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Choose the Best Product Visual Using Image Assessment API

If you’re wondering how to choose the best product visual using image assessment API, then you’ve come to the right place. Learn more here!

How can you be sure that the images on your website or ads are of high-quality?

Blurred, distorted, or noisy images distract customers. At worst, they make them leave because the pictures are unrecognizable.

Website owners need to ensure that every image they use is appealing and not distracting.

Does that mean they must manually inspect each picture? Or is there an easier way?

This article looks at image assessment tools and how quality scores impact business practices.

Read on to learn about image quality assessment. You’ll discover what the BRISQUE score is. And how it helps determine if the image is good enough for your application.

What Is Image Assessment?

Image Quality Assessment or IQA analyses an image then determines if it is of high quality.

IQAs fall into three types:

  1. Full-Reference IQA – the non-distorted version which is used as the highest possible score
  2. Reduced-Reference IQA – a distorted image e.g. a watermark in the background
  3. No-Reference or Blind IQA – an image with nothing to reference against

As quality is subjective, a scoring system was created to help determine what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’.


The No-Reference image assessment uses the BRISQUE score to help determine quality.

BRISQUE stands for Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator. It’s a mathematical term that compares known distortions against the selected image.

Scores mostly range between 0 and 100, with a lower score equalling the best image quality.

Image Quality: Error Visibility to Structural Similarity

Traditionally, image quality matched the differences between a distorted image and the original. Yet this relied on human intelligence, something that’s difficult for computers to replicate.

An alternative framework examines the degradation of structured information. It checks a database of known distortions and compares them to the given file.

The result is more accurate quality scores.

Image Quality Score Uses

Why would you want to use image quality scores?

Use Case 1: e-commerce

Image thumbnails on an e-commerce site are the first thing a customer sees. Clearer pictures can help increase conversions and high-quality product images put trust in a brand. You can either filter-out the low-quality product images or just hide them. Displaying better product quality images means better conversion rates and more revenue.

Use Case 2: search results

For sites with a large product database, you can also place quality images at the top of search results. Users will be attracted to the clearer picture while poor quality items will sit further down the list.

Use Case 3: paid advertising

You can also identify poor images through an IQA, so that you won’t spend budget on low quality product visuals.

That’s important for finding ads with low CTRs. You can also flag any images that are uploaded to your site. Users and admins will get instant feedback if their pictures don’t match your standards.

Image Quality Assessment API

To make quality assessment easy, use our Image Quality Assessment API.

Simply supply the image URL or upload your file and the API produces a BRISQUE score. Our algorithm does the hard work behind the scenes.

Everything’s handles through a RESTful API with a JSON response. You can use it with Python, PHP, JavaScript, or any language that can work with an API.

It only takes a few seconds to set up an account. And you can try it for free with up to 20 requests per day.

Image Assessment Tools At APILayer

Image assessment tools identify poor images that will degrade your website or app.

Our Image Quality Assessment API produces a BRISQUE score within seconds. And with that information, you can remove or re-order product images based on quality.

Explore more of our computer vision APIs.

Our APIs open a world of possibilities for you to use. From image labeling to nudity detection, put the hard work in our hands to produce accurate results.

Visit our online API marketplace for all your image assessment needs.

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