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Microservices Design: API Gateway Pattern

API Gateway Pattern

Software applications have an increasing user base today. This situation creates new needs in terms of infrastructure and performance that developers must handle. Especially with the rapid growth of web-based applications and services, more modular and scalable structures such as microservices architecture come to the fore. With microservices becoming so widespread, solutions such as the API gateway pattern are gaining importance to manage communication between different services and ensure security.

Microservices architecture has become an increasingly preferred approach in modern software development. This architecture enables the use of small, independent services instead of large monolithic applications. In this way, different components of the application can be directly developed, deployed, and scalable independently of each other. One of the advantages of microservice design patterns is that updating a service does not affect other services and errors can be tracked more easily. For example, on an e-commerce platform, separate microservices can be used for different areas such as user account management, product management, and payment transactions. This is also a way to handle the increasing traffic in software applications today. In this article, we will take a closer look at the API gateway pattern, which is indispensable in microservice architecture. Next, we will examine the most popular API gateway products on the market.

Understanding the API Gateway Pattern

understanding the api gateway pattern

API gateway pattern is a popular design pattern used to manage and secure communication between backend services in a microservice architecture. This pattern helps us manage and distribute all requests from a single point by mediating between client applications and multiple services. Typically, an API gateway service verifies incoming requests and performs security checks such as authorization and authentication. It also directs requests to the appropriate APIs and hides the complexity between services by forwarding the incoming responses to the client in the appropriate format. It is also known as an API management tool. In this way, application developers have a cleaner communication interface and can more effectively solve security and performance problems in inter-service communication.

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The working logic of the API gateway pattern generally works as follows: When the client sends a request, this request reaches the API gateway. API gateway verifies the incoming request, performs the authorization steps, and directs the request to the correct service. The response from the service is received by the API gateway, converted into the appropriate format, and transmitted to the client. In this process, the API gateway can also perform additional features such as logging and collecting statistics. In this way, application developers can manage the communication between services at a more central and controllable point.

Exploring the Potential Uses of an API Gateway

The benefits of API gateway in microservices are very important for software developers. Nowadays, API gateway is preferred in almost many software applications. In this section, we will take a look at the potential usage areas of the implementing API gateway.

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The API gateway acts like a router and directs incoming requests to the correct services. It is mainly a proxy or gateway routing provider. Especially when microservices architecture is used, there may be many different services and it is important to make it easy for clients to access these services. For example, an e-commerce application might have a /products endpoint for users to view products. The API gateway can direct incoming requests to this endpoint and forward them to the relevant service, which retrieves the products from the database and returns them to the client. In this way, it reduces complexity and increases performance by enabling the application to communicate between different services. Also, it directly provides load balancing between microservices instances.

Protocol Abstraction Layer

API gateway can also act as a protocol abstraction layer by supporting different communication protocols (HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket, etc.). Especially in modern applications, situations are often encountered where different clients use different communication methods. In this case, the API gateway can convert the incoming requests into the correct protocol and forward them to the relevant service. For example, a mobile application may send requests via the HTTP protocol, while an IoT device may use the gRPC protocol. API gateway meets these requests, allowing the application to cope with protocol diversity and simplifying the development process.

Centralized Error Management

API gateway increases the reliability of the application by providing centralized error management. This is one of the most important advantages that the API gateway pattern provides to applications. It tracks, records, and appropriately manages any errors that may occur while processing all incoming requests. For example, if a service is down, the API gateway improves the user experience by providing feedback to the client with error codes. Additionally, the API gateway’s centralized error tracking provides great convenience for developers in debugging and troubleshooting.

Authentication and Authorization

The API gateway can manage authentication and authorization processes centrally. It verifies requests from clients and performs authorization checks, ensuring that only authorized users have access to certain services. For example, when a user wants to access a specific API endpoint, the API gateway authenticates the user and checks the access permissions. In this way, security-sensitive operations are protected and authorization management can be easily managed from a central point.


