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The Next Big Thing In Free API For IP Address Location

free API for IP address location on Macbook

IP addresses help identify your own computer, a favorite website, a network server, or even a device (such as a webcam). In addition, IP addresses are essential for transmitting and receiving data. For example, they direct email to your inbox and route internet traffic where it needs to go. As a result, developers nowadays work with IP addresses and require a dependable API for IP address location.

Ipstack is the next big API for IP address location. It enables users to track down and identify website visitors based on their IP address. ipstack is quickly gaining popularity as one of the most popular IP geolocation APIs and the world’s best global IP database services. This article will cover the next big thing in free API for IP address location.

What Makes ipstack the Next Big Thing in Geolocation?

Man using free API for IP address location on Macbook

Ipstack provides not only the standard IP address API functionality but also premium and unique features. In addition, several other factors contribute to its status as the best geolocation API. You can have a better look on its features in this article here, but for now let’s take a look at what makes ipstack the best free API for IP address location:

Does ipstack have a Comprehensive Documentation?

Documentation is probably the phase of the API lifecycle that grows the most. This is particularly true in the documentation tooling ecosystem. This trend is noteworthy because developers have traditionally overlooked documentation when releasing code. In fact, writing good documentation is far more complicated than writing code. This is since it has a direct impact on adoption and usage. You can have the best, most functional product globally, but if no one knows how to use it, no one will. Documentation is the bedrock of a positive Developer Experience.

Ipstack provides extensive documentation in various programming languages that detail API features, available options, and integration guides. It also features a quickstart tool for users who do not want a detailed description.

Does the API have Several Lookup Endpoints?

Standard Lookup, Bulk Lookup, and Requester Lookup are the three lookup endpoints in Ipstack.

Firstly, the Standard Lookup is the primary endpoint of the ipstack and is used to look up single IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Simply add any IPv4 or IPv6 address to the API’s base URL to call this endpoint.

Next, the ipstack API allows you to request data for multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses simultaneously. Simply append multiple comma-separated IP addresses to the API’s base URL to process IP addresses in bulk.

Finally, the API provides a separate API endpoint to detect the IP address from which the current API request originates. Simply append check to the API’s base URL and specify your preferred optional parameters to use this endpoint. The following JavaScript code demonstrates this better:

// set endpoint and your access key
var ip = 'check'
var access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY';

// get the API result via jQuery.ajax
url: 'https://api.ipstack.com/' + ip + '?access_key=' + access_key,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {

// output the "capital" object inside "location"


Does ipstack Use Response Objects?

The ipstack API will respond with various modules and objects depending on your subscription plan and the options you select for your API request. The documentation includes a list of all available API response objects with descriptions.

Can You Specify the Output Format of Your Request?

The ipstack API’s output parameters allow users to specify the result format of the output. For example, the API can provide results in the JSON (default) and the XML format. Depending on your preference, you can easily switch between the output results by simply setting the output parameter to JSON or XML.

Is There an Option in ipstack to Specify Response Fields?

The fields parameter of the ipstack API can limit API results to a specific object or set of objects to save bandwidth and speed up response times. All three API endpoints accept this parameter. To use this feature, add the fields parameter to your API request URL and choose one of the options below:

fields = main // returns main API objects from "ip" to "longitude"
fields = country_code // returns only the "country_code" object

fields = location // returns the entire "location" object with sub-objects
fields = location.capital // returns only the "capital" object inside "location"
fields = country_code,location.capital // returns both the "country_code" and the "capital" object

Does ipstack Offer Several Languages?

A multi-language website will help you do just that, as well as increase cross-border e-commerce sales, which may become increasingly important as we move toward a more e-commerce-focused retail environment.

The ipstack API can deliver its result set in a variety of languages. Append the API’s language parameter to your API request URL and set it to one of the supported 2-letter language codes to request data in a language other than English (default). You can check out the official documentation to check the languages the API supports.

Is There an Option to Ensure Security with ipstack?

APIs are now indisputable at the heart of almost every type of application. APIs serve as the visible backbone for all data and requests. That is why companies that provide geolocation API services work hard to ensure that their APIs are secure. Furthermore, many startups employ this free API for IP address country location for many of their applications.

Customers on the ipstack Professional Plus Plan also have access to the ipstack API’s Security Module, which can assess risks and threats originating from specific IP addresses before they harm a website or web application. Add the security parameter to the API and set it to 1 to use this functionality.

Can You get the Hostname With ipstack?

In some cases, developers may require or desire knowledge of the IP address’s hostname. The ipstack API does not return information about the hostname that an IP address resolves to by default. However, a user can include the hostname object in your API result by appending the hostname parameter to the API and setting it to 1.

The JavaScript code below is for a French-language API request with the hostname and security options enabled:

// set endpoint and your access key
var ip = ''
var access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY';
var security = '1';
var hostname = '1';
var language = 'fr'

// get the API result via jQuery.ajax
url: 'https://api.ipstack.com/' + ip + '?access_key=' + access_key + '&security= ' + security '&hostname=' + hostname + '&language=' language,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {

// output the "capital" object inside "location"


Should You Use ipstack in Your Next Project?

Is Ipstack the best free API for IP address location?

IP geolocation APIs assist you in determining the location of visitors to your website. You can improve your marketing strategy and increase sales by using the data. Furthermore, this free API for IP address location can help developers significantly improve app development. You can also use the data to localize your website’s content. It will assist you in communicating effectively with international customers. Furthermore, geolocation APIs are simple to integrate into web applications. As a result, you should strongly consider using them.

Now that you know about everything you can achieve with ipstack change your IP address location game by becoming a user today!

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