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Are Your AI-Powered Applications Safe? Make Sure You Don’t Fall Victim To Offensive Content

AI-powered content applications

Embarking on a project that leverages any of the available AI-based APIs presents an exciting frontier for developers. The power to create, innovate, and bring ideas to life through AI is truly thrilling. However, this journey is not without its challenges, especially when it comes to managing AI-powered applications. One particular concern is the inadvertent generation of offensive or inappropriate language by the AI, a problem that could lead to user mistrust or other serious repercussions.

In our previous blog, we explored Janitor AI, an immersive platform that allows users to create their own fantasy chatbots. It’s a wacky wonderland where imagination meets technology, offering a tantalizing opportunity to bring fantastical creations to life. However, with the power of AI comes the responsibility to ensure that the generated content remains respectful and safe.

A tweet from JanitorAI’s official Twitter account recently highlighted the importance of responsible use of AI-based APIs: “If you think that you got banned, then yes, OpenAI is still banning users who use their API keys for the NSFW content.” This tweet serves as a reminder that developers must be mindful of the content generated by their AI applications, as offensive or inappropriate language can have serious consequences.

One effective solution to address this concern is the APILayer’s Bad Words API. This advanced profanity filter API goes beyond simple word filtering, offering an intelligent, phonetics-based system capable of identifying and censoring offensive language in various forms, including misspellings, social media acronyms, and words with special characters.


Superior Control Over AI-powered Applications

Developers are well aware of the risks associated with AI inadvertently generating offensive language. A single poorly chosen word could undermine user trust and have significant negative effects. Here’s how this fear has played out in real-world scenarios:

  • Facebook’s AI lab’s Dynabench project illustrated the complexities of managing sentiment-scoring systems and hate-speech filters.
  • The struggle of social media platforms to manage hate speech and offensive language highlights the need for intelligent filtering solutions.
  • Conversational AI faces difficulties in spotting unethical conduct, and manual identification of offensive posts is both costly and challenging.
  • Microsoft’s chatbot Tay’s misstep in generating offensive tweets is a stark reminder of the potential pitfalls.


These examples emphasize the real need for developers to have robust tools to manage and filter content effectively. The Bad Words API serves as a critical asset in this context, providing a nuanced and resilient solution to a complex problem.

By incorporating advanced profanity detection into your development process, you’re not only safeguarding against potential issues but also enhancing the quality and integrity of your content. It’s a strategic move that aligns with the best practices in today’s dynamic technological landscape, ensuring your AI-powered applications communicate effectively and responsibly with your audience.

Take a blog or forum, for instance, where user-generated content demands vigilant monitoring and filtering to weed out inappropriate language. This is where the Advanced Bad Words API shines. It can seamlessly blend into your system, blocking any offensive language before it reaches your user base. Here’s how to deploy it:


This code snippet above takes a user’s comment and sends it to the Bad Words API that checks for and censors any bad words contained within the comment.


Exceptional Proactive Moderation

Another nightmare scenario developers face is hackers flooding their systems with offensive content. It’s not just about protecting users; it’s about preserving the integrity of your platform. The Bad Words profanity filter stands guard, catching even the subtlest deviations, and ensures offensive content is blocked before it is ever generated. For example, this API could be effectively used to filter the output of chatbots to ensure it is appropriate and respectful at all times.


This code is intended to censor any bad words from a chatbot’s response using the bad words API.

The function censor_chatbot_output takes as input the chatbot’s response in the form of a string. It encodes this response into UTF-8 bytes and sends it to a designated URL as part of a POST request. The URL is for a service that checks for bad words and replaces them with asterisks (*). The API key, specified in the headers, must be provided for the request to be authorized.

Within the function, a POST request is made to the API using the requests.request method, and the response is expected to be in JSON format, containing a key ‘censored_content’ with the censored text.

Outside of the function, a chatbot’s response is hardcoded as “Chatbot’s response here”, and this response is passed to the censor_chatbot_output function. The censored version of the chatbot’s response is then stored in the variable censored_response.

