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API Monetization – A Guide to Monetizing APIs

API monetization

You may have heard the phrase that data is the new oil, but what is oil worth without its pipelines and refineries? But what does oil have to do with monetizing APIs? Data, just like oil, wouldn’t be worth very much if it was just left where it was unrefined and in its raw state. That’s where API monetization comes in. It helps you earn revenue from your API/API data.

If you want to know how to convert your API data into something useful, you need to learn about API monetization. It’s also essential to create a solid API monetization strategy. In this guide, we will show different ways of making revenue from API revenue, such as listing your API on an API management platform or API marketplace.

What is API Monetization?

An illustration of API monetization

API monetization is a way businesses or developers can earn money/generate revenue from their APIs. An API (application programming interface) is a software intermediary enabling two apps to interact, communicate, and exchange data. APIs are now used almost everywhere. For example, when you access a webpage on the internet or log in to your Facebook account, you are most likely communicating with an API at the same time. Similarly, when you view the weather in a weather app, the app uses a weather API to fetch the data. 

Thus, APIs are extremely helpful. And Developers frequently seek third-party API providers who have already established an API that can do a specific thing, rather than implementing ideas from scratch.

Since APIs are in high demand, API developers or businesses can monetize their APIs to earn money from them. There are various ways to do this, depending on the API monetization model. However, it isn’t only about choosing a monetization model – you must develop a solid API monetization plan, which ensures you provide a high-quality product to your API users.

API Monetization Models and Strategies

API monetization strategies

While APIs are a valuable tool/product, it’s sometimes not obvious how API developers can earn money from them. Fortunately, there are various ways to do this. However, the first step is to determine the value of your API to your target audience, as they will be paying for it. Most of the time, the target audience is other developers looking for an API to integrate data or functionality into their apps without having to build it from scratch. This means you need to connect with other developers and show them how your API can add value to their projects. 

Knowing your target audience and their requirements will help you select the right monetization model. Here are various pricing approaches/monetization models:

Paid Access

One of the most common ways to monetize APIs is by charging for access. This can be done on a per-API call basis, or you can charge a monthly or annual fee for access to your API. You can also charge for in-app purchases if you have a mobile app that uses your API.

Charging for Usage

Another common way to monetize APIs is by charging for usage. This means that you charge based on the amount of data used or the number of API calls made. This is a great option if you have a high-traffic API or if you want to encourage developers to use your API more.

Freemium Model

You can offer a basic version of the API for free with limited features or usage limits and charge for access to premium features or higher usage tiers. This is a great way to get started with API monetization, as it allows you to offer a basic level of service for free while still generating revenue from your more advanced users.

Revenue sharing

In this model, you can partner with other developers or businesses and share the revenue generated from the API.

No matter which monetization strategy you choose, having a good API management system in place is important. This will help you track usage, manage access, and ensure your API is always available and running smoothly.

Charging for API Access

Charging for API Usage

Listing your API on an API Marketplace

As discussed earlier, you need to connect with other developers and show them how your API can add value to their projects to monetize your APIs. The best way to get access to a global audience is to list your API on a well-known and trustable API marketplace, such as APILayer. 

APILayer is a widely trusted API marketplace consisting of over 100 public APIs from various sellers.

APILayer marketplace

Here are the main features of the APILayer API marketplace:

  • APILayer is a trusted API marketplace with thousands of consumers. Thus, it provides you access to a global audience.
  • The marketplace accepts all sorts of APIs in any category. However, it has strict criteria for quality and other standards. For instance, your API should have detailed documentation with sample codes.
  • APILayer currently has over 100  APIs in different categories, such as geolocation, scraping, finance, weather, and more.
  • With APILayer, sellers have the freedom to decide the pricing of their subscription plans.
  • APILayer serves as a proxy for your APIs. It also manages memberships, customer acquisition, rate limits, key management, and payment collection processes for API sellers.
  • APILayer only takes 15% of the revenue, whereas many other popular marketplaces charge 20%.

Try some of the most popular APIs from APILayer:

API Monetization: Other Ways to Earn from APIs

How to earn money from API

Convert Specialized Data into an API Service 

Niche dataset owners also have a wealth of information. Perhaps you have developed a specialized dataset that you believe will be in high demand. Maybe you’ve collected some rare and elusive pieces of information that can be used in scholarly and instructional programs.

