Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Application Programming Interface (API)

What is Application Programming Interface (API)?

API is a collection of programming code that allows data to be transferred between software products. API sends a user’s response to a system and then returns the system’s response to the client.  While shopping, when you add your product to your cart, an API notifies the website, and your cart is refreshed.

An API “Application Programming Interface” is an operation set that enables programs to interface with independent software elements, operating systems, and microservices.

When it comes to APIs, you may hear people say “microservices.”  These, on the other hand, are not the same.  Microservices is a design or architecture that separates the functionality of a web application.  A web application’s API is the mechanism by which programmers interact with it.  In addition, microservices can use APIs to communicate with one another.

What exactly is API?

When you use a smartphone application, it connects to the Internet and sends information to a server.  The server then receives the information, interprets it, takes the appropriate actions, and gives it back to your smartphone.  After analyzing the data, the software displays the information you requested, all of which happens via API.

For example, consider yourself at a table in a restaurant with a menu of options to choose from. Your order will be prepared in the kitchen, which is part of the “system.”  What’s missing is the crucial link that allows you to transmit your order to the kitchen and then get the food to your table.  That’s where the waiter, sometimes known as an API, comes in.  The waiter is the messenger – or API – who receives your inquiry or order and transmits it to the kitchen.  The waiter then gives you the response, which, in this instance, is the food.

Here’s an example of a real-world API.  You may be aware of the procedure of looking for flights on the internet.  You have a range of alternatives to pick from, much like the restaurant, including various cities, departure and return dates, and more.You can learn more about APIs with MailBoxLayer’s documentation portal.

Why Do We Need an API?

APIs allow programmers to skip through several processes when creating apps and programs.  So, instead of wasting valuable time writing simple code every time you construct an app, you can use an API to skip ahead to the next phase.

APIs also allow your app or website to access data or functionality from another application.  For instance, if you want to see all tweets that use a given hashtag, you don’t have to ask Twitter for a database with all of them.  You can ask for an API that will enable you to query the app for your required information.  You’ll be able to access or use this data directly from your application in this manner.

How to Use an API?

API allows developers to transmit or receive data by making a specified “call” or “request.”  This is accomplished by using a programming language known as “JSON.”  It can also be used for specific tasks, such as changing or deleting information.  This can be used to make four different types of requests:

  • POST – Produces (Creating a new Product Category)
  • GET – Information is gathered (Pulling all Coupon Codes)
  • PUT — Makes changes to data (Updating Product pricing)
  • REMOVE – (Deleting a blog post)

The following is how an API works:

An application program makes an API call, also known as a request, to extract data.  The API’s Uniform Resource Identifier is used to send this request, which includes a request method, headers, and often a request body, from an app to a website.

After receiving a legitimate request, the API sends the request to the external software or web server.

The server returns the data requested by the API.

The API is used to deliver the data to the requesting application.

While the data delivery mechanism differs depending on the internet service, all queries and answers are handled via an API.  APIs are designed to be used by a computer or software, whereas user interfaces are designed to be used by humans.

Using an API follows three simple steps:

Step 1: Create an API User Interface

Designing an API is the first stage in the process.  Users need to figure out what problems the API needs to answer before deciding on endpoints and data.  Users must keep track of your decisions during the design stage.  REST APIs are frequently described using the OpenAPI standard, so developing your API entails writing an OpenAPI document.

Step 2: Make a mock API server

Incorporating feedback into an API design and then adjusting it is one of the most critical components of the process.  Unfortunately, many users find that examining endpoints isn’t enough to provide input; instead, they’d prefer to look at sample answers and perhaps start modeling how the API will be used.

Step 3: Create a Real API

After carefully crafting your OpenAPI document with input from various users who matter most via a mock API server, it’s time to build the actual API.  Many would begin here, but you’re far more certain about how the API will be utilized than those who start with coding.

The API can be written in whatever language you like.You can learn more about creating APIs with Mailboxlayer.

What about enterprise usage of API?

APIs enable businesses to enter markets they might not have previously considered.  In addition, early adopters may increase revenue by collaborating with other businesses.  As a result, various companies have successfully implemented APIs. 

Uber used the best of those applications and connected them all via APIs rather than establishing its mapping, payment, or telecommunications services.  Those who recall Twitter’s early days may remember that its user experience wasn’t always so user-friendly.  On the other hand, TweetDeck constructed a better user interface on top of the Twitter engine, resulting in a more seamless user experience.  And, thanks to a third-party application, Google Maps was able to display real estate sites on a map, resulting in a massive spike in popularity. Years later, Google Maps and several other Google products have API access.

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