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HTTP Request Method – What Is HTTP

Request Method?

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows communication between two parties. To be exact, it is a request-response communication protocol between the server and the client. 

The client’s request is an HTTP Request, and HTTP request methods contain information about the specific action that needs to be performed.

What Are HTTP Request Methods?

Different servers on the Internet host a range of resources, so to access these resources, the browser sends a request to the servers to perform relevant action. 

HTTP refers to the format used to consolidate requests and responses to enable communication between a server and the client. The client’s message or request sent to the server is an HTTP request.

The client always receives a response to the request, indicating whether the request has failed or been fulfilled. The server performs the desired action and sends a response code when the request is completed. In case of failure, a failure code is sent back to the client, listing the failure details. 

In this article, you’ll learn what each HTTP method is used for as well as why we use them.

What Is HTTP Request Method?

Clients can use different methods to send these requests.

These methods are assets that inform the desired action requested to be performed on a specific resource. Every request method performs distinct actions, but all HTTP request methods share standard features.

What Are HTTP Request Methods?

HTTP request methods perform various actions on a resource recognized by a request URL. The HTTP request methods must always be in upper case, as they are case-sensitive. All HTTP method requests have a designated purpose. 

There are four parts of HTTP requests and responses: 

  1. The first line indicates a request URL or request’s method or carry’s the response code indicating failure or success of the request. The start line includes verb/path/version. Verb specifies the action the server has to perform. For example, the verb “GET” or “POST.” The path is the section of the URL that informs what documents the client wants to access, including other information. It does not include address or server name as the TLS/TCP connection sends the request directly to the webserver. Lastly, a version that indicates the method of request used. 
  2. A header contains the details of the message or request made by the client. Each form of header consists of name, value, where. The name informs the meaning or type of the header, and the value gives data for the header. This information cannot have any /r/ or /n/ characters. 
  3. A blank line containing meta-information is sent to the server. 
  4. The message body contains data relevant to the request, such as documents or web form data related to the response that will be displayed to the client.

Why Do We Need HTTP Request Methods?

HTTP request methods are means of communication between the server and the client to access resources from the web. The request to access could include anything from database data to HTML files and so on. 

HTTP request methods determine the specific action to access a resource and send a relevant response to the client. These methods map requests to actions in a consistent manner. 

How to Use an HTTP Request Method? 

There are various methods of sending requests to access data using HTTP. For example, we can request the server to post data, access a particular web page, and delete specific data from the web page, such as a post or a comment. The most commonly used methods of HTTP request methods are: 


GET is one of the most commonly employed HTTP request methods that sends a request to servers to access certain information on the server. For example, you want to send a request for access to Instagram. In the browser, the request “https://www.instagram.com” will be known as sending a GET request to the Instagram server, requesting a response for the Instagram homepage. 


Post is another widely used HTTP request that transports data from the client to the server. Take the example of your favorite brand’s cart page in which you are submitting details, such as your phone number, name, and address. 


PUT and POST are similar request methods in which data or information is transferred to the server. However, the PUT method is commonly used to update information rather than add new data to the server. The PUT method will update the phone number, name, and address already added to the server.  


As the name suggests, the delete request method removes data from the server. For example, you have posted a picture on Facebook, and now you want to delete it. The request you will send to the Facebook server will be “Delete.”

What About Enterprise Usage of HTTP Request Methods? 

HTTP requests occur when a browser requests to access a webpage or specific information on the website’s server. When a client wants to open a particular page on your website, the server accepts this request and sends a relevant response. 

This is what happens every time someone tries to access your website: 

  • The browser (Safari, Google Chrome, or Firefox) sends a request to the server. 
  • The browser requests the server to perform a specific action, such as opening the file on a certain page on the website. The file may have images or text. 
  • When the request becomes successful, the multimedia is rendered on the screen or mobile devices of the browser. 
  • If the browser is unable to access more content that is available on the webpage, another HTTP request will be made.

More requests mean a slower load and decreased response time on the website. HTTP requests can have a negative impact on user experience on your website if the size or number of the files being transferred is high. So, HTTP requests should be made as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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