HTTP POST vs GET: Is One More Secure For Use In REST APIs?

The use of REST APIs has increased considerably today. Almost every platform produces or consumes a REST API. REST APIs communicate with each other using HTTP methods. For example HTTP GET, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT etc. There are many reasons for using the preferred HTTP methods for REST APIs. In this article, the definitions of HTTP GET and HTTP POST methods, their differences and why they are more…
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Advanced Best Practices for REST API Development

What is Rest API? REST API, or Representational State Transfer API, is a type of web API (Application Programming Interface) that follows the principles of REST architectural style. It is a set of rules and conventions for building and interacting with web services. REST…

Best Practices for REST API Error Handling

It is highly desirable in APIs to properly handle errors and provide meaningful error messages, as it can help the API client respond to issues correctly. The default behavior tends to return stack traces that are hard to understand and ultimately useless for the API client.

What is a Restful API?

With the development of technology, the work that users can do through platforms and applications has increased or has become easier. So what gives us this convenience and allows us to do many things without the need for developers? Let’s examine Restful API together. What is API API stands for Application Programming Interface. In other words, it can be called an application programming…
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The 5 Best Real Estate APIs

The number of real estate websites is increasing day by day. Websites that provide real estate services online instead of traditional methods make people’s lives easier. With a single application, you can get the information of the houses for sale or rent in the city…

Phone Lookup API: Everything You Need To Know

There are more than 7 billion mobile phone users around the world, and this number is increasing!  Mobile phone use is now so common, that your mobile number is linked to your identity — each mobile number is unique to a specific user.  You have definitely already…

Everything You Need To Know About API Tokens

As developing technology penetrates every aspect of our lives, digital security has become more important than ever. The spread of the Internet and digital platforms has caused a wide range of data, from personal data to corporate information, to be stored and shared online. This situation has brought risks such as cyber-attacks and data breaches. Ensuring digital security has become a priority…
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Is Your Email API Simple And Secured?

A company may use an email API to find incorrect and inactive email addresses. It prevents companies from sending emails to fake addresses and keeps track of risky or inactive email accounts. In addition, email validation helps avoid common user errors like misspelled…

Weather APIs: A Comprehensive Guide

Weather APIs provide developers access to weather data, enabling them to integrate weather information into their applications or websites. These APIs offer real-time and forecasted weather data, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more. What Is A Weather API? A…

Get Started with numverify - Our Real-time Phone Number Validation API

What is Phone Number Validation? Phone number validation is the process of verifying that a given phone number is valid and in a format that can be dialed. This process typically involves checking the length, format, and presence of a country code and area code where applicable. What is Phone Number Validation API? A Phone Number Validation API is a service that allows developers to validate phone…
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