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Why Charting Components are the Future of Data Visualization in JavaScript

Adding charts to your user interface allows you to graphically communicate stories. But how can you accomplish this without developing long-form code from scratch? It is simple. All you need is a JavaScript chart library to transform your data into final charts.

These are the greatest JavaScript libraries to utilize if you need to build real-time charts or show your users a historical trend.

What are JavaScript Charts?

A charting library becomes necessary when examining a huge number of data points is deemed advantageous for an organization, a purpose, or a goal. The main purpose of data visualization is to assist various stakeholders in gaining insights and analyzing their data, which will be transformed into useful information in the end. But when is JavaScript used in chart design, and what precisely are JavaScript charts? Let’s dig a little deeper.

JavaScript charts are a blend of numerous chart formats such as 2D (commonly referred to as XY charts) and 3D charts, line charts, bar charts, or polar charts that remain simple to grasp (eliminating all the complexities underlying data analysis) while providing a highly visual interface providing for a seamless client-side interaction

As web browsers continue to enhance their capabilities in a native JS language, the relevance of JavaScript charts as being fully compatible with, in a nutshell, the whole internet grows. Nonetheless, it is not just the popularity of the native language that drives the use of JavaScript charts, but also the growing need for web-based information visualization solutions.

JavaScript charts are a more complicated, thorough, yet basic option for data visualization at the present. The ability to data is not only dependent on important attributes such as where the data is accessed from or the amount of data processing, but also on client-side interactive capabilities, which are considered a must for any charting library to be considered a world-class JavaScript solution for demanding and data-driven industries.

JavaScript interactive features are vital for the end user and should be designed with a focus on mobile, with excellent response to natural user movements like pinch-to-zoom, scrolling, panning, or clicking.

When JavaScript is said to as “the language of the browser,” and the demand to analyze large data grows by the year, it is no surprise that JavaScript charting libraries must now be high-performance, widely interoperable, fully interactive, and customized solutions for data-driven enterprises.

Why Use JavaScript Charts?

Data visualization and charts help us understand data more quickly and simply. They can mean the difference between a poor and a great report. In addition, charts are used in presentations and real-time monitoring.

JavaScript charts are particularly useful since they can be embedded instantly on any web page and serve the same audience as any other online content. JavaScript charts are often not limited by the client device and will operate on PCs, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets out of the box. There are also new solutions that bring web applications almost everywhere – desktop apps, mobile applications, and IoT devices – even outside of the web browser.

Using JavaScript charts might be beneficial even if your application is not web-based. As many contemporary desktop frameworks have some means of embedding a website in them that you can use to obtain web charts in your desktop program. Because there are many possibilities in the online charts market, you will have a broader selection of available chart tools to pick from. Having the chart logic contained within a web control might also be advantageous since it can be exported outside of the larger main project and utilized as a separate feature.

JavaScript charts are constantly changing and being streamlined, addressing the previous problem of speed restrictions in web applications. JavaScript charts now accelerate their data visualization with client hardware, allowing for the presentation of massive data sets and real-time data sources.

The dynamic nature of web applications facilitates the use, sharing, and amending of web charts, which speeds up their development. Stack Overflow, for example, is a forum for developers to help other developers. It is customary to request assistance with a certain chart library (example). The answers may be grouped with web charts using an interactive code snippet that shows the chart next to the answer and allows for live modification – how great is that?


When to Use JavaScript Charts?

There are very few situations in which JavaScript charts would be unsuitable. These often include the requirement to either send enormous volumes of data across a network or execute extremely complex calculations on the visualization machine. In certain circumstances, it may be easier to utilize a Desktop chart program with higher processing capability and maybe even retrieve data from local files.

Experienced data visualization users frequently fear transitioning to web charts because they are uneasy with the shift in the programming language. However, at its most basic, JavaScript charts may be so simple to use that the setting is as simple as writing a single JSON file with a few straightforward parameters. The gallery of accessible JavaScript charts is vivid and extensive, so be courageous and give it a try!


Factors to Identify the Best JavaScript Charting Library?

The first thing to consider is what ‘best’ means to you. Is it performance/speed, sturdiness, durability, a specific feature, first-rate technical assistance, simplicity of implementation, community support, pricing, or customizability? Do you require a one-trick pony or a more complete solution? In the end, it all boils down to the project and the demands of the users. As a result, no proper solution exists. It is vital to evaluate what platform you use, what charts you want, how many developers are working on the project, how much rendering power you require, and so on.

