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Dynamic IP Address – What Is a Dynamic IP Address?

A dynamic IP address changes regularly. It is used for most home networks as it is cost-effective and flexible for the ISP to allocate. 

Instead of a static IP address assigned to the home network, the ISP allocates an IP address from a pool of addresses. After a few weeks or days, the IP address is returned to the pool, and you are provided with a new IP address.

What Is a Dynamic IP Address? 

A dynamic IP does not remain consistent and is regularly updated. It also does not require additional network configuration or setup and is easy to manage. Residential areas or small-scale organizations always have dynamic IP addresses. 

As you continue reading this article, you’ll learn all the essential details about the dynamic IP address, and you will be able to make an informed decision on which type is the right one for you.

What Is a Dynamic IP Address?

A dynamic IP address is assigned automatically to a node or connection of a network like your computer, laptop, or smartphone. It is automatically assigned using a DHCP server. 

In a local network (used in organizations or homes), most devices with a private IP address are configured for DHCP. Without enabling DHCP, all devices connected to your home network would need a manual setup for network information. 

Because dynamic IP addresses are constantly changing, they make it difficult to access your computer, webcam, or DVR remotely. Therefore, the IP address may change anytime while using the device. If you want to have remote access to your computer, and the IP address changes in the next five minutes, you will lose connection to your computer.

What Are Dynamic IP Addresses? 

Dynamic Internet Protocols are temporary addresses assigned to a node or computing device when connected to a network. The IP address on the same node may change every time it connects to a network. 

The modification, assigning, and reassigning of dynamic IP addresses is managed by the DHCP server. Dynamic IP addresses are also used due to the limited range of IPv4, which allows a single IP address to move between different nodes to overcome the shortage of IP addresses.

Why Do We Need Dynamic IP Address? 

Dynamic IP addresses are default addresses allocated to customers by internet service providers. They are ideal for regular internet users as they are convenient to set up. 

Static IP addresses are permanent and require additional fees and extra setup costs. Moreover, they are limited compared with the fixed range of addresses provided by a dynamic IP. 

One of the key advantages of dynamic IP addresses is that they are more flexible and easier to administer. So, ISP’s can easily set up dynamic IP addresses at a minimum cost and automatically make changes to them. 

For instance, a computer is allocated a specific IP address when connected to a network. After it is disconnected, the same IP address is assigned to a different device that connects to the same network. In this process, the number of devices that can connect to the network is limited, as the ones not in use can be disconnected to spare the IP address for a different device.  

Another benefit of using dynamic IP addresses is that they do not require manual setup, unlike static IPs. All they need is to enable DHCP on the router to implement the IP address. Almost all network devices in dynamic IP addresses are configured by default, selecting the address from a pool of addresses.

How to Use Dynamic IP Address?

In the initial years of internet development, web architects did not realize the need for an unlimited range of IP addresses; as a result, until IPv6 was invented, the number of IP addresses available was limited. To solve this problem, internet service providers limited static IP addresses and started to assign temporary dynamic IP addresses. Dynamic IP addresses economized the process and allowed ISPs to request addresses from a pool of addresses using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). 

Dynamic IP addresses are allocated to a device while connected to the Internet. After the user disconnects, the IP address is either assigned to a new device or moved back to the pool. 

When a user connects to the Internet and registers with a DNS service, the device initiates communication with the DNS to update the user about the assigned IP address. The DNS service then communicates to the DNS server to transmit the correct IP address. So, when using a dynamic IP address, a dynamic DNS service has competitive advantages over static IP. 

What About Enterprise Usage of Dynamic IP Address? 

There are certain advantages of a dynamic IP address, but privacy and data security are some of the key advantages of using dynamic IP addresses. Because dynamic IP addresses are constantly changing, it is difficult for hackers to compromise or target the device. 

In addition, dynamic IP addresses require less time, maintenance, and cost as they are automatically configured with available IP addresses. Organizations can save much cost by eliminating manual setup and additional tools. Companies can use multiple devices with dynamic IP addresses without any manual configuration limitation

However, there are a few downsides to using dynamic IP addresses for businesses. The downtime of dynamic IP addresses is much higher, and there is a high probability of the device getting disconnected while hosting servers. If geolocation is important to your business, reconsider using dynamic IP addresses, as geolocation is less accurate when using dynamic IPs. 

Similarly, if remotely accessing your system is important to your organization, dynamic IPs give limited remote access. They can prevent effectively implementing work from home or monitoring remote assignments. 

The use and benefits of dynamic IP addresses vary from company to company. Contact your internet service provider to discuss which of the two serves your purpose the best.

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