Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


What is an API? Understanding All the Key Factors

explaining what is an api through communication between user server and website

If you are a tech-related person or you just have any kind of affiliation with technology, then you must have heard the word API. Most of the people don’t really know what an API is, what it really does, and why the fuss is all around about the API.

If you are not familiar, and want to know about API, then this article will guide you through the basic concepts of API.

Application Programing Interface (API)

So, let’s start with what API stands for. According to Wikipedia, API is a kind of software:

“An application programming interface (API) is a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries.”

As the definition of an API states, an API performs the actions of a software intermediary between two applications. To simplify this concept, just take an example of a simple website of any company. On the Contact US page, you usually see Google Maps with their address pinned on the map. This website is actually using an API of Google Maps, which is easily accessible and publicly available. So, you see that API is a mediator between the website and Google Maps.

meaning of api application programming interface


To make it easier for you to understand, let’s take an example from real life.

Just imagine the role of an order booker. What an order booker does is that he goes into the market, takes the order from the shopkeepers gets back to the manufacturer, and then delivers the products back. The benefit of this approach is that the shopkeeper doesn’t have to leave his shop and deal with the manufacturer or company directly. Same is the case with the manufacturer, it is not needed for him to go to the market place and take orders from each shop. The order booker, just like an API, plays the role of intermediary and fills the communication gap between the two entities.

Every API has three main elements. The first one is the procedure, which is used to perform specific functions or tasks. The second element is Protocols, which decide the rules of communication between the two applications. The last element is Tools, which are like a set of components used to build a new program.

What is an API integration?

Ok, so we now know what an API is, so now let’s understand what API stands for? API integrations are the silent heroes behind many seamless data exchanges in our daily lives. They act as software bridges, automatically transferring data between clients (like your phone or laptop) and servers (cloud storage, time servers). Here’s how they work:

  • Effortless Data Sync: Imagine photos automatically uploading to the cloud from your phone’s gallery, or your contacts syncing across devices whenever you add a new one. This is the magic of API integrations, ensuring data is always up-to-date and accessible across platforms.
  • Time Travelers: Automatic Updates: Traveling across time zones? Your laptop’s clock magically adjusts thanks to API integrations that pull the correct time from time servers.
  • Enterprise Powerhouse: Beyond personal use, API integrations empower businesses by automating numerous system functions. This can include:
    • Streamlined Customer Interactions: Integrate your CRM with payment gateways for a smooth checkout process.
    • Inventory Management: Automatically update stock levels when a sale is made through an online store.
    • Real-Time Data Analysis: Combine data from various sources for faster and more insightful reporting.

By automating data flow, API integrations improve efficiency, reduce manual errors, and unlock a world of possibilities for both personal and business applications.

Importance of APIs And Why Do We Need Them

In the modern technology era, APIs are playing a crucial role and without APIs, our web and mobile apps would not be the same as they are now. APIs have made the process of engineering the apps so easy. Because of the increase in smartphones, smartwatches, social media, and concepts like the Internet of Things the APIs are becoming more and more popular.

Let’s discuss some of the points that explain the benefits of APIs and why we need them.

APIs Provide Great Advantages to Developers

APIs have made the life of developers so easy by saving a lot of their time. A software developer would know that without an API his job would be so much more difficult than it is now.

Let’s take an example of a mobile app in which you need to have the functionality of video calling. So you have two options now, the developers can write the whole interface and code for the video calling module or they can simply use the ZOOM API which can be used for video calling. Using the Zoom API makes things simpler for the developers and will save a lot of development time.

We all use the internet, you would have seen many websites and mobile apps that provide you the option of login using Facebook. This is only possible because the developer is using the API provided by Facebook for data sharing. This not only makes the developer’s job easy but also saves the time of users.

Communication Between Services Using APIs

One of the great advantages of using an Application Programing Interface is that communication between the two services or applications becomes easier and simpler. The communication between the two services is done in a standard format. We will not go into the nitty-gritty of using the API, just understand that the application using the API sends the request and in response to that request receives the data.

According to the needs of your application, you can receive the data in HTTP, XML or JSON format.

Controlled Access To The Data and Resources

Data security and user privacy are one of the biggest concerns for any organization. When you are sharing any of your data or your application features, the point of concern is what you should share and what not! For example, when a mobile app is allowing you to log in through Facebook, Facebook does not share all your information or activity with the app, rather it provides basic information such as name, age, gender, etc., with your permission.

API also made it easy for the developers to access your system resources. If an app wants to know your location then it would simply use the location API which is publicly available.

What is an API endpoint and why is it important?

Now let’s understand what is an API endpoint. A URL that serves as the interface between an API client and an API server is known as an API endpoint. To access the features and data of an API, clients must submit requests to API endpoints.

The number of endpoints on a typical REST API matches the resources that are accessible to it. An API that drives a social networking platform, for example, would probably have endpoints for users, postings, and comments. Requests to API endpoints need to have the required headers, parameters, authentication credentials, and body data, along with a method that specifies the action to be done.

Enterprises may profit greatly from API endpoints, but there are two important things to keep in mind: security and performance.

  • Security: Because API endpoints serve as entry points to internal systems, attackers are drawn to them. Strong security measures must be put in place, and ongoing oversight is essential to preventing misuse and unwanted access.
  • Performance: A system’s overall performance may be impacted by bottlenecks formed by high-traffic APIs. To guarantee a seamless user experience and uninterrupted functioning, careful design, load balancing, and performance monitoring are crucial.

