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ProxyScrape: 10 Best Alternatives In 2024 (Free & Premium)

two developers are using proxyscrape

Have you ever wondered how to browse the internet without being tracked? Proxy services can help. They act as middlemen between you and websites, hiding your identity. ProxyScraper is one such service, but it doesn’t work well for everyone. If you’ve had issues with ProxyScrape, this blog is for you. We’ll look at 10 great alternatives to ProxyScrape that you can use for free or for a fee.

Here’s how the blog will go:
1. We’ll talk about why ProxyScraper might not be the best choice.
2. We’ll explain why using a proxy service is important for your online privacy.
3. We’ll list the top 10 alternatives to ProxyScrape.
4. We’ll give you a simple overview of each alternative’s features and benefits.
5. Finally, we’ll wrap up with some advice on choosing the right proxy service for you.

By the end of this blog, you’ll know all about the best alternatives to ProxyScrape and be able to pick the one that suits you best for staying anonymous online.

ProxyScrape: 10 Best Alternatives In 2023 (Free & Premium)

What does ProxyScrape offer?

ProxyScrape is a well-known website for web scraping and offers a general list of proxy prices with straightforward classification choices like SSL and masking the precise address. According to the data on its website, it has a pool of more than 7 million IP addresses for its residential proxies.

They offer exceptional services with revolving agents and other cutting-edge features, similar to many other companies and web scraping API tools on this list.

They offer some free proxies, although they may not be good for scraping. Furthermore, they offer dedicated data center proxies, and it is a risk that you might not want to take because they can be easily detected.

What are the alternatives to ProxyScrape?

The following is a list of free and premium alternatives to ProxyScrape.

1. Zenscrape

Zenscrape is a proxyscrape alternative for web browsing the proxy lists on internet traffic and data protection laws

Zenscrape is one of the most used and well-liked web data scraping solutions available today. You can easily scrape any website you want using the Zenscrape web data scraping API in only a few seconds.

Users of Zenscrape API can conceal their online data scraping bots and get around internet speed restrictions on target websites.

It offers users IP support for web data scraping automation. It makes use of a sizable enough IP pool to avoid interfering with the biggest web data scraping initiatives. This makes web data scraping very convenient for consumers. Zenscrape API cares about the utmost level of accuracy of your scraped data. By using this API, users can get scrape data quickly and accurately, without facing any obstacles from the target website.


proxyscrape proxies for web testing concurrent connections and collecting data

This website is devoted to releasing a free proxy list of available proxies from which you can choose. Some of them are fresh and untouched proxies. Free-proxy.cz does not own, publish, and also scrape these free and dedicated proxies for web scraping from other parts of the internet.

Free-proxy.cz tests its proxies frequently for speed, uptime, and response. You can see these results next to the proxy name. However, these values might not be exactly accurate when you use the proxies.

3. PubProxy

PubProxy is a proxyscrape alternative proxy types accessed directly

You can understand from the name PubProxy that it stands for public proxy. You can use their proxy servers without having to authenticate yourself. There is no need to register in order to use this service. Moreover, they also have a proxy API.

You can only use them on sites that are ineffective at detecting proxies, much like the other free proxies. If you use it on well-known websites, you must be careful not to submit too many requests quickly to prevent being blocked.

4. Spys.One

You can test out proxies from this website for a few scraping jobs of a recreational nature. There are around 165 nations supported by this service. However, many of the places do not have a significant number of proxies.

Their website contains a list of the top 12 countries, which they have designated as such. You will adore this website’s plenty of free proxies, because you can use them whenever you want. They test their proxies and show the results alongside the Spys.One.


Their website provides a free proxy IP address table that is identical to practically all of the other proxy services we have investigated. Instead of using a bar graph or uptime %, GatherProxy presents the uptime date as a ratio, with the letters “L” standing for real-time and the letters “D”. The many tabs at the top of the website, including proxy by port, proxy by country, anonymous proxy, web proxy, and to-do list, are the most useful feature, though.

A specific group of agents can be chosen, because each nation and the port has a score, which is highly acceptable. Additionally, they offer free proxy detection and crawling tools, along with instructional tutorials.


