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Easily Build Powerful Real-Time Global Aviation Dashboards

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Aviation is one of the few industries that deal with high volume, high stake, and high-risk data. It is a complex and complicated medium and deals with hundreds of data points at the same time. Management of airlines and airports, communication across the borders, sync among different airplanes are all the crucial steps involved in day-to-day aviation processes. 

Capturing this high volume and volatile data and maintain the synchronization among various data points is not an easy task at all. If you try to gather all the data sources and build a centralized platform for yourself, then it will probably take you loads and loads of time and effort to implement the solution that is optimized as well as caters to all the data points involved. 

Rapidly Build Powerful Real-Time Global Aviation Dashboards

The aviationstack is a third-party API service that allows access to real-time flight status and global aviation data. It also offers flight tracking and airport timetable data services that are trusted across multiple airlines in different countries. apilayer also offers a world weather api which pairs great with the aviation API.

Read on further to know how you can easily fetch all-round data to build powerful real-time global aviation dashboards with aviationstack.

How can I integrate data of real-time flights?

Amidst all the kiosks of flight management, real-time updates are extremely vital and valuable data points to make quick and effective decisions relating to ongoing flights. 

The API is capable of tracking flights and retrieving flight status information in real-time. In order to look up real-time information about one or multiple flights, you can use the API’s flights endpoint together with optional parameters to filter your result set.

How can I get flight data with Python?

How can I get flight data with PHP?

How can I get flight data with jQuery?

How can I access historical flight data using aviationstack API?

We know that real-time updates are effective but equally important is the historical flight data. You can use this data for various kinds of predictive and exploratory analyses that can potentially result in optimizing the overall aviation and communication experience. 

Apart from providing data about real-time flights, the API’s flights endpoint is also capable of looking up data about historical flights. In order to request data about one or more past flights, simply attach the flight_date parameter to your API request URL and set it to a date of your choice.




What is an easy way to find airline routes using aviationstack?

When handling aviation chores at a scale where you are the key decision-maker, you must know about the routes of the airlines you are operating with. This allows you to make important decisions based on accurate and real-time data. 

The aviationstack API is capable of providing data about airline routes, updated every 24 hours. In order to get airline route data, use the API’s routes endpoint along with a series of optional parameters to filter results.




Is it possible to get airport data using aviationstack API?

To get data about global airports, you can use the API’s airports endpoint. Customers that are using the Basic Plan or higher can also use the search request parameter to get airport autocomplete suggestions.




How can I access airline data using aviationstack?

Similar to the airport data, to get data about global airlines, you can use the API’s airlines endpoint. Customers who are using the Basic Plan or higher can also use the search request parameter to get airport autocomplete suggestions.




What other data features does aviationstack API provide?

  • Airplanes
  • Aircraft Types
  • Aviation Taxes
  • Cities
  • Countries

As you can see, integrating aviation REST APIs in your dashboards with aviationstack is extremely simple and easy. Not only that, aviationstack is reliable and easy on your budget to help you enable a diverse visualization dashboard that focuses on user experience. Moreover, the free plan of aviationstack is an ideal choice for experimentation, trials, and proof of concepts.

Head over to aviationstack and start building powerful real-time global aviation dashboards.

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