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The Only Killer Way To Check SERP Real-Time


Whether you are looking to track down a product you saw online or just trying to get an idea of what’s popular right now, real-time search engine result pages (SERP) are a great way to start your research. But with so many websites and pages ranking in the top spots, how do you ensure that your scrapping efforts are practical & effective?

What is SERP?

A SERP, or search engine results page, is a web page that appears as one of the results when you type a query into a search engine like Google. When you click on a SERP, the search engine will show you pages related to your typed query. 

How can Google Search Results be Used in Marketing?

The marketing campaigns utilize real-time search engine results to find the best keywords. For example, if you sell a product, you may want to target terms such as “product” or “buy” in your search engine results. 

It is also essential to target your location when searching for keywords. Hence, if you are located in Seattle, you may want to target the term “Seattle” when searching for keywords related to your product. 

How To Check SERP Manually?

Manually checking SERP data is not viable at this current state of data flows. Cause the rate of data is not the same anymore. In addition to that, there is a high possibility of not getting accurate results from checking SERP manually because of tons of information. 

While you can do something like a sign out of your Gmail account and clear up the cookies and history. Moreover, changing your location and opening a new window for every new query. Even if this works somehow like what you want, this is still a lot of manual work.

How about integrating one of the SERP APIs into your system at this stage? Therefore, it can dramatically improve your accurate results when you search and analyze data. For instance, serpstack is one of the market-leading SERP APIs you can find.

A Killer Way to Use Google Data in your Marketing Strategy

Google is one of the most popular search engines on the internet. Millions of people use it every day to find information. If you want to improve your search engine ranking and reach more people, you need to use Google search engine results in your marketing strategy. There are a few killer ways to do this. 

Use automated services that check SERPs for you. You just need to integrate real-time SERP checking services through API. Thus it checks and fetches all the available search engine-provided results. For instance, serpstack is one of the business-grade SERP checking APIs you can utilize.

Use Google AdWords to target people who are likely to be interested in what you have to say. This is especially effective if you can tap into hot topics currently being talked about on Google Search. 

Utilize Google Analytics to track how people are interacting with your website. This will give you valuable information about what content is resonating with your visitors and which areas need further attention.

Use Google Sheets as a platform for data-driven decision-making. This tool can help you track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic and conversion rates. This will help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy moving forward.

Web Scraper: Harness the Internet as Your Own Data Source

The internet can be a powerful tool for data scraping. By harnessing the power of the internet, you can access real-time search engine results without having to wait for them to load. By the way, you will find how to scrape google search engine page results using a powerful web API. 

Besides, we have powerful services to scrape specific web pages using a secure and fast way. Find out more in our web scraper blog post.

How to Scrape Google Search Results? 

Google search results are one of the most critical parts of any online search engine. Knowing how to scrape Google search results is essential for any business and can give you an edge over your competition. 

How to Automate SERP Checks with an API?

As we have discussed above, manually SERP checking works but does not goes far as your business expects. Accordingly, to automate the process with high accuracy, the serpstack API is here to help!

Why Should You Use serpstack API?

The answer is simple. Think about spending several hours trying to get accurate information from Google search results pages and not focusing time and energy on essential aspects of your business – therefore that would be not very good.

Here are some key reasons you should consider integrating SERP checking API into your process:

  • Accurate results
    • While you spend time clearing cookies and history and using every new window for a new query, the serpstack API gives you the most highly accurate data.
  • Save time
    • Of course, automation saves you a lot of time.
  • No need for high-tech skills to integrate
    • Using serpstack API does not require you to have any hardcore programming knowledge. For instance, when you sign up, you get a free API access key where you can put the access key as a parameter on the endpoint URL before sending it to the server.

How to Fetch Ad, Image, Video, News and Video Results using SERP API?


The serpstack API is one of the solid SERP checking APIs that gives you various procedures to fetch any data available on the Google search results page. 

Organic search results are the main search results provided by Google and are determined to be a series of factors, such as web traffic and back-links, and you can find them in the organic_results array.

Similar to this, all the other results are provided, for instance:

  • ads object contains listings of ads
    • positiontitle, url, tracking_urldescription and other parameters are also provided in this object.
  • inline_image image_results provide information about the images along with their source, url, type, title and other parameters.
  • video_results array and inline_videos array give you search results for videos like their url, type, source, duration of the video and more.