6. Bright Data

Bright Data (previously Luminati Networks), is one of the best proxy sites on the market. It is well-known for its residential proxy service, which sources more than 72 million residential IPs from all nations and the majority of cities worldwide. It supports geo-targeting at the national, state, and local levels.

With the users’ permission, the service employs a peer-to-peer network to obtain the IPs it needs for Hola VPN customers. Bright Data offers rotating proxies and session proxies that are good for up to 30 minutes. Their proxies are among the swiftest and safest, and they work with the majority of websites.

7. Oxylabs

Oxylabs offers access to the broadest range of proxies accessible in the majority of nations and locations worldwide. Depending on your needs, you can use this to obtain residential, data center, or even mobile IPs.

The best part is that Oxylabs has about 100 million residential IPs. It is therefore ideal for activities requiring online automation. Because of this, Oxylabs is simple to use for SEO, competitor analysis, price comparisons, and more.


8. ScraperAPI

ScraperAPI is an alternative scraping API that may be used to web scrape. It is important to notice that it is superior to Proxyscrape. They provide their services to companies like LegalZoom, Symantec, and Amazon that use their proxy API.

Their service includes a sizable proxy pool with more than 40 million IPs, enabling you to continue impersonating as much as you can.

When thinking about the geo-location targeting services offered, you should keep in mind that ScraperAPI provides amazing support for more than 50 places, enabling you to access localized material offered in those locations.

The tool is available as a restful API, which sends out an HTTP request on the website before returning the HTML response for the page’s contents.

9. ScrapingBee

ScrapingBee gives you premium proxies that are effective at data scraping. In addition, it can manage browsers, proxies, and Captcha for the websites you visit.

In order to swiftly and effectively extract data from any web page, the ScrapingBee is also geared to provide you with an extraction API. The site’s amazing feature is that you only need to pay for successful requests.

To ensure you have a personalized experience with their customer service rep and their customer service answer, they will assign you a specific account manager. They do this as soon as you register and pay for the products they provide.


10. ProxyCrawl

ProxyCrawl is just an amazing company that includes a complete web scraping package. It has an API scraper that can extract organized data from web pages to scrape the Internet. Additionally, ProxyScrape is a superior web scraping tool when compared to ProxyCrawl. This also supports Amazon, Google Search, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

The service is set up to give you access to unlimited bandwidth, making it simple so that you can web scrape and obtain the necessary data you require. If you used the Proxycrawl scraper API, you might avoid fixing your scraper each time a website’s design changes.

Why should you use APILayer for selecting APIs?

ProxyScrape ends up being comparable to other service providers in its category. You may want to select a different option because of the drawbacks.

Businesses may swiftly automate a number of operations, including managing online user and audience journeys, data conversion, user information verification, and real-time third-party data access, thanks to an APILayer collection of APIs.

APILayer offers APIs like ZenScrape that can quickly and effectively gather data from websites by retrieving all their HTML information. It allows for quick and simple web harvesting using the CAPTCHA or JavaScript rendering methods.

ProxyScrape: Conclusion

If ProxyScrape isn’t working well for you, there are many other options to consider. Zenscrape, Free-proxy.cz, PubProxy, Spys.One, GatherProxy, Bright Data, Oxylabs, ScraperAPI, ScrapingBee, and ProxyCrawl are all great choices. They offer different features for free or paid use. These alternatives can help you browse the internet privately and securely. Look into each one to see which fits your needs best. It’s important to choose a proxy service that keeps you safe online. With the right choice, you can browse the web anonymously and protect your privacy.

ProxyScrape: FAQs

Why use proxies for scraping?

A proxy service manages proxies for a scraping project.

What is ProxyScrape premium?

Suppose you require a large number of fast, reliable proxies for data collection, web scraping, and other purposes that don’t easily get blocked or blacklisted. In that case, ProxyScrape Premium is the finest option.

Can you legally scrape a website?

If you use web scraping to obtain information that is freely accessible online, it is entirely lawful.

How much does it cost to download 1GB using a premium proxy?

The price per gigabyte of data utilized ranges typically between $10 and $20.

Sign up with APILayer today to start scraping websites effectively!

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