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12 Steps to Find the Perfect API to Verify Email Address

a person is searching the mailboxlayer email verification api on the laptop

Today, data security and privacy have become the cornerstones of the digital age. Especially with the widespread use of the internet, the protection of personal and corporate data has gained great importance. At this point, methods such as email verification and email verification API services that provide this process play a major role. Email verification is an effective tool to verify users’ identities and increase data security. This process is widely used to keep users’ accounts secure and strengthen authorization processes. Additionally, thanks to email verifier API services, this verification process can be automated, and stronger data security protection can be provided.

With the development of technology, the number of email verifier API services in the market is increasing day by day. There are some steps that businesses and developers should consider when choosing APIs that provide this service. In this article, we will take a look at these steps and common use cases of the email verification API.

Email Verification APIs: Key Usage Scenarios

email verification apis: key usage scenarios

Email validation API services are widely used as an important tool for various use cases. These APIs are mainly used to verify email addresses quickly. In this section, we will touch upon the common use cases of these services, which are very important to us.

Registration and Approval Processes

Many websites and applications provide email verification for users when registering or confirming their accounts. Email verification API services automate this process and check that users have entered a correct and valid email address. Consequently, accounts created with incorrect or fake email addresses are prevented, and this automated system significantly contributes to the platforms’ security.

Moreover, checking whether the format and fields of email addresses provided by users are correct is one of the benefits of these APIs. In this way, registration with misspelled or missing email addresses is prevented and data accuracy is increased. These are the main benefits of email address verification API.

Subscription Management and CRM Integration

Companies and marketing teams use email validation APIs in subscription management and customer relationship management (CRM) processes. These APIs play an important role when organizing and updating customer email lists. Detecting incorrect or invalid email addresses increases the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and ensures communication accuracy. When integrated into CRM systems, it ensures that customer data is up-to-date and accurate and optimizes communication processes.

Anti-Spam and Security Controls

Email validation APIs are also used to block spam accounts and prevent malicious use. While these APIs check the validity of email addresses, they also scan spam lists and identify addresses associated with known spam sources. Thus, a communication environment free of spam content is provided and security risks are minimized.

For security-oriented uses, email validation APIs can also verify that email addresses are approved by their owners. For example, these APIs can be used to verify that the email address used to reset an account’s password is the real owner. In this way, the security of accounts is increased and authorization processes are strengthened.

Discovering the Ideal Email Address Verification API

discovering the ideal email address verification api

The importance of choosing a good email validation API plays a vital role in ensuring data accuracy and security. A powerful email validation API detects invalid email addresses and cleans and updates databases, thus increasing communication accuracy. At the same time, it blocks spam accounts and prevents malicious use, thus minimizing security risks. In this section, we will examine the steps of choosing a good email verification API.

1. Does the Email API Have a Documentation?

API documentation is essential as it increases API adoption. Comprehensive documentation on every functionality, how to use and integrate it, and updates on the API lifetime improve the experience for those who use your APIs.

An email verifier API must be able to provide its customers with detailed documentation, and mailboxlayer offers just that. A customer can go through the documentation to understand every aspect of this fantastic API, ranging from access specifications to API validation tools. You’ll be able to check out the API’s features as you go through their documentation once you’ve joined up. Mailboxlayer provides excellent detailed documentation, errors, and code examples that a user can look through to better grasp the email verifier API. You can check out the official documentation and see it for yourself.

2. Can You Use HTTPS to Encrypt Your API Requests?

HTTPS secures communication between your websites and users’ browsers, preventing outsiders from interfering with that communication. This is a basic requirement of any email verification API and is important to ensure data security.

Any customer using the Mailboxlayer API can securely access all data exported and available through the API using industry-standard SSL. To establish a secure connection, it is sufficient to add ‘https://’ to the HTTP protocol. This way, users can connect to the API via industry-standard HTTPS, ensuring secure and encrypted data flows. This is an important step in terms of data security and ensures the security of users’ data flows.

3. Do the API Users Have Access to Their API Usage Statistics?

The mailboxlayer API allows you to track your API daily or monthly API consumption. Moreover, it sends you automatic alerts when you’re running short. Furthermore, the mailboxlayer API limits the requests to the API based on your current subscription plan. The limit is based on the number of requests received every minute. So if you cross your rate limit, the API will return an error carrying the type rate_limit_reached. This probably makes mailboxlayer the perfect email verifier API.

4. Does the API Provide Syntax Check on API Requests?

Syntax checks can be beneficial and time-saving as they would require less debugging. When an email address is requested to be verified, the mailboxlayer API will first do a regular email syntax check, ensuring that it complies with regular expression criteria (for further details, visit the API’s documentation). The format_valid JSON object in the API response will return true or false depending on whether the email’s syntax is valid.

5. How Does the API Provide Typo Checks and Suggestions to The Users?

Along with the essential syntax checks, it is always a bonus that an email verifier API provides both typo checks and suggestions. This is precisely what is expected of the perfect API since it is the epitome of efficiency. 

Learn what validation of email is and how it helps you!

Suppose the mailboxlayer API identifies a likely misspelling or error in the domain component of the requested email address. In that case, it will provide an alternate email suggestion in the ‘did you mean’ object of the API return set. However, the critical point is that the email address in the ‘did you mean’ object is merely a suggestion and has no influence on other API response objects.

6. Is Done Email Verification in Real-Time?

The mailboxlayer API checks email addresses by looking for MX-Records and utilizing SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Technology, which is the protocol that we all use to send and receive emails over the internet.

