Create your first REST API in Django Rest Framework

Python, one of the most popular programming languages ​​today, is used for almost every subject in the field of informatics. Although we often hear the name of Python in the fields of artificial intelligence and data analysis, the use of Python is not limited to this. Especially when developing the REST API, Python’s Django Rest Framework provides developers with many conveniences. What…
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Advanced Best Practices for REST API Development

What is Rest API? REST API, or Representational State Transfer API, is a type of web API (Application Programming Interface) that follows the principles of REST architectural style. It is a set of rules and conventions for building and interacting with web services. REST…

13 REST API Interview Questions You Need to Know

The importance and use of web services in today’s software technologies is increasing. Many systems and applications now communicate with each other through web services and exchange data. The most widely used type of web service today is the REST API. There are many issues to know about REST APIs, which are increasingly used in the technology world. In this article, we have prepared 13…
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Best Practices For Your API Versioning Strategy

While developing the API, there is one reality that we should keep in mind, which is the principle of ‘Change is Inevitable’. Although we are carrying out business-oriented work during the development process, we may need to add more responsibilities to the API…

Best Practices for REST API Error Handling

It is highly desirable in APIs to properly handle errors and provide meaningful error messages, as it can help the API client respond to issues correctly. The default behavior tends to return stack traces that are hard to understand and ultimately useless for the API client. Splitting error information into fields also allows the API client to parse it and provide better error messages to the…
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Building a REST API with Node and Express

Imagine you already have a working site. Let’s say your site starts to become more popular over time. If you build your site without thinking it will be popular later on, you will start to respond more slowly to requests. Active users will wait for you to reply to the…

Basics of API Testing Using Postman

API is the interface that enables the application’s functions to be accessed and used externally or remotely. We can also say that an API is a software tool that allows two applications to communicate with each other. API allows any server to return a response and…

Best practices for REST API security

Rest APIs are frequently preferred in today’s web technologies. As such, Rest API security means protecting the integrity of both the APIs you own and use. The Internet is a network where information exchange takes place very quickly and access to information is very easy. According to the Digital 2021: Global Overview Report, published by Datareportal in partnership with We Are Social and…
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