
What is metadata?  Metadata is a set of information that helps identify datasets, providing details and context to describe that particular data better.  It is an integral part of online content and data management which helps people select specific keywords when searching online and allows creators to tag their content to be easily indexed and captured by search engines and website usage…
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JSONP Callbacks – What Is a JSONP Callback?

JSON with Padding, or JSONP for short, is a technique that allows developers to get around browsers' same-origin policies by exploiting the nature of the <script> element.  The policy prohibits reading any responses made by websites with origins other than those…

Historical Data – What Is Historical Data?

What is historical data? Historical data is information about past events or situations relating to a specific subject. By definition, historical data refers to any data collected within an organization, whether manually or mechanically. What is the importance of…

Base URL - What is Base URL?

What is a Base URL?  A base URL is the continuous element of your website’s address.  For example, you’ll notice that the address portion http://facebook.com displays in the address bar whenever you log on to your Facebook account or visit a Facebook page from your computer.  This is the primary URL. Everything that comes after it is referred to as a URL path. Go to…
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Build your own Resume Parser Using Python and NLP

A step by step guide to building your own Resume Parser using Python and natural language processing (NLP). Let’s start with making one thing clear. A resume is a brief summary of your skills and experience over one or two pages while a CV is more detailed and a longer…

A Beginner's Guide for IP to Geolocation

IP to geolocation is a way to determine the location of your website visitors based on their IP address. With this data, you can provide a personalized user experience by customizing your website’s content based on your customer’s location. For instance, you can redirect visitors to pages specifically translated in their language or display different product offers to users from different…
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How To Calculate Cryptocurrency Exchange Rates

Since the turn of the century, the world has rapidly become more and more digitized. Our lives are full of all different kinds of smart devices. Often they help us stay connected and encourage productivity. One area however has been slower than most to go completely online.

Accessing Historical Stock Market Data In Python, JavaScript, And PHP

The marketstack is a lightweight, free, and easy-to-use REST API that aims to provide an interface to deliver worldwide stock market data. Using marketstack APIs, you can obtain real-time stock data for any ticker down to the minute, request intraday quotes, or search 30+ years of accurate historical market data. It is an easy-to-integrate API and covers the data from 70+ global stock…
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