Essentially, the code allows for the filtering and censoring of potentially offensive words in the output of a chatbot by utilizing the Bad Words API, which is designed for this purpose. It requires the proper API key to be placed where “Your_API_Key_Here” is specified.


Intelligent Filtering for Peace of Mind

As a developer, you want an API that is intelligent and adaptable. The Bad Words API is an excellent example of such a tool. It recognizes and blocks variations of offensive words and even words embedded with special characters, offering a sense of security that is hard to match. 

Imagine its utility in a gaming environment where a user’s username can be a source of inappropriate content. This API can be utilized to censor those usernames effectively, ensuring a safe gaming experience for all players.



This code snippet defines a function to censor inappropriate content within a username, particularly in a gaming environment where such content might be a concern. It makes use of the Bad Words API, which is designed to recognize and censor variations of offensive words, even those embedded with special characters.

In the context provided, this code serves as an important utility within a gaming environment, enabling developers to maintain a safe and respectful space by preventing users from choosing offensive or inappropriate usernames.


Boost Efficiency and Maintain User Trust

Building an in-house filter system from scratch is both time-consuming and fraught with potential bugs and inefficiencies. This Profanity Filter API is a reliable and efficient tool designed to catch and censor offensive language promptly, saving you time and effort. 

Picture a bustling e-commerce platform where product reviews should be kept respectful and suitable for all users. This API can be used to effectively censor inappropriate language in the reviews, helping you maintain user trust and ensure a smooth shopping experience for all.



This code snippet is specifically tailored for an e-commerce platform to censor inappropriate language in product reviews, ensuring that the content remains suitable for all users. It leverages the Bad Words API to handle the task of identifying and censoring offensive words efficiently.


Dodge Potential Liabilities

With digital reputations hanging by a thread, any offensive content slipping through the net can lead to legal implications or PR crises. The Bad Words API is your first line of defence against these potential issues. 

Consider its application in a social media platform where ensuring posts are appropriate and safe is crucial. Here, this API can moderate social media posts, preserving your brand’s reputation.



The provided code illustrates how the Bad Words API can be used to filter and censor offensive content in social media posts. This is particularly pertinent to social media platforms where maintaining appropriate and respectful content is essential to upholding the brand’s reputation.

To sum it up, integrating the Bad Words API into your application isn’t just an option—it’s a vital step in ensuring a successful, respectful, and safe AI-powered app development journey. Its ability to control, intelligently filter, withstand misuse attempts, and maintain user trust makes it a key component of your development toolkit. No matter the application, this API ensures that respect and safety remain at the forefront.

So, are your AI-powered applications safe? The answer lies in your approach to content moderation and your commitment to maintaining a respectful digital environment. By integrating advanced content filtering tools and being vigilant about the potential risks and dependencies, you can confidently forge ahead in the thrilling world of AI without falling victim to offensive content.

Moreover, APILayer offers a suite of additional tools that could further safeguard your applications and streamline your development process. Here’s a look at some relevant ones:


  • Site-Shot API: Provides an automated method for taking website screenshots, perfect for visually monitoring content and ensuring appropriate imagery on your platforms.
  • ipstack API: Offers geolocation data for IP addresses, which can be valuable for tracking user locations, implementing region-specific content filters, or detecting potentially suspicious activities.
  • Userstack API: Helps in detecting user browsers and operating systems, allowing you to understand your audience better and fine-tune content or features according to the user’s platform.
  • Email Verification API: An essential tool for validating and verifying email addresses, ensuring that user communications are legitimate and that your application remains safe from potential email-based threats.


By exploring these tools from APILayer, not only can you enhance content moderation, but you can also bolster other aspects of your application that contribute to a secure, efficient, and user-friendly experience. In the ever-competitive field of technology, these layers of safety and optimization can provide a significant edge. Don’t just build; build smartly and safely with APILayer.


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