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JSON – What is JSON?

What exactly is a JSON?

JSON “JavaScript Object Notation” is text-based data exchange standard.  It’s a set of key-value pairs in which the key must be of the string type and the value can be of all the ones that follow:

  • Number 
  • String 
  • Boolean 
  • Array 
  • Object 
  • null

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation.  It was created to exchange data in a human-readable format.

Its file extension is denoted with a .json. 

Assuming you’ve previously worked as a JavaScript developer, the JSON format and JavaScript objects and arrays of objects can be highly similar in such situations. They aren’t, however. 

The JSON format structure was derived from the JavaScript object syntax. Let’s explain the connection between JSON data and JavaScript objects.

JSON is a format that is independent of programming languages supported by Python, Java, PHP, and various programming languages.

JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a simple text-based open standard for transferring human-readable data.  Programmers are familiar with JSON conventions, including C, C++, Java, Python, and Perl.

What is a JSON? An introduction to JSON

It is a text-based standard for encoding structured data predicated on JavaScript object syntax. 

Douglas Crockford popularised JSON, a text-based data format that uses JavaScript object syntax. Despite its resemblance to JavaScript object literal syntax, it may be used independently of JavaScript, and many various application areas support reading (parsing) and generating JSON.

JSON exists as a string when you want to send data across a network.  When you wish to retrieve the data, you must convert it to a native JavaScript object.  This isn’t a major problem because JavaScript has a global JSON object with methods for converting between the two.

What is JSON useful for?

JSON is easy to understand and produces data transfer format.  It is an extension of the JavaScript syntax for describing object data.  It is not, however, limited to use with JavaScript.  It has a text file that combines object and array structures to represent data in a portable manner.  These data formats are supported by all modern computer languages, making JSON language agnostic.

This gained popularity with browser programming languages that required data serialization to be small and convenient.  Developed as an alternative to XML, it has since largely supplanted it for web parsing.  This book will help you better grasp this important format by providing historical context, valuable benefits, and practical uses.

Advantages of JSON:

  • Compact and effective format: The JSON syntax facilitates data parsing and application.
  • Simple to read: Both humans and machines can rapidly and accurately interpret the syntax.
  • Widely endorsed: JSON can be consumed by most languages, operating systems, and browsers right out of the box, allowing it to be utilized without worry about compatibility.
  • Self-describing: It’s simple to identify between data kinds, making it easier to analyze data when you don’t know what to expect.

The format is adaptable: JSON has many data types that can be combined to define the structure of almost any data set.

How to Use JSON?

Part of JSON’s attraction is its simplicity.  It’s simple to write, read, and translate between the database systems used by most programming languages.  So what makes up a JSON object?  JSON allows the types of data and other details about this widely used data format’s syntax.

You’ve probably come across JSON while browsing data or API documentation.  The requirements for acceptable JSON are simple, but they can be used to describe complex data.  A JSON object has the following structure:

  • Objects are held in place using curly braces.
  • The information is organized into key-value pairs.
  • [] square brackets arrays to hold
  • If it’s a character, the data element will be enclosed in quotations; if it is a numeric value, it is not.
  • To separate parts of information, commas are utilized.

With Mailboxlayer, learning JSON has never been easier

Using JSON 

Obtaining the JSON

We utilize an API called XMLHttpRequest to get the JSON (often called XHR).  This extremely important JavaScript object allows us to utilize JavaScript to perform network requests to receive resources from a server (e.g., photos, text, JSON, and even HTML snippets), allowing us to update small portions of the content without reloading the whole page.

Populating the Header

Let’s use the JSON data now that we’ve obtained it and transformed it into a JavaScript object.  We start by creating an element with createElement(), setting its textContent to the object’s squad name property, and then appending it to the header using appendChild() ().  Then we build a paragraph, set its text content, and attach it to the header similarly.  The main distinction is that its text is a spliced string that includes both the homeTown and constructed properties of the object.

Building Hero Information Cards

A card builder class that makes it easier to create hero cards.  Hero cards include the same data as thumbnail cards, but the card images are larger and more prominent.

What about Enterprise Usage of JSON?

JSON is a serialization and transmission standard for structured data over a network connection. It’s primarily used to send data from a server to web apps.  In addition, the JSON format is used by web services and APIs to give public data.

Furthermore, an increasing number of organizational knowledge graphs fully harness JSON-capabilities LD’s by allowing companies to access data saved in document formats and a range of semi-structured and unstructured information.  Knowledge graphs show the linked data methodology driving the increased popularity of JSON-LD — and the tangible, recurring business benefit that linked data regularly brings — by employing this technology to integrate multiple data sources.

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