The API response results are similar to this:

How to Fetch Carousel, Events, Stories and Weather Box Search Results?

If any events are relevant to your search query, Google shows snippets containing those events. With the events array, you can see all the information related to the events.


Moreover, for some search queries, Google shows a horizontal list of results with images and descriptions at the top of the page. Albeit, with the top_carousel array, you can access a list of items related to the carousel data.

Furthermore, all the other data available on the search results page, indeed you can access it using various objects and arrays provided by the endpoint response:

  • top_stories
  • knowledge_graph
  • inline_tweets
  • related_searches
  • related_questions
  • related_places
  • pagination
  • and more.

Do Real-Time SERP Checks Affect My Industry?

Real-time search engine results are a powerful marketing tool, but can they also hurt your business? While real-time search can help you track trends and find leads, it can also hurt your competitive advantage if you’re not careful. Therefore here are some essential tips to help you decide whether or not the real-time search is right for your business:

  • Know your competition. For this reason, if you’re trying to compete with bigger businesses that have invested in real-time search technology, doing so may be too risky. These companies are likely investing in the technology for strategic reasons, not because it’s essential to their business. In consequence, you may be able to compete by offering a unique product or service that appeals to consumers on a more personal level. 
  • Consider the long term. While real-time search can give you an immediate advantage over your competitors, it can also lead to short-term fluctuations in traffic and revenue. Hence if your business cannot weather these fluctuations, and it could quickly lose ground to those better equipped to handle them.
  • Be prepared for changes. Therefore, while real-time search technology is still evolving, changes will soon affect how it works for businesses. 

Why Use Google Search Results in Your Marketing Strategy?

Google data or search engine results page (SERPs) can be a powerful tool for marketing your business. Using this data in your marketing strategy can improve your website’s visibility and traffic. Here are four reasons why using SERPs in your marketing is a good idea:

  • Improved Website Visibility
    • When you utilize this data on trends and mentions by various sources, you can increase the website’s traffic by analyzing raw data. This means that more people can find and visit your website. In addition, using Google data can help you improve your website’s ranking on the search engine results pages (SERPs). This makes it easier for people to find and visit your website. 
  • Improved Conversion Rates
    • Google’s technique has always been to test things in the organic list first and then commercialize once they’ve figured out the mechanics. Not only are we starting to see questions answered on the SERPs, but we’re also starting to see conversions facilitated by the SERPs.

However, all these strategies with data will change and adapt to the new scenario, but their reach will depend on how many pieces of information Google would allow websites to show. Therefore with SERP automation tools, you can analyze almost everything that Google offers its users. 

How to Get Started using SERPs in your business?

Google has been a stable internet search results for many years now. When users type in a query, Google is the first site on the search engine results page (SERPs). This makes Google an essential tool for marketers to use in their marketing strategies. However, there are also a few things that you need to know if you want to use Google search results effectively in your marketing efforts. Thus here are five steps that will help you get started.

  • Understand the different types of data that Google offers. Google has three main types of data: 
  1. Search Engine Results Page (SERPs)
  2. Webmasters Tools (WMT)
  3. Google AdWords (GAD)

SERPs are the primary type of data you can use when planning your marketing strategy. Therefore, it gives you information on how users are searching for specific keywords and what websites are ranking highest for those keywords. 

WMT is a tool that provides information on how websites are ranking on Google and how they’re performing compared to other websites. WMT also shows you how much traffic your website is receiving from Google, as well as where. 

Should I Integrate serpstack?

If you’re like most business owners, you’re probably always looking for ways to improve your website’s ranking or want to analyze the search engine results for your product – unfortunately, the traditional method of optimizing your site by adding keywords and improving your content does not seem to be as effective anymore. 

In fact, according to a recent study by BrightLocal, only 5% of all website changes result in improved SERP rankings – meaning 95% of the time, it’s just noise on the page that has no impact whatsoever. 

One way to guarantee better real-time search engine results is by analyzing every keyword with your products’ keywords. For instance, by checking how X + ProductName goes by automating the process of fetching data through 1-3 pages of search results and creating valuable information. Therefore, you should, of course, utilize serpstack API. 

Head over now to the serpstack API webpage and get your free API access key!

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