
Common Use Cases for Currency Exchange Rates API

A currency exchange rate API is an essential tool utilized across various industries, providing real-time and precise currency conversion information. Whether you’re managing an e-commerce platform, working in the financial sector, overseeing a travel booking website, or engaging in international business, the currency exchange rates API offers invaluable advantages. Moreover, It helps…
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Top 10 API Examples to Make Our Everyday Lives Easy

Have you ever wondered how certain apps and websites seamlessly communicate? The answer lies in the power of APIs! APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are like the invisible bridge connecting different software systems to work together. They play a crucial role in…

What is an API? How Do APIs Improve Developer Productivity?

Data acquisition processes of businesses have changed constantly from past to present. In the past, costly operations such as data acquisition or manual data acquisition were preferred. But today, with API integration, businesses can easily obtain the data they need. With…

API Keys: Why and When to Use API Keys

API usage has increased rapidly in recent times. Almost every project uses APIs for data exchange. One of the most common examples in today’s software architectures is the communication of Frontend applications with Backend applications via an API. Additionally, in microservice applications, it is possible for services to communicate with each other in sync via an API. When we want to deal…
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What Are the Types of APIs and Their Differences?

Today, API is actively used in almost every business, both large and small. API (aka. Application Programming Interface) is an interface that allows multiple software applications to communicate with each other. For example, when an application wants to use a feature in…

Creating a Historical News Application With Nodejs

Nowadays, it is quite possible to reach global news on the internet. Websites such as Google News and Microsoft MSN provide their users with news from thousands of sources around the world through a single platform. They also support more than one language country. There are many REST APIs available from the market that provide developers with multiple news source data. One of them is…
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ChatGPT: The Swiss Army Knife of AI? Unleashing Its True Potential through APILayer API Integration

ChatGPT is fast becoming the people’s go-to API.  According to Reuters, ChatGPT has reached 100 million monthly active users in January 2023, just two months after its launch. This is also confirmed by The Guardian. In addition, ChatGPT received an average of 13 million unique visitors per day in January 2023, more than double the daily number in December 2022. You’ve heard ChatGPT…
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