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Email Address Validation API: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think

Email Address Validation It's Not as Difficult as You Think

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools for performance enhancement in 2024. But did you know nearly 20% of emails never reach their intended recipients and end up in the receiver’s spam folder? One major factor hindering email delivery is the presence of invalid addresses within email lists, as nearly 7% of global consumers provide fake email addresses.

Email validation API eliminates the issue of undeliverable messages and email deliverability. But is it difficult to perform email validation? Is it very technical? Not at all. Using an email address validation API is effortless and doesn’t require much coding. 

This post will point you in the right direction and help you discover more about email validation API.

Common Challenges Why Your Emails May Not be Delivered?

Several challenges in email address validation hinder its effectiveness. Some of them are: 

Businesses can skyrocket deliverability rates by validating email addresses. It paves the way for impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Why is Email Address Validation Important?

Email address validation verifies the legitimacy and deliverability of email addresses on your email list. The process ensures the email address follows the standard format and catches typos. It reduces bounce rates, improves deliverability, and maximizes the impact of your marketing efforts.

What is Email Address Validation API?

An email validation API is a tool that automatically detects mistyped or false email addresses, domains, and disposable email IDs and eliminates invalid email IDs from your database. The email API service efficiently manages large volumes of email addresses and cleans your mailbox. In addition, it increases the deliverability of your emails. You won’t have to worry about your “sender reputation” being damaged. 

Here are some main areas an email address validation API helps with:

Which is the Best Email Address Validation API for 2024?

The Mailboxlayer by APILayer stands out as the best email address validation API in 2024 due to its ease of use and data accuracy. It is designed to enhance the quality and deliverability of your email marketing campaigns. Mailboxlayer employs a comprehensive validation approach, encompassing syntax checks, typo detection, and SMTP verification. This multi-layered process effectively eliminates fake and inactive email addresses from your mailing list. By detecting services like Mailinator, Mailboxlayer keeps your mailing list clean with authentic email IDs.

Key Features of Email Address Validation API

How can Mailboxlayer help you effortlessly validate email addresses?

Mailboxlayer offers a user-friendly REST-based JSON API for thorough email address validation. Beyond syntax checking, it verifies email existence using MX-Records and SMTP and detects catch-all mailboxes. With Mailboxlayer, just implement verification technology into your web application with just a few lines of code. The email verification API assigns a deliverability score for each ID, enabling you to see which email addresses are genuine

Let’s try making an email address validation API request with the following email address:


You get this response:


As you can see, the “format_valid,” “mx_found,” and “smtp_check” fields are set to true which indicates an authentic email address. Also, the “free” field is set to false. This means the email address is not from a free email address provider like Mailinator. Finally, the deliverability score is set to 0.8 out of 1. This means the email address has a very high chance of reaching the recipient. 

How can I integrate Mailboxlayer email address validation API into my web application?

Mailboxlayer supports a variety of languages, including PHP and JavaScript. Its integration process is straightforward. You just need to follow these steps depending on the framework you are using

Integrating Mailboxlayer into PHP Web Application

1. First, you have to set the API access key, which you can get for free from here.


2. Then, you have to initiate CURL.


3. You have to store the data and close the CURL session.


4. Next, you have to decode the JSON response.


5. Access to your preferred validation results objects

Now, you can get access to your preferred validation results objects, like format validity, SMTP check, and deliverability score, by using these lines:


Overall, the code will looks like this:// set API Access Key


Integrating Mailboxlayer into JavaScript Web Application

1. First, you have to set the API access key and the email address you want to verify.


2. Now, you can verify your email address by making an AJAX call.


3. Then, you can get access to the validation result objects by using this code:


The code looks like this:


Watch This Video to Learn How To Verify Email Addresses

How Businesses Benefit from Email Address Validation APIs

Businesses can achieve several key benefits by integrating Email Address Validation APIs into their marketing strategy.

Conclusion: Is Mailboxlayer the Best Choice in 2024?

Ready to revolutionize your email marketing campaigns? Integrate Mailboxlayer today and seek unparalleled email address validation solutions.

Mailboxlayer by APILayer is a free and simple REST-based JSON API that helps you quickly and effortlessly validate email addresses appearing on your mailing list. The documentation is clear and user-friendly, making it a breeze to integrate Mailboxlayer into your application. The comprehensive features and ease of use make Mailboxlayer stand out as the best email address validation API. If you’re looking for the best solution, Mailboxlayer is definitely worth considering for 2024 and beyond.

How to validate email address in the email list? Sign up to APILayer for a free with Mailboxlayer today and say goodbye to email bounces. Email validation API optimizes your ROI efficiently!


What kind of response does Mailboxlayer’s email validation API provide?

The email validation API provides responses in JSON format, making it easy to parse and interpret the results of email validation checks.

Does Mailboxlayer’s email validation API offer real-time validation?

Yes, Mailboxlayer’s API offers real-time validation. It allows quick validation once the email address is entered into your system.

Can Mailboxlayer’s email validation API be used for bulk email validation?

Yes, Mailboxlayer’s email validation API supports bulk email validation. You can upload large lists of email addresses, and the API quickly verifies them efficiently.

How does Mailboxlayer integrate with my existing systems?

Mailboxlayer offers a user-friendly  REST-based JSON API with a straightforward URL structure. It can be integrated with various web applications using just a few lines of code.

How does Mailboxlayer handle data security?

Mailboxlayer ensures secure data transmission by utilizing industry-standard HTTPS encryption protocols for all communication with the API.

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