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Introducing Marketstack v2 API

Marketstack API Migration Guide

Marketstack v2 is here, and it’s better than ever. Over the past few months, we have been working on it to make it even more functional-rich and low in latency. In order to achieve this, we are introducing new endpoints, response parameters, and a few minor changes that will enhance your experience working with Marketstack API. Let’s deep dive into it.

What’s new in the existing endpoints

Enhanced End-of-Day Data

Marketstack’s end-of-day (EOD) endpoint is now more powerful and rich in functionality. We have added three new response parameters, exchangeCode, name, and description enabling you to have more control over the data and features. 

Intraday Data at Minute Intervals

The intraday endpoint now supports 1-minute interval updates for Pro users and above. It’s not just about faster data but also more detailed metrics:

  1. mid: Average bid-ask value.
  2. prevClose: Reference point for quick comparisons.
  3. lastSize, bidSize, askSize: Trading volume at different levels.

Perfect for building apps where speed and accuracy are critical, such as trading platforms or alert systems.

Splits endpoint

Splits endpoint has only got one new response parameter called stock_split but it provides developers with more flexibility to implement functionalities like portfolio rebalancing or equity adjustments in their applications. 

Dividends endpoint

Dividends endpoint is ideal for developers building portfolio management tools, financial analytics platforms, or investor dashboards. With precise data on corporate dividend actions, you can automate notifications, track trends, and provide actionable insights for long-term investment strategies.

Here are the new fields introduced.

  1. paymentDate: The payment date of the distribution. 
  2. recordDate: The record date of the distribution. 
  3. declarationDate: The declaration date of the distribution.
  4. distrFreq: The frequency that’s associated with this distribution.

Exchanges endpoint got so many new response parameters

The exchanges endpoint delivers detailed information about stock exchanges worldwide. The key fields include the exchange name, acronym, market identifier code (MIC), country, and city, among others. New fields, such as operating MIC, market category code, legal entity name, and exchange status, offer deeper insights into exchange operations, structure, and regulatory details. This data enables users to identify and work with specific exchanges or validate exchange-related transactions effectively.

Additionally, the Marketstack v2 supports granular queries, allowing you to retrieve EOD, Intraday, or specific-date data for symbols associated with an exchange. Endpoints like /exchanges/[MIC]/eod and /exchanges/[MIC]/intraday/latest simplify integration into applications requiring detailed exchange-level data. With exchanges endpoint, you can build robust tools for market analysis, research, and compliance tracking.

Head over to Marketstack v2 documentation to see the full list of new parameters included.

New Endpoints introduced in Marketstack v2

We introduced a couple of new endpoints to improve the developer experience and save bandwidth. These endpoints cater to new data types like market indices, bonds, and ETFs, providing granular control over queries and highly structured responses. You will be now able to build more flexible applications with the integration of Marketstack v2.

List of Tickers

List of Tickers endpoint is the new efficient way to obtain the list of all tickers supported by the Marketstack API. In the previous version, you had to make an API call to the tickers endpoint then map through each data object in order to get the names or symbols. 

Now, simply make a GET request to the following URI.

Note: You can still use the tickers endpoint to obtain the list of tickers but that’s not the ideal way to do that as we have now a new endpoint for that in version 2.

Ticker Info

The /tickerinfo endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific stock ticker. By querying this endpoint with a ticker symbol (e.g., AADI), users can access a variety of key details about the stock, including company information, financial data, key executives, and more. 

tickerinfo enables developers building stock market or trading apps to use this endpoint to fetch comprehensive data about various stocks, enabling users to view detailed company profiles, financials, and key executives in real-time.

Market Indices

Marketstack has always been an API that provides everything you need to build dynamic applications. In order to improve the existing experience and workflow to obtain the indices we are introducing a new Market Indices endpoint. This transformation includes significant updates to the improved parameter support and new features to provide detailed market index insights.

You can divide this new endpoint into two endpoints. 

  1. GET /indexlist: Fetches a comprehensive list of supported benchmarks/indices
  2. GET /indexinfo?index=us500: Returns detailed information for a specific market index, including region, country, benchmark code, current price, and performance metrics.

With this update, the Marketstack API offers richer data, intuitive development workflows, and broader insights for developers and analysts.


In version 2 of Marketstack, we are introducing something which has never been part of the Marketstack API before. The new Bonds endpoint in Marketstack is designed to provide comprehensive bond market data to help developers create financial tools with ease. 

Bondlist new Marketstack API

The Marketstack API users now have the possibility to call the bondlist endpoint from Marketstack to get a list of supported countries.


Bonds new Marketstack API

The new Bonds endpoint in Marketstack delivers real-time and historical bond market data tailored for requested countries. You can query bonds by country using the country parameter for precise results.

From tracking bond yields for investment apps to building financial reporting tools, the Bonds API equips developers with the data necessary to unlock the potential of global bond markets.

ETF Holdings

ETFs are a core of modern investing, and accessing granular data about their holdings is a game-changer for financial analytics, portfolio tracking, and algorithmic trading. With ETF Holdings new endpoint, Marketstack users can now seamlessly integrate ETF data into their applications to create smarter, more insightful applications.

ETF holdings can be divided into two different endpoints under the hood. Let’s see what they are.

ETF List

The Marketstack users can now make a call to the etflist endpoint from Marketstack and the API will return a list of supported ETF tickers as a result.

Sample response

ETF Holdings

For each ETF ticker, drill down into the exact composition of holdings, including key metrics like legal entity identifiers (LEI), International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN), and asset categories.

Sample response

You can also analyze ETF holdings over a specific timeframe. Use the date_from and date_to parameters to unlock historical data for enhanced research and trend analysis.

Wrapping Up Marketstack v2

Marketstack v2 isn’t just an update, it’s a game-changer for developers building on top of it. With a sharper focus on performance, new powerful endpoints like ETF Holdings, and deeper integrations through premium data providers, we are providing low-latency, high-uptime, better developer experience, and how you interact with market data.

Whether you’re a hobbyist developer, a data analyst, or an indie hacker with a dream, Marketstack v2 has everything you need to build a dynamic trading application.

We’re excited to see how you leverage these upgrades to create something extraordinary. Got questions? Our updated documentation has you covered, and our team is always here to help.

The market never sleeps, and with Marketstack v2, neither will your applications.

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