital. We believe this tool serves as a significant step in that direction.

Airline Analysis: FAQs

1. How Does the App Perform Airline Analysis?

It uses a special tool to get information about where airlines fly and the types of planes they use.

2. How Does the App Find News About Airlines?

It looks for the latest stories about airlines to keep users up to date.

3. How Can Users See Airline Routes on a Map?

Users can pick an airline from a list, and the app shows where that airline flies on a map that users can interact with.

4. Which API Is Used in This App for Airline Analysis?

Aviationstack is used in this app.

Sign Up for free at Aviationstack to get 100 free API requests.

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