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10 Things About Geolocation You May Not Have Known

10 Things About Geolocation You May Not Have Known

Geolocation helps you to track the location of your customers and website visitors. It enables you to craft personalized marketing campaigns effectively. As a result, you can significantly enhance the number of sales and grow your business. This post will find 10 things that you may not have known about geolocation. Let’s dive in.

What is geolocation?

Geolocation refers to the technology of tracking the location of internet-connected devices, like PCs and smartphones. It allows you to get information about your customer’s physical location. You can utilize the data to enhance your marketing strategy. For example, you can use the information to predict customer behavior and increase brand awareness.

What are the things about geolocation that you may not have known yet?

Geolocation is an advanced technology. It provides a wealth of benefits that you may not have known yet. Do you know that it can help you to prevent online fraud? Are you aware of its capabilities for helping you complying GDPR?  Here, you will find all the details.

1. Can geolocation help me to prevent online fraud?

Geolocation helps you to detect users who are utilizing proxies or other services to hide their identities. As a result, you can easily identify online frauds. You can take the necessary steps to prevent them from registering on your site. Therefore, your database will remain clean with genuine contacts.

Also, you can use the information to detect and deny suspicious transactions. It will help you to prevent fraudulent activities and protect your business reputation.

2. Does it make PPC advertising more cost-effective?

In PPC advertisements, you pay only when users click on your ad. If someone clicks from a non-serviceable location, your money will be wasted. That’s why you need to ensure that your ad is reaching the people of serviceable countries.

Geolocation helps you to identify users of different countries and regions. You can use the information to exclude non-serviceable locations. In this way, you can ensure that your budget is spent on the right people. Therefore, you can be more cost-effective with PPC advertisements.

3. Can geolocation make my marketing strategy more effective?

Geolocation data provides additional information about the customers, including time and time zone. It gives you several key advantages. For example, you can predict the right time for sending emails to potential customers. It can make your marketing campaign highly successful.

IP geolocation APIs, like Ipstack, provide time-related data in lightweight JSON format. It looks like this:

By using this information, you can effectively enhance the strategy of your marketing campaign.

4. Can it help me to reach my target audience?

Geolocation enables you to create geo-targeted advertisements. As a result, your ad will show up in specified locations. It helps you to target the key area with the right content. Therefore, you can effectively reach the target customers.

Geolocation helps you to be locally relevant. As a result, your company will get more exposure and visibility to the local people. It can significantly increase your chance of getting target customers. Therefore, you can generate more sales and grow your business.

5. Can I increase customer engagement with geolocation?

Geolocation is very important for website localization. It enables you to display content in the local language of the website visitors. Hence, people can easily understand all the information on your site.

Also, website localization displays products with discounts that are available in specific areas. It helps you to create better offers. Therefore, you will receive significantly better responses for your products. It will lead you to enhanced customer engagement and a higher number of sales.

6. Can it help me to comply with regulations?

The fine for violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is massive. You don’t want to pay 4% of your annual global turnover. You need a solution that helps you to comply with regulations.

With IP geolocation, you can exclude regions with strict data privacy laws. It can reduce the risk of getting penalized for non-compliance. Therefore, you no longer have to worry about paying a hefty amount of fee. If your business needs to collect personal customer data in the EU, it can be incredibly useful for you.

7. Can geolocation optimize security?

IP geolocation is non-invasive. It does not require you to use cookies or additional privacy disclosures. As a result, it has become a great tool for network security and traffic management.

The technology enables you to geolocate your site users in real-time. Therefore, you can easily get verified proxy data and other details. By using the information, you can effectively identify and prevent suspicious activities. Attackers will have a very tough time getting into your system. In this way, geolocation can help you optimize security.

8. Can I track the effectiveness of my marketing campaign with geolocation?

IP geolocation allows you to segment your target audience by geographic regions. Therefore, you can deliver highly relevant messages. It can exponentially increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

With IP geolocation, you can easily determine the source of your website traffic. You can use the data to manage and optimize your campaign. As a result, you will get the right traffic from the right location. It allows you to connect customers in close physical proximity to your business. Therefore, you will have a higher chance of increasing the number of sales.

9. Can it help me to improve sales and ROI?

Local SEO is important to increase your site’s visibility to the target customers. By using the IP geolocation data, you can localize your website content. For example, visitors from the United States will see your site in English. But if someone visits from UAE, the language will be changed to Arabic.

As a result, you will get access to the customers of different countries. Therefore, you will have a higher chance of selling more items and increasing revenue. Also, you can use IP geolocation data to target country-specific keywords. It will significantly improve your ROI.

Read: Everything You Need to Know About Weather Data API

10. Is geolocation technology easy to implement?

You can easily implement the geolocation technology by using an API, like Ipstack. It enables you to locate and identify website visitors by IP address. The implementation process is very simple. It will take less than 10 minutes. Here are the steps:

How can I integrate Ipstack into my JavaScript web application?

1. First, you have to set the IP address. Also, you need to add the API access key.

2. Then you can get the API result with this code:

That’s it! You have implemented Ipstack into your JavaScript application. As you can see, the integration process is very simple. You just need to write a few lines of code. There is no complexity. Also, Ipstack comes with comprehensive documentation. It is very easy to follow. Therefore, you will have no problem implementing it into your application.

Should I use IP geolocation APIs?

IP geolocation APIs help you to identify the location of your website visitors. By using the data, you can enhance your marketing strategy to boost the number of sales. Also, you can utilize the information to localize your website content. It will help you to effectively communicate with global customers. Besides, IP geolocation APIs are very easy to integrate into web apps. Therefore, you should definitely consider using them.

Ipstack enables you to effortlessly locate website visitors by IP address. It is powerful, scalable, and very easy to use. Try it now for free.

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