How much time and money would consumers have to invest in Google to find the same information? It’s possible that your specialized data isn’t publicly accessible online, and if it were, you probably wouldn’t want to release it without being compensated in some way. You may generate a lot of money by turning your specialized data into a premium API service.

The IoT and APIs

Companies are converting their IoT (Internet Of Things) systems into data-gathering tools. The companies that have invested in weather sensor equipment worldwide are now making millions from the premium Weather APIs that are using their data.

It has even been proposed that street lamps gather data, and they do in many parts of the world. Perhaps your company has sensors deployed that gather data intelligence and could serve in an API that other businesses would find useful.

API Affiliate Programs

Perhaps you lack the expertise to develop the next revolutionary API that every business will want. However, if you are searching the web for an API solution that is ideal for integrating with your company’s software and you find one, publishing a blog post about it and how useful the API has been to you is one approach to monetize your finding.

If people sign up after reading about it on your blog, the company may pay you a commission. For example, Currencylayer, a financial API from APILayer, currently pays a 25% commission. Mediastack, a news feed API APILayer, also currently pays a 25% commission.

Find an API that you enjoy using in your own software solutions and enquire whether it has an affiliate program. Check out the great APIs available on the APILayer marketplace, and if they are useful to you, check out their affiliate programs.

Income Opportunities for Seasoned Developers 

If you are a seasoned developer, you have undoubtedly spent hundreds of hours working on algorithms that could be valuable to other businesses.

Let’s say your company doesn’t view your algorithms as proprietary information. Then, you can turn your algorithm ideas into application programming interfaces (APIs) that can be accessed from the internet and implemented into any software code anywhere. This will help you generate a steady stream of income from your algorithm ideas from similar businesses that need the same solutions in their software but just don’t have the resources to allocate that development time to their developers.

Can I Become an API Designer?

People from any background can become an API designer. If you have ever created an Excel formula that has helped an employer out and led to massive cost savings for the company or created a computer macro that has automated some mundane task that turned an hourly task into one that only took a few minutes, think of yourself as an algorithm designer.

If you have a methodology of knowing how to do something that just doesn’t come naturally to others, you are a natural problem solver capable of designing algorithms that a developer could implement into their apps.

When you can solve people’s problems and put your solution into an algorithm that can be shared and integrated into software across the internet, you have the potential to make money on a huge scale.

But what if you don’t know about programming, can you still invent APIs that make money?

The good news is that programming is becoming easier with simpler programming languages. Moreover, the number of people with the skills who can affordably create your API idea is increasing. You can find API developers on freelancer websites such as Upwork and Fiverr.

Many Python programmers are using the assistance of GPT-3 and artificial intelligence to create API designs rapidly.

Is selling APIs profitable?

As an API provider, if you’re targeting a large market of potential API users, then you may be able to generate significant revenue.

There are many APIs that perform common functions that over a million developers have implemented in their software. Take, for example, flight tracking, weather, sport and finance APIs that are in the top 50 list of most used APIs. The developers who create these can be compensated as much as 50% of the monthly subscription price. If you had a million businesses paying you 50% of a $9.99 monthly subscription to use your API, you could be turning over $5,000,000 a month.

For instance, you can create a successful API and list it on the APILayer marketplace. APILayer only takes a 15% cut of revenues generated, leaving you with a whopping 85%.

If you’re targeting a smaller market, you may need to reconsider your pricing strategy in order to make your API more affordable for potential users.

Ultimately, the profitability of selling APIs depends on a number of factors. By carefully considering these factors, you can develop a monetization strategy that meets your company’s needs and generates the desired revenue.


Many companies and developers look for ways to monetize their APIs. This allows them to recover the costs of development and drive additional revenue. API monetization models can help with that. For example, you can charge users for access. This could be a monthly or yearly subscription fee or a pay-per-use fee. However, you need to list your API on an API marketplace or API management platform. This will allow you to make your API visible to a global audience and earn from it. For example, you can list your API on APILayer, a leading and trusted API marketplace.

List your APIs on the APILayer marketplace today and share them with a global audience!


How do you monetize an API?

There are various API monetization models. For example, the most common way is to charge users for access. This could be a monthly or yearly subscription fee or a pay-per-use fee. 

What are the benefits of API monetization?

The most obvious benefit of monetizing your API is earning money or generating revenue from it. It also allows API providers to reach new customers or markets.

How to earn money from API?

You can list your API on an API marketplace like APILayer. You can then sell it for a monthly or yearly subscription fee.

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