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What Is An API In Email Marketing?

what is api in email marketing

Email marketing is essential for the success of any business as it helps engage customers and increase brand awareness. It also enables you to reach new customers and connect with them in a personalized way. Simply put, effective email marketing helps you convert prospects into buyers and improve your conversion rate. However, for a successful email marketing campaign, it’s crucial to send emails to the right customers. What this means is that your mailing list should have authentic and genuine email addresses. This is where you need email API. But, what is an API in email marketing? It is an API that helps detect fake IDs. With email API integration, you effectively verify and validate email addresses.

While there are several email integration APIs available in the market, not every API provides accurate results. If you’re looking for an efficient and easy-to-use email API, mailboxlayer is what you need. With mailboxlayer email API integration, you can check/verify email IDs at the point of entry into your system.

In this article, we’ll discuss what is API in email marketing and show you why mailboxlayer email marketing API integration is the best option.

What Is An API In Email Marketing?

What is API in email marketing

The success of an email marketing campaign, among other things, depends on how good your open and click-through rates are. These metrics show the engagement level of the recipients with your email. While good and relevant content is essential for improving open and click-through rates, the most important thing for even having a chance of getting your email opened is that you send it to a valid email address. So what does this exactly mean?

Businesses usually have mailing lists with many email IDs, but not all are genuine. For example, scammers usually use fake IDs to hide their personal information. Similarly, sometimes even genuine customers mistakenly provide incorrect email addresses. Sending emails to such IDs means no one will open them. This is where an efficient email validation API like mailboxlayer can help you.

An API in email marketing essentially helps validate and verify email addresses so that you only have authentic ones on your mailing list. This, in turn, helps increase the click-through rate and reduce the bounce rate. Hence, with an email API integration, you can effectively communicate with your prospects and customers and improve conversion rates.

Why Do You Need An API For Email Marketing?

An email API can help you in several ways:

How Does An Email API Help Reduce Bounce Rate?

A high bounce rate means that most of your emails don’t reach recipients, which is also called a hard bounce. This occurs because of an invalid or fake email address or when the email ID owner closes the account. A high bounce rate can result in a bad email sender reputation or low email sender score. The sender score ranges from 0 to 100, depending on the sender’s reliability and reputation. When you have a low sender score, your emails are labeled as spam, which means low open and click-through rates.

An email API can help prevent hard bounces by validating and verifying email addresses in your mailing list so that you send emails only to genuine IDs.

Can I Identify Catch-All Email Addresses With Email API Integration?

Call-all email IDs are configured to receive every incoming email sent to the invalid email addresses of the domain. Sending emails to such IDs can result in low click-through and bounce rates. Hence, it is essential to identify such email IDs and remove them from your mailing list. You can efficiently identify such IDs with an efficient email API like mailboxlayer.

Does An Email API Help Check If An Email Address Is Using a Disposable Email Provider?

A disposable email provider allows users to create a temporary email ID anonymously. Such email addresses expire after some time. Spammers usually use such IDs for fraudulent activities, such as fake registrations on your website. People also use temporary email addresses only once for activating accounts or receiving passwords. With a powerful email integration API like mailboxlayer, you can quickly identify and eliminate disposable email IDs. This allows you to reduce bounce rates and engage with genuine prospects.

Which Is The Best Email Integration API?

While there are several email integration APIs, the mailboxlayer API leads the pack with its high accuracy, ease of use, and tons of advanced features.

Here are the key features that make mailboxlayer the best email marketing API

Does Mailboxlayer Support Email Syntax And Typos Check?

When you request an email address verification using mailboxlayer, the API first performs an email syntax check. It checks the email address against regular expression rules, such as the format of the email address. The mailboxlayer email API also checks an email address for typos and misspellings. If the API finds any typo in the domain part of the email ID, it suggests an alternative email address.

Mailboxlayer email marketing API's alternative email ID suggestion

Does The Mailboxlayer API Verify Email Addresses In Real-Time?

The mailboxlayer email validation API allows you to accurately verify and validate email addresses in real-time. The API uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and the lookup of MX-Records to verify email addresses. SMTP is the protocol that everyone uses to move emails on and across networks.

The mailboxlayer API’s real-time email verification process is as follows:

  1. First, the API uses MX-Records to check if the requested domain is even configured to receive emails. If the MX-Records of the given domain are found, the API returns the response ‘true’ via its mx_found response object.
  2. The API uses SMTP to check if the given email address actually exists or not.

Can Mailboxlayer Detect Catch-All And Temporary Email Accounts?

The mailboxlayer API comes with a catch-all detection functionality to identify if the requested email address is a catch-all email account. Additionally, the API also offers a disposable provider check feature. This feature shows whether the requested email address is using a disposable email provider like mailinator.com or trashmail.com.

Does Mailboxlayer Support Bulk Email API Integration?

When you have a long mailing list, verifying each email ID individually can take a lot of time. However, with mailboxlayer’s bulk email verification feature, you can request email verification of as many as 100 emails simultaneously (for enterprise users). You just need to append multiple email addresses, separated by a comma, to the base API’s base URL.

To learn how to integrate email API in PHP, check out our detailed article on integrating mailboxlayer into PHP web apps.

What Is Mailboxlayer’s Role Check Feature?

Role check is part of the mailboxlayer’s email verification process. With this feature, the API identifies if the requested email address is a role email address. A role email address usually points at a function such as “postmaster” or “support” rather than a name or individual. Sending emails to such IDs can result in low open rates. Hence, it’s important to detect such email addresses.

Is Mailboxlayer Easy To Use?

The mailboxlayer email API is very easy to use. You simply need to request email verification using one endpoint, and the API will return all the verification details, such as catch-all email IDs, role email addresses, etc. Additionally, the mailboxlayer API comes with extensive documentation that explains all the API events in detail to make things even easier for you.

Ready to verify email addresses with the best email API integration? Head over to mailboxlayer and try its impressive features today!

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