Our system starts the real-time email verification process by determining if the requested domain is set up to receive email. This is where the MX-Records check in the API comes in handy. The API’s mx _found response object will notify you if MX-Records for the provided domain are found.

For each email address, the mail server is contacted via SMTP. The SMTP dialogue that follows is the most crucial aspect in determining whether or not the email address provided is valid. The smtp_check JSON object in the API response will return true or false based on whether or not an SMTP check was successful.

7. Can You Role Check an Email Address with the API?

The technique of determining whether or not the requested email address is a role email address is another aspect of mailboxlayer email verification. A role email is an address that usually refers to a function (such as “support” or “postmaster”) rather than a specific person or name. It is an essential function that every email verifier API must have.

Check out this article to learn why you shouldn’t ignore email checks.

Because open rates are often poor, this sort of email address is not desirable when delivering email marketing. Therefore, if the requested email is a role address, the role JSON object in the API response will return true or false.

8. Can You Check Which Email Provider an Email Corresponds to?

The mailboxlayer API connects to a regularly updated database of all accessible email providers, allowing it to detect free email services such as Gmail and Yahoo! The free JSON object in the API response will return true or false depending on whether the requested email address is discovered to be utilizing a free service.

9. Does the API Rate the Quality of Your Requested Email Address?

The perfect API rates how good or bad the user’s requested email is. Mailboxlayer does precisely that.

The mailboxlayer API will provide a numeric Quality Score ranging from 0 (Bad) to 1 (Good) to indicate the quality and deliverability of the given email address at the end of the mailboxlayer validation and verification procedure. Intelligent algorithms evaluate email addresses using three primary factors: appearance, deliverability, and background. Using these factors, the API provides a Quality Score for each email.

10. What Error Codes Should You Expect When Your Query Fails, and What Do They Mean?

As previously stated, error codes are incredibly useful. The most straightforward way for a developer to communicate failure to a user is via error codes in the API response stage.

If your query fails, the mailboxlayer API will respond with a 3-digit error code, an internal type error, and a plain text “info” object containing suggestions for the user. You can visit the mailbox’s official documentation to learn more about error codes and their meaning.

11. Does This API Provide Code Examples for Its Customers?

Code examples allow the user to better understand how to use the API in a particular programming language. The mailboxlayer API also provides powerful code integration examples to its users in its documentation. These examples allow users to better understand how to use the API in a particular programming language, which ensures effective use of the API. The various intuitive and detailed code examples that mailboxlayer offers, especially in PHP (cURL) and JavaScript (jQuery.ajax), demonstrate the practical aspects of using the API. These examples help users learn how to structure API queries, what parameters to use, and how to process the responses they receive from the API.

As an example, mailboxlayer’s code examples for PHP (cURL) show users how to call the API, send data, and handle responses from the API. Similarly, examples for JavaScript (jQuery.ajax) help them visually understand the usage of the API. These examples are prepared to suit the different needs of API users, from beginner to advanced.

12. Does the Email API Have Any Unique Features?

The perfect email API would have everything other APIs have, but it would also have some unique and helpful features that set it apart from the rest. One such example is the catch-all detection feature of mailboxlayer.

The real-time verification procedure of the mailboxlayer API does not conclude with a single SMTP check. Instead, a catch-all detection mechanism catches all incoming mail traffic to servers. All of which is entirely independent of the local portion of the email address’s request.

Due to its significant impact on the API’s response time, it is disabled by default. However, by inserting the API’s catch_all parameter into the request URL and setting it to 1, you may enable catch-all detection.


In summary, communicating using a verified email address ensures the security of users and increases data accuracy. Especially for businesses, using the right communication channels and verifying email addresses ensures that customer relationships are built on solid foundations. Email verification APIs play an important role in this process. These APIs easily validate email addresses. They are used to block spam accounts, detect false or fake email addresses, and strengthen communication processes. Especially for companies with large databases, such tools are critical for data security. By using correct email verification processes and reliable APIs, we ensure data security and provide more effective communication.

Now, you must be pretty excited to try out all of the aforementioned features and functionalities. So, click here to begin your journey with the best email API.


Q: What is email verification and why is it important?

A: Email verification is simply the process of checking the accuracy of the email addresses provided by users. This process uses various checking mechanisms to verify the validity and existence of email addresses. The importance of email verification is to prevent spam accounts and increase data security, in addition to communicating with correct and valid email addresses.

Q: In what cases can email validation APIs be used?

A: Email validation APIs can be used in many different situations. They are especially widely used in user registration processes and account verifications. They can also be used to clean and update customer contact lists in marketing campaigns. Email validation APIs also play an important role in processes such as spam filtering and security checks.

Q: How does an email validation process work?

A: The email validation process usually consists of a series of steps. Firstly, the email address provided by the user is subjected to a specific format check and checked whether it has a valid format. The API then communicates with the mail server to verify the existence and activity of the email address. Finally, the reliability of the email address is checked by scanning databases such as spam lists and malicious sources.

Q: Does the mailboxlayer API have a free access key?

A: Yes, mailboxlayer API has a free access key. Offering quick and easy integration, mailboxlayer offers a free access plan that allows users to test the API on their platform and use it in small-scale applications. Additionally, this free plan offers 100 API calls per month.

Q: What are the features of email verification services?

A: The features of email verification services generally include checking the validity of email addresses provided by the user, verifying their existence and activity status, checking the formats of email addresses, detecting spam accounts by scanning spam lists, and blocking malicious sources.

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