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20 Things You Should Know About Best Weather API

We live surrounded by APIs. In fact, companies use APIs for almost everything. Take weather APIs for example. Weather APIs are Application Programming Interfaces that provide you with access to current and historical weather data from across the globe. However, the majority of them are difficult to use. That said, using Ajax to implement the best weather API  can help minimize issues caused by poor design, lack of documentation, instability, and unresolved bugs and get the current weather and forecast weather data into your app. 

Finding a weather API that is clean, well-documented, and simple to use isn’t always easy. Thankfully, Weatherstack promises you the best weather API experience. 

In this article, we will learn 20 things you should know about the best weather API out there.

What are some facts about WeatherStack data and API?

1. Who should use weatherstack?

The weatherstack API is perfect for large and small-scale businesses, developers, and freelancers, as well as individuals who need a rich source of accurate weather data.

2. How often is weather data refreshed?

The Weatherstack API always provides real-time weather prediction data and the most up-to-date weather information available at the time of retrieval.

3. How scalable is this service?

The weatherstack API uses the apilayer cloud architecture preferred by many of the most popular real-time API services. It is highly scalable and adaptable.

4. What is an API Request?

An API request happens every time you ask the API for information. The number of API queries you make each month determines the cost. You spend one API call each time you use the weatherstack API service to seek weather information. In addition, API failures do not affect your quota — if weatherstack fails or can’t answer your query, it cost you nothing.

5. What happens if I exceed my API Request volume?

Once users have used up at least 75%, 90%, or 100% of their monthly API Request quota, they receive an automatic alert through email and their Account Dashboard. The system blocks your API access if you have used up your allowance. Clear alerts that guarantee uptime are another big reason you choose weatherstack as your weather API.

6. Does the API guarantee uptime?

We monitor the system status of weatherstack API 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure maximum availability and consistency. As result, weatherstack API has a 99.9% uptime rate computed over the last 12 months.

7. Is there documentation for this API?

Yes, weatherstack provides detailed documentation. By following the instructions and PHP, Python, Node, jQuery, and Ruby code samples you will make API queries in minutes. There is also a 3-Step Quickstart Guide for those who do not want to go through detailed documentation. 

8. How convenient is weatherstack?

The weatherstack API supports all major programming languages and has a straightforward, easy-to-use design.

9. What is the Current Weather API feature?

You can get real-time access to current weather data for millions of places worldwide, powered by reliable data sources. Just attach a location to the API’s ‘current’ endpoint to query the weatherstack API for real-time weather data.

10. What is the Historical Weather API feature?

Depending on your membership, you get access to extensive historical worldwide weather data dating back to 2008. To check historical weather data, simply provide one or several semicolon-separated dates to the weatherstack API’s ‘historical’ endpoint using the ‘historical date’ argument.

11. What is the Historical Time-Series API feature?

If the parameters ‘historical_date_start’ and ‘historical_date_end’ are set to valid dates, the API can analyze historical time-series results in addition to seeking up historical weather data for specific days.

12. What is the Weather Forecast API feature?

Weatherstack provides weather forecast data up to 14 days ahead. Simply use the API’s ‘forecast’ argument to set the number of ‘forecast_days’.

13. What is the Location Lookup/Autocomplete API feature?

With the weatherstack API’s flexible search & autocomplete API endpoint, you specify a city or region by name, ZIP code, coordinates, or even IP address. You can also use the location ‘autocomplete’ endpoint to pinpoint one or more precise locations and feed them to a weather data endpoint later. 

14. What are Bulk API queries?

With bulk API queries, you can request weather information for numerous geographic locations with a single API call. 

15. What is the first step to getting started with weatherstack?

The first step is to log in with your weatherstack account’s unique API access key. You can find it on your account dashboard after you register. All the information you need to get going is in the documentation. 

16. How do you use HTTPS Encryption in the API?

By appending an ‘s’ to the HTTP protocol, clients on the Standard Plan or higher can connect to the weatherstack using industry-standard SSL (HTTPS). Please upgrade your account if you are currently on the Free Plan and plan to use the HTTPS API in production.

17. What are some of the General options provided by weatherstack? 

Weatherstack has Query, Units, and very helpful language parameters. When you are making queries to one of the API’s weather data endpoints, you can use the ‘query’ parameter in various ways to pass locations to the API. You can also switch the ‘units’ parameter between Metric, Scientific, and Fahrenheit. In addition, you can change the default language (English) to another language by attaching the ‘language’ parameter to your API URL with the 2-letter ISO Code of your preferred language. It’s all in the documentation.

What are the weatherstack’s pricing and payment options?

18. How many billing and subscription options does weatherstack have and how do they differ?

Weatherstack has two billing options: monthly and yearly, and yearly billing often has special discounts! The API has 4 subscription options: Free, Standard, Professional, and Business. The weatherstack Free Plan is a great way to get started with the API. It offers limited API capabilities and 1,000 API lookups monthly. If you need more,  premium memberships offer higher volumes and sophisticated API functionality.

19. Which payment methods does weatherstack API support?

Weather stack accepts all major Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diner’s Club, American Express credit card payments. Enterprise and high-volume consumers can also pay with annual bank transfers. You can change your payment method at any time.

20. Can I contact weatherstack for guidance?

You can always use the contact us option to contact sales and customer support at weatherstack. In addition, you can fill out the available form for a custom solution for your subscription, for changing your payment frequency, or anything else.

Weatherstack is one of the most popular solutions for global real-time weather information. It promises to give you the best experience a weather API can offer and has various plans you can select according to your needs. Due to its exclusive features and easy-to-use API design, you will be making API requests in no time.

If you are excited about trying these weatherstack features and options, then click here to begin your journey with the best weather API.

You can also check out the best API Marketplace here. 

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