
Easy Steps to Automate Data Security by Verifying New Phone Prospects with Zapier

In this roundup, we will explain how integrating Google Forms, Google Sheets, and Numverify through Zapier can significantly enhance the security and accuracy of managing international phone numbers for new sales prospects.  At the end of this roundup, we will show you a practical step-by-step guide on how to link your API key from a basic Numverify API plan into a Zap that automates the…
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Automate the Image Editing Process with Background Removal API

Have you ever taken a great photo only to find the background distracting? Background removal is the process of getting rid of unwanted elements from images, which is important in photography and e-commerce. This blog will explain the importance of background removal API and its use in various industries, focusing on APILayer’s popular background removal API. We’ll discuss the…
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API Automation: Automating Tasks with APIs

Automation is a boon of the digital age. Since its introduction, it has helped productivity, profit, and usability soar greatly, saving time and money wherever it’s implemented. For instance, tasks that required hours or days of manual work now take seconds to finish with…

IP Geolocation API: Resolve IP Lookup Info Inside Google Sheets

Tracking website visitor traffic is a valuable activity that can help companies explore their user base and make appropriate decisions based on it. However, the amount of effort your internal engineering team will put into creating a user tracking mechanism might be overkill, especially in the case of industry-leading tools such as ipstack IP geolocation API. You will also learn about this IP…
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How To Classify Images Of Violence - Violence Detection

With the widespread use of the Internet, online platforms offer a wide range of content with access to millions of users. This content includes humorous videos, informative articles, artistic images, and unfortunately violent content. Especially on social media platforms, the presence of violent elements among the images shared by users is an important issue that platforms should pay attention to…
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