Type of APIs

Till now, you must have a basic idea of what an API is and why it is used. APIs have different types and they are used according to application structure and needs. Although there are different types that perform the same basic functions, they slightly differ in implementation, language, etc.

Let’s see what are the different types of APIs:


An illustration of a REST API concept.

REST stands for Representational State Transfer, REST APIs are also called RESTful APIs. These are one of the most popular kinds of APIs and they are a part of Web Services. They perform the request and receive a response via HTTP functions. One of the best things about REST APIs is that they are very simple to build and use.

SOAP APIs What is an API

SOAP is the abbreviation of the Simple Object Access Protocol. This API is used in the systems where data is large and more expensive. It is an XML based system, which means it would get the data response in XML format.

 Usually used for applications where security is the primary concern SOAP provides a high level of security.


An illustration of an RPC API concept.

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Calls. It has two subtypes:


The difference between these two types is that one uses XML format to transfer data and the other one uses JSON format.

The APIs are classified into two types i.e. Public and Private. Public APIs are developed by large tech companies that provide data to the public such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Private APIs are developed by small enterprises of software companies to improve collaboration and to take advantage of the functionality of different APIs.

Examples of APIs

Here are a few well-known API examples using various protocols and specs. To obtain references and other information, look through their paperwork.


Ipsack is a robust address finding API that enables developers to pinpoint the geographic location of an IP address. It provides detailed information including country, region, city, and coordinates such as latitude and longitude. This tool can enhance user experience by personalizing content and ads based on geographic data, support analytics for traffic analysis, enhance security measures, and ensure compliance with regional content restrictions​

Maps by Google

It goes without saying that Google is one of the industry titans and that they have shaped the norms for how other businesses conduct business. The majority of websites with built-in maps make use of the Google Maps APIs. For instance, Google’s Directions API returns XML or JSON-formatted directions between geolocations via an HTTP request.

Search Flights with Skyscanner

Using its pricing database, passengers may search for flights at the lowest fares using the metasearch platform Skyscanner. Additionally, Skyscanner offers a RESTful API to its affiliate partners that supports the data exchange types XML and JSON. They advise partners to only send requests via the HTTPS protocol in order to increase security. Here is a link to their paperwork.

Climate API

With several distinct APIs covering weather forecasts, IP lookups, sports, astronomy, geolocation, and time zones, this is a free source of geolocation and weather data. It offers a JSON/XML RESTful API for weather and geodata access. The API may be requested by developers using HTTP or HTTPS. They offer comprehensive documentation to developers on how to utilize each of their APIs.

Which is the Best API Provider in the Market?

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Now that we all know what is an API, let’s understand which one is the best. While there are many great Application Programing Interface providers in the market, Apilayer stands out as a strong contender for several reasons:

  • Extensive Marketplace: Apilayer boasts a vast collection of APIs covering diverse functionalities like weather, finance, social media, and travel. You’re likely to find the specific API you need within their marketplace.
  • Simplified Integration: Apilayer focuses on user-friendliness. Their platform offers clear documentation and easy-to-use tools that streamline the integration process, even for those new to APIs.
  • Reliable Performance: Apilayer prioritizes uptime and performance. They deliver consistent and fast responses to requests, ensuring smooth operation for your application.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Apilayer offers flexible pricing plans to suit various needs and budgets. You can often find free tires or pay-as-you-go options to minimize upfront costs.

Ultimately, the “best” API provider depends on your specific requirements. However, Apilayer’s comprehensive marketplace, user-friendly approach, and reliable performance make it a compelling choice for many businesses. Consider exploring their offerings to see if they might be the perfect fit for your next project!


We have answered what is an API and have seen that an Application Programming Interface is a very helpful service that is mainly used for communication between two services or applications. There are different types of APIs that are used according to the nature of the application, they can be public or private APIs. APIs have made developers’ lives easier by saving their time.


1. Describe what is an API and explain its significance in technology.

An application programming interface is a collection of guidelines and conventions used while creating and utilizing software applications. In order to facilitate communication between various programs, APIs are essential. They act as a bridge that permits features like data sharing, service integrations, and improved functionality all without the need for direct user participation.

2. Could you give a basic illustration of how an API operates?

Consider yourself making a flight reservation using a travel app. For real-time flight information and availability, the app establishes connections with the APIs of several airlines. The Application Programming Interface conveys your demands to the airline’s system without allowing you to see the many procedures going on behind the scenes. This process is comparable to the ordering system at a restaurant, where the front desk relays your order to the kitchen.

3. What constitutes an API’s principal parts?

Each API is made up of three primary components:

  • Procedures: The operations supported by the API.
  • Protocols: Sets of guidelines that control communication.
  • Tools: Collections of tools for developing apps and software.

4. What categories of APIs exist?

Based on their applications and levels of accessibility, APIs come in a variety of forms, such as:

  • Public: Any developer can access them.
  • Private: Only available to particular user groups inside businesses.
  • Business partners can share partner APIs.

The protocols that are utilized, such as REST, SOAP, or RPC, are another factor used to categorize APIs.

5. What is the integration of APIs?

API integration is the process of integrating two or more programs to work together by using their respective APIs. For instance, combining a marketing tool and a CRM system to automate the lead nurturing procedure.

6. How do developers profit from APIs?

By offering pre-made features that developers can include into their apps rather than having to construct them from scratch, APIs help developers save time and money. This increases output and frees up developers to concentrate on crafting distinctive features for their apps.

7. What makes data security using APIs a worry?

APIs can be potential targets for security breaches since they transfer data across systems. Protecting data integrity and privacy requires implementing authentication procedures, making sure data is delivered securely, and keeping an eye on API activity.

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