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How To Get More Results Out Of Your Email Address Validation API

The internet has opened the possibilities of communication like never before. After all, easy communication is a crucial factor in making phenomena like remote working and social media possible. However, it hasn’t always been this way, and communication over the internet has steadily evolved. It all started with one of the most basic forms of electronic communication – email.

To ensure better email communications today, an email address validation API will help you with email authenticity and regularly improve your customer engagement and internal communication. 

While many technologies have phased out, email has stuck around. Much internet communication still happens over this medium, and its simplicity is one of the reasons for its appeal. Emails remain an essential part of your professional life, no matter the industry you work for. And since emails are still so relevant and widely used, many tools on the market are dedicated to easier email management. Some products aim to solve email challenges for individuals, while some focus on managing large email quantities. 

This article will go through what you should look for in an email address validation API and some of its popular uses.

What Are The Different Uses For An Email Validation API?

Within enterprises, everyone’s work involves emails, from the Marketing Teams to the Human Resource Department. As a result, we rely on each emails’ validity and authenticity. In addition, we often require more information about email addresses, such as the owner’s role within their organization. This is where a dedicated email address validation API comes in.

An email validation API can simplify all sorts of email verification. Since it’s an API, developers can integrate it directly into the internal applications they build for an enterprise. These APIs eliminate much of the work developers would otherwise have to do to validate the emails their applications work with. Email validation APIs are also valuable for applications with a simple signup/login system. 

Some popular uses of an email validator API are described briefly below:

1. Better Customer Engagement:

Emails are crucial for customer support teams to reach customers and provide assistance. However, many teams waste effort contacting users and getting no response. Email address validation can help filter spam from attention-worthy email addresses.

2. Verifying Quality of Leads

Marketing departments are constantly trying to attract more customers. An email address validation API can provide valuable information about an email address. The right information can help differentiate a useless lead from a solid one.

3. Constructing Quality Email Addresses

Enterprises are constantly hiring and making new email addresses for employees. However, the internet is always growing, and the chances of choosing an unavailable email address are higher.  Verifying with an email validator solves this problem.

4. Productivity Improvements

While everyone uses email, some people work with much larger quantities than others. With an email address validation tool, testing and allocating email addresses in bulk is more manageable. It also helps save time.

These are examples of how users simplify their work using an email address validation API. However, these benefits only happen if you choose an intelligently designed API. Mailboxlayer’s email address validation API is a quality example that offers secure email validation and much more. 

How Can You Ensure That You Use A Quality Email Validation API?

Email address validation is so in-demand utility that there are many tools for it on the market. However, most of these tools are web applications that only serve you as a user. You can’t integrate those tools into applications you develop or incorporate them into your departmental workflows. That si why you need a dedicated email address validation API to deliver functionality within a worthwhile form factor. 

Here are some of the main traits you should look for in an API.  If you ask these crucial questions, you will get the maximum value from your API.

Does It Have A Neatly Developed Interface Underneath?

Developers invest time and effort to select the right tools for productivity gains. However, even the most powerful API can be challenging to use if it has a poor development interface. That is why you must ensure that your email address validation API has well-designed methods and functions. With the right tool, you’ll see improved performance and development velocity.

Thankfully, the mailboxlayer API makes this a priority. It provides you with an intelligent API infrastructure with helpful development functions. For example, you get API error code responses in a serialized format, and you can load the API request with as much info as you want.

Does It Come With Dedicated Support Systems?

Even the most intelligently developed tools have challenging learning curves to overcome. As a result, developers waste significant resources just trying to solve bugs or find solutions. Because of this, your email address validation API needs to come with a dependable support system and helpful learning materials. These are increasingly important if you aim to use the API for enterprise-level applications.

With the mailboxlayer API, you get extensive documentation that covers every function. In addition, if you require urgent assistance, you get dedicated customer support. Help is always nearby when using the mailboxlayer API in your applications.

Do You Need Thorough Security Measures?

Security is essential in every development tool. Cybersecurity incidents are rising globally, and APIs often come under attack. Therefore, you need to select a trustworthy email address validation API that securely sends requests and receives responses. Ideally, high-level encryption should be at endpoints to exchange data in a secure format.

The mailboxlayer API takes security details very seriously and makes it an essential point of the API design. For example, it comes with 256-bit encryption under industry-standard HTTPS. This solid encryption is challenging to crack and, therefore, very secure.

What About Advanced Functionality?

Sometimes simple email address validation and verification are not enough. As technology evolves, even our email needs are bound to get complex. That is why you need to choose an email address validation tool with other advanced email address validation features. Future-proof your investment.

Mailboxlayer’s email address validation API doesn’t just provide you with trustworthy email address verification. It also checks for email syntax and typos, email address providers, and even the quality of email addresses. As a result, you get more robust email address processing.

Does It Need To Be Accessible For All Levels?

Not all enterprises are on the same scale. Some have much more complex email needs than others. As a result, their use of an email address validation API is more complex. You should select a tool that can API requests rapidly at scale.

The mailboxlayer API gives you a range of options to select from based on your email needs. You can start with 300 requests/minute and upgrade up to 600 requests/minute. Because of this, the mailboxlayer email address validation API serves all levels of enterprises.

Feel like trying out a robust email address validation API that helps simplify your email address needs? Head over to Mailboxlayer and give their API a shot today.


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