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Why You Should Focus On Improving IP Geolocation API

Internet of things, edge and mobile devices have taken a pivotal role in our every day lives. The growing importance of these devices is also leading to a rise in the need for geolocation services. Users expect a customized experience based on their geographic location, their time time zone, their local region and postal code without having to explicitly specify it by using tedious input forms.

To meet the expectations and address various challenges related to location services, ipstack offers the IP geolocation API. The IP geolocation API offers infinite opportunities to improve and configure your apps according to your users’ experience. Continue reading to discover why you should focus on improving IP geolocation API and how you can make the most of your users’ geolocation data.

What is IP Geolocation API?

The geolocation API enables you to locate and identify your website visitors by IP address. When input a visitor’s IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format, this API returns extensive information regarding the geolocation of the visitor. The returned data includes country, city, timezone, latitude and longitude, currency, and certain other security details. You can avail ipstack, which is a global provider of IP to geolocation APIs and global IP database services. The API covers over 2 million unique locations in more than 200,000 cities around the world.

What is ipstack API?

IP geolocation API

ipstack provides a robust and reliable real-time IP to geolocation API that returns accurate location data. It also empowers you to analyze security concerns originating from potentially dangerous IP addresses. Additionally, the API returns its results in JSON or XML format that you can easily access and process. What’s more, the API is very easy to use and real fast, giving results in a matter of milliseconds. There are hundreds of ways you can use ipstack API in your app. Identify visitors on your website and adapt your users’ experience according to their geographic location.

Does Improving IP Geolocation API Improve the User Experience?

Indeed yes! You can customize your app according to the geographic location of your users and build a complex and sophisticated location-based application. You can use IP geolocation API to enhance your users’ experience in a number of ways. Based on your users’ location, you can show them targeted ads relevant to their locality. You can also implement geographic restrictions on your site. 

Is the ipstack IP Geolocation API Powerful and Scalable?

Again yes! Our team of developers have ensured that ipstack API is powerful and scalable. Depending upon your requirements, you can sign up for a different number of requests per unit of time. For smaller apps, you can choose to make up to 100 requests a month. For larger apps, where you are expecting a lot of traffic you can make a million requests per day. Our infrastructure has been built to scale almost indefinitely and has you covered in all cases, enabling you to develop enterprise-grade applications with no compromise in speed or efficiency.

What About Network Security?

Network security and traffic management optimization are directly incorporated in the ipstack geolocation API. All data sent to and processed by the ipstack IP geolocation API is secured via 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS), giving you the peace of mind that your requests and returned data is safe from intruders. 

Is There a Way to Check for Intruders and Threats Originating From an IP Address?

It is vital that you check for threats and risks originating from an IP address. If you are an ipstack subscriber, you can opt for the Professional Plus membership. With this membership you get access to a security module that identifies crawlers and proxies, enabling you to check any suspicious activity originating from an IP address and blocking that user.

How does IP Geolocation API Help Me Build Dynamic Maps?

The ipstack’s geolocation API comes with endless possibilities. You can build feature rich beautiful apps using the ipstack APIs. Using these APIs you can track different categories of users by location and identify important geographic locations. For example, you can build dynamic maps to pinpoint locations and regions with high sales or you can indicate the volumes of users showing interest in a certain product. Additionally, these maps can update in real-time and help your users carry out visual analysis of their data. 

How do I Benefit from Bulk IP Lookup When Using IP Geolocation API?

With the ipstack API, you can lookup multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses simultaneously in one request. You can easily do that by appending multiple IP addresses to API’s base URL and you are good to go. Moreover, using this feature, you can request to look up as many as 50 IP addresses without any lag in speed or response time. 

Is It Possible to Know the Time Zone of My Users for Event Management and Social Media Campaigns?

Of course! The ipstack API returns an object that has the time zone information of your users. You can use this time zone information in many different ways. For example, if you want to advertise a product or special event starting at a certain time, you can do so automatically using the time zone information. Users of your app don’t have to fill out tedious forms or send their time zone information to utilize special offers or subscribe to special deals. 

How do I Sign Up For ipstack and Make the Most of My IP to Geolocation Data?

The ipstack’s IP geolocation API empowers you to build personalized apps based on a user’s geolocation. You can provide services based upon a user’s time zone, currency, geographic location, city or zip code. Enhance your users’ experience immensely by utilizing simple and easy to use APIs. ipstack offers robust, reliable, scalable and secure APIs that give you the confidence and power to build beautiful apps customized to the individual needs of your users. Moreover, you can easily add ipstack’s geolocation APIs to a node JS app, use it with PHP or use the Standard Lookup Endpoint using jQuery.ajax.

So what are you waiting for? Head out there and sign up for a free plan today

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