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5 Ways To Automate Visitor Tracking And Identification On Your Website

5 Ways To Add Website Visitors Identification To Your Website

Tracking the visitor traffic on websites is a valuable activity that can help companies explore their user base and make appropriate decisions according to them. However, the amount of effort your internal engineering team will put into creating a user tracking mechanism might be overkill especially in the likes of industry-leading tools such as ipstack. 

The ipstack is a third-party service provider that offers one of the leading IP to geolocation APIs and global IP database services worldwide and helps to locate and identify website visitors by IP address. With a wide range of data coverage, ipstack is one of the few services that help you automate your user ip tracker process, find relevant data, and work on the filtered data as per your use cases. 

Read on further to know how you can easily add visitor tracking and identification automation to your website with ipstack

How can I optimize user experience based on the location? 

Tracking the physical location of your website visitors can help in carrying out analyses based on demographics and other similar groupings. This is an important piece of information that can help generate new and customized ideas for your product or service. 

What if I tell you that you can easily find out this information using ipstack’s API? Interesting, right? You can use ipstack API and integrate it into our website to find out the physical locations of your website visitors and carry out relevant and desired data analytics algorithms on that. 

What is an easy way to deliver a tailored shopping experience to customers? 

Similar to how we found the physical location of website visitors, you can also get instant and accurate information about the primary currency used in the region where your user is located in. You can easily capture this information and deliver a tailored shopping experience to your customers in the currency they are familiar with. 

If you are focused on offering this ease and familiarity to your customers, you can directly use ipstack’s API and find out the required information in no time. 

How can I find the information about the hostname of ISP?

Using ipstack’s powerful API, you can make use of valuable information about the ASN and the hostname of the ISP your website visitors are using. After collecting the information about the hostname, you can essentially group the users based on the hostname to figure out whether or not large or small-scale enterprises are using your web application.

This can eventually lead you to introduce targetted marketing strategies, which is the need of time to survive in the digital race today.

Is there an easy way to find the timezone of website visitors?

Conventionally, if companies wanted to know the timezone of their website visitors, the immediate approach was to make the users fill out a short form providing the information about the timezone they are living in. But why do manual effort when there are ready-to-use third-party services that help you achieve that? 

Using ipstack’s API, you can find about the timezone your users are located in without the need for them to fill out any forms, and act accordingly based on the time-related information returned in the API response. 

Can I protect my website by detecting proxies and crawlers?

Securing and protecting the website must be your prime focus. You should be able to distinguish between good and bad IPs to save your website from potential harm and cyberattacks.

If you think this is your way forward, then ipstacks’s API can help you achieve your purpose. You can use ipstack’s API to protect your web application and always be a step ahead of potential threats to your business by detecting proxies and crawlers at first glance. 

How to add visitor tracking and identification using ipstack in JavaScript?

Following is a simple jQuery code snippet that allows you to integrate ipstacks’s API in your applications.

As you can see, adding visitor tracking and identification in your applications with ipstack is pretty simple and quick. Not only that, ipstack is reliable and easy on your budget to help you enable a diverse digital ecosystem that focuses on user experience. Moreover, the free plan of ipstack is an ideal choice for experimentation, trials, and proof of concepts.

Head over to ipstack and start incorporating email address verification in your applications.

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