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Bounce Rate – What is Bounce Rate?

What is the Bounce Rate?

It is the calculation of website visitors who exit a web page without action.  Examples include clicking a link, completing a form, or purchasing something. Also, you can determine how many sessions resulted in the user only coming to the landing page with the bounce rate.  These are sessions where the user clicks on your website but leaves without interacting with it.

What is Bounce Rate and how to quickly improve it? 

Bounce rates (also known as exit rates) are a web analytics measure.  In its most basic form, a bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who leave your website shortly after browsing without any significant engagement.

Bounce rates are commonly used as a measure of page efficacy and success.  People typically assume that a high bounce rate is terrible and that a low bounce rate is desirable.  This is a simplified version of reality. 

A high bounce rate on a customer service page could suggest that the consumer has discovered a solution to their problem and is happy to leave. 

However, a high bounce rate on a landing page with many paid acquisitions could indicate that your site could be improved.

What Do People Use Bounce?

The percentage of website visitors that hit the back button or depart your site without accessing any other web pages than the one they came to is known as the bounce rate.

If someone “bounces” off your site, it doesn’t imply they didn’t read any of your material or have a look around.  This is a common misunderstanding about bounce rates.

It simply implies that the visitor just looked at this page on your website and did not visit any other pages.  It’s dubbed a “bounce” because they probably returned to the search results (“bounced”) to look at different possibilities or narrow down their query.

Instead of being included in the bounce rate, a visitor who comes to your website from a Google search page and visits at least one more page before hitting the return button in their browser will be included in the exit rate indicator.Understanding bounce rates can be tricky, but we can help!

Why Do We Need Bounce Rates?

Bounce rates are important because they might show whether or not the material on a page is relevant or perplexing to your visitors.  On the other hand, a high bounce rate should be concerning because visitors only read that page and then leave.  Or worse, they can’t respond to a CTA or fill out a form, indicating that you’re missing out on conversions.

However, don’t take severe measures like eliminating a page or redesigning your website immediately away. Instead, it would be best if you made some critical evaluations.  That’s why it’s crucial to look at other page data to understand what’s causing the high bounce rates.

Examine how much time visitors spend on your site, where they come from, and what device they use, and see if your content and interaction align with all of these criteria.  Your examination of all of this may reveal trends that will assist you in resolving the bounce rate issue.

How to Use a Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate analysis is a basic formula expressed as a single equation.

Website visitors leave after only visiting the landing page (the page that brought them there) and doing nothing else, divided by the total number of visitors.

Let’s consider a scenario.  Your website gets 100 new visits; out of them, 73 people leave without being interested in further engagement with your website into further engagement, the bounce rate is 73%. 

There are several different ways for a visitor to “Bounce.”

  • When clicking a link to another website, you will be taken there.
  • They can return to the previous page by clicking the back arrow.
  • By typing in a new URL and pressing Enter.
  • Closing the browser window or tab

Another way a visitor can be considered a bounce is if they stop communicating completely and the session ends.  This is measured as any time spent idling for more than half an hour.

Any future interaction after this period is considered a new session, even if it happens within the site.

Learn how to use a bounce rate to optimize your business

Getting A Bounce Rate

Google Analytics defines a bounce as a session with only one interaction. Pageviews and other engagement events that you may have enabled on your page are interaction hits.  A bounce is simply a session with a single pageview if you have other interaction events defined.

The overall number of one-page visits divided by the website entries yields the bounce rate.  For example, if a website’s homepage receives 1,000 visits over a month, and 500 of those users leave the site after visiting the homepage but not progressing to any other pages, the homepage’s bounce rate is 50%.

The proportion of total visits within a certain period is computed by dividing single-interaction visits by the number of visits to your site.

Bounce Rate = Total Visits / Single-Page Visits (Bounces) (Sessions)

So, if 75 out of 100 sessions result in single site traffic but no other interaction, the bounce rate is 75 percent.

What about enterprise usage of Bounce Rate?

Enterprises are using bounce rate to figure out how to improve the time a user stays on their site. Once a business can improve the bounce rate and convince the customer to stay on your webpage, you can quickly convert this engagement into other goals such as sign-ups, lead generation, and conversions.

You can improve the website design and functionality to make it more engaging for users and show the most popular and relevant information.  This could include enhancing the graphical quality, employing strong color contrast, changing the font size and spacing to make the text more readable, and enhancing the page’s calls to action.

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