With the API gateway, developers can gain the ability to keep detailed logs of all incoming and outgoing requests to their applications. These logs are used to track the performance, security, and usage of the application. For example, thanks to the logs of the API gateway, important information such as which client communicated with which services and whether the requests were successful or unsuccessful can be obtained. This information is used both in debugging processes and provides valuable data for performance analysis.

Response Caching

API gateway increases the performance of the application and reduces network traffic thanks to its response caching feature. Especially when the responses to recurring requests are cached, a response can be received directly from the cache when the same requests are made again. This provides a huge performance boost, especially in situations that require access to frequently used data. For example, if a list of products is requested frequently in an e-commerce application, the API can store this list in the gateway cache, reducing the need to access the database on each request.

Distinguished API Gateway Services

distinguished api gateway services

Nowadays, there are many API gateway products in the market that developers can choose from. Many of these products belong to popular software companies in the industry. In this section, we will list the API gateway products with the widest usage network that developers can choose.

Netflix API Gateway: Zuul

Zuul, Netflix’s API Gateway, is an API Gateway application that provides dynamic routing of microservice applications. Like other API Gateways, it is used to manage requests and route microservice applications securely. In this way, web traffic is regulated and users’ requests are responded to quickly and securely. Zuul stands out, especially in terms of monitoring, flexibility, and security. Developed by Netflix, this service improves the performance of web applications by providing a fast and reliable API routing service. You can find detailed information here.

Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service by AWS and allows developers to define and publish APIs for backend applications. This service facilitates secure and fast API access while also improving the performance of web applications. The fast access and security features offered by Amazon API Gateway contribute to improving the user experience of websites, which allows for higher rankings by search engines. You can check out this link for more information and details.

Azure API Gateway

Azure API Gateway is a service offered by Microsoft Azure. This service offers important features such as secure API access, protection against attacks, and analytics. It helps developers create high-performance and reliable software architecture by providing secure and fast API access for websites. You can visit this link to get more information about Azure API Gateway.

The Most Striking API Gateway Model: Backend for Frontend Pattern

It is a variation of the API Gateway model. Provides multiple gateways per client rather than a single entry point for clients. With the Backend for Frontend pattern, you can add an API tailored to each customer’s needs and eliminate most of the bloat caused by keeping it all in one place.

It is worth noting that the Backend for Frontend pattern can be extended especially for applications with more than one type of client. Different gateways can also be created for specific business areas and specific clients. This pattern is flexible enough to respond to almost any microservice-based situation.


In summary, microservices architecture plays an important role in modern software development practice. This approach enables the use of modular and scalable services instead of large monolithic applications. This speeds up development processes, simplifies maintenance, and increases flexibility. The API gateway pattern reduces the communication complexity in the microservice architecture, ensures security, and manages the communication between clients and services. In this way, application developers can create a cleaner and more secure code base.

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Q: What are the benefits of microservice architecture?

A: Microservices architecture offers many advantages over large monolithic applications. These benefits include better scalability, modularity, and the ability to develop/deploy independently. Microservices allow different teams to seamlessly develop and operate different services.

Q: What advantages does the API gateway pattern provide to my business?

A: API gateway pattern provides various advantages to its users. These include elements such as security, monitoring, scalability, centralized logging, and rapid development. API gateway verifies incoming requests, provides authorization, acts as a firewall, and directs them to services. In this way, it becomes easier to manage communication between services and ensure security.

Q: What are the common API gateway security practices?

A: There are some commonly used practices for API gateway security. These include the use of HTTPS, the use of authorization and authentication mechanisms, API keys, and token-based authentication methods such as JWT.

Q: Which are the most popular API gateway providers?

A: The most popular API gateway providers include solutions such as Amazon API Gateway, Microsoft Azure API Management, Kong, Apigee, and Netflix Zuul. These providers benefit businesses in areas such as a wide range of features, security, monitoring, and scalability, and often offer flexibility to suit developers’ needs.

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