
A Comprehensive Guide To Creating Your Own Market Data Visualization Application

If you’re interested in creating your own market data visualization application, this guide is for you. This article will cover everything, from the fundamentals of market data visualization to more advanced concepts.  Visualizing market data can be a helpful way to understand trends and make informed decisions about investments. There are numerous methods for visualizing data. The most…
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The 5 Types of API Marketplaces

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are pretty common these days. Thousands of web apps rely on APIs to integrate specific functionality or data. An API basically allows two software applications or systems to communicate and interact with each other. Today, numerous…

What Is Geoblocking And How Does It Work?

Have you ever attempted to access Hulu, Netflix, or any website only to be greeted with a notification stating, “This material is not accessible in your country?” This is geoblocking or geo-restriction, and it can be annoying. An IP geolocation API can give you directions on how to prevent geo-blocking.  You might wonder whether geoblocking has any real advantages. The answer is that…
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Sell API: The Best API Marketplaces for Selling APIs in 2024

API providers sell APIs to help developers integrate these APIs in multiple projects. APIs are digital products with reproducible, fungible and dependable design. These designs should be created in a standard, compliant, and consistent manner. Developers take help through…

Typos - What Is a Typo?

Ever noticed a spelling mistake on a website? Those are typos, and they can be a big deal. In this blog, we’ll talk about typos—what they are, why they happen, and why they’re important. Typos are simple mistakes in writing, like typing “hte” instead of “the.” They can happen because we type too fast or because our fingers are too big for small phone screens.
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API Examples, Uses, and Challenges of a REST API

REST APIs have become integral to modern software development in today’s interconnected world. REST, representing Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style that provides a standardized way for systems to interact over the Internet. In this blog, we…

How To Automatically Crop Images Via Smart Image Cropping API?

In this competitive digital age, images form the backbone of content across various platforms. However, it is a constant challenge to ensure that these images fit different layouts and designs without losing their essence. This is where smart image cropping API comes into play. They transform the way we handle images in our digital projects. In this article, we will explore how these AI-powered…
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