Top 10 APIs For Scraping Websites

What is web scraping? Web scraping, also known as web harvesting or web data extraction, is the process of extracting data from websites. This is typically done using software like web scraping APIs that simulates human web browsing to collect data from websites. Web scraping can be used for various purposes, including research, data analysis, and content aggregation. However, it is…
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What Is The Best Weather API For Python?

Weather data is essential for businesses of all sizes as it directly affects business operations and activities. For instance, production, demand, and delivery of some items change with the change in weather conditions. As a result, supply chain and shipping-related…

What's The Best Python Data Scraping API?

Web data scraping is the process of fetching or reading the contents of a website and collecting information and content from it. Many businesses, whether small or large now rely on web data scraping for reaching more consumers, promote their products, increasing their…

5 Free Cryptocurrency Exchange API To Get Latest, Historical Rates

Cryptocurrencies, which have entered our lives since 2009, have spread all over the world in a short time due to the fact that they are not affiliated with any authority and are anonymous. Today, especially in developed countries, expenditures are mostly made with digital money instead of paper money. Digital currencies represent paper money, are stored electronically and have transferable…
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How To Use Google Search API In Python

Google is the most used search engine, and every business wants to rank high on it. That’s why businesses need to scrape SERPs (search engine result pages). This data helps improve SEO rankings and site visibility by providing meaningful insights on top content…

A Complete Guide To Exchange Rates API

The development of technology and the transition of the age to the digital age have increased the number of multinational countries. New job opportunities, new structures have begun to bring people together. As a result of this, it indirectly increased the conversion between different currencies. People nowadays convert between currencies for multiple reason Today, investors and businesses…
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5 Examples Of Successful Free Weather APIs

Are you going on an adventure trip like hiking or camping? Do you run a business that involves shipping and procurement? If you answered yes to these questions, you definitely need weather data to plan your activities accordingly. For example, you can’t plan a hiking…