Do you require any more additional services to supplement the charting library? Extra hands on deck, extra outsourced developer power to jump-start your project, or create a specific feature for you? These additional requirements are worth considering since certain suppliers are better suited to supply them successfully, saving you significant time and resources. You could wish to select a charting library from a supplier that can assist you in optimizing your project so that you can focus on your main job – being a badass developer!


Why FusionCharts Charting library is the best JS Charting Component?

FusionCharts XT is an industry-leading JavaScript charting component. Leveraging the power of JavaScript (HTML5), FusionCharts XT functions seamlessly on PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, and a majority of other mobile devices. It is a perfect addition to your reports, dashboards, surveys, monitors, and analytics. Its comprehensive range of chart types with smart reporting capabilities, animations, and interactivity are bound to make your apps look stunning and power-packed.

It works with both JSON & XML data and can integrate with any server-side technology (ASP.NET, PHP, Python, Java, Ruby on Rails, etc.) and the database you use. With the extensive documentation and readymade demos it offers, you will need just 15 minutes to create your first chart. FusionCharts XT is the trusted charting component of over 21,000 customers, including a majority of Fortune 500 companies, and 450,000 developers in over 118 countries.


Chart Types Supported by FusionCharts XT:


Single Series Charts

  • Column 3D
  • Column 2D
  • Line 2D
  • Area 2D
  • Bar 2D
  • Pie 2D
  • Pie 3D
  • Doughnut 2D
  • Doughnut 3D
  • Pareto 2D
  • Pareto 3D


Multi-series Charts

  • Multi-series Column 2D
  • Multi-series Column 3D
  • Multi-series Line 2D
  • Multi-series Bar 2D
  • Multi-series Bar 3D
  • Multi-series Area 2D
  • Marimekko
  • Zoom Line


Stacked Charts

  • Stacked Column 3D
  • Stacked Column 2D
  • Stacked Bar 2D
  • Stacked Bar 3D
  • Stacked Area 2D
  • Multi-series Stacked Column 2D


Combination Charts

  • True 3D Chart (Multi-series 3D – Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series 2D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series Column 3D + Multi-series Line – Single Y-Axis
  • Stacked Column2D + Line single Y-Axis
  • Stacked Column3D + Line single Y-Axis
  • Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series Column 3D + Multi-series Line – Dual Y-Axis
  • Stacked Column 3D + Line Dual Y-Axis
  • Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line Dual Y-Axis


XY Plot Charts

  • Scatter Chart
  • Bubble Chart


Scroll Charts

  • Scroll Column 2D
  • Scroll Line 2D
  • Scroll Area 2D
  • Scroll Stacked Column 2D
  • Scroll Combination 2D (Single Y)
  • Scroll Combination 2D (Dual Y)


Benefits of Using the FusionCharts Charting Library

Powerful Visualization: Using its rich component library, you can transform vast amounts of data into relevant reports and present them on an interactive dashboard.

Compatible Installation: Using the SWF file copy-and-paste feature, you can create visually appealing charts. Supports and operates on servers that do not allow any kind of component installation.

Hassle-Free: To create animated and interactive charts, use XML, URL, or JSON as the data interface. To improve process efficiency for designers and developers, use the visual GUI to convert data into XML.

Ease of Use: There is no need for an initial learning curve. With easily available instructions, you can create visualization charts in 15 minutes.

Transparent Licensing Policies: There are no charges for production or testing servers. After obtaining the license, you can use it to access hosting on various servers.

Free Trial: Before making a final purchase, try the free version for 14 days.

Flexible Pricing: Provides customizable price plans based on consumption, such as internal vs. SaaS, team size, and upfront vs. yearly payments.


Key Features

Interactive Charting: Create internal reporting charts and dashboards with charting solutions such as drag-and-drop charts, scroll charts, self-updating charts, manipulation options, and visual data selection.

Trendlines: Data can be interpreted using trendlines such as vertical and horizontal reference lines. Using trendline charts, regression lines, vertical lines, and gauges, you can analyze data across several functions.

Space Management: Save space by organizing charts in a logical order. Stack and position charts vertically to organize pages.

Time-Series Visualization: Zoom in on axes to view particular information and explore visualizations from any time span.

Annotations: Draw the attention of visitors using various annotations such as pictures, lines, or text on charts. It draws attention to the comprehensive information for viewers.

Customized Data Plots: Customize data plots to draw relevant insights by highlighting data plots, adding gradient effects, changing plot colors, and more.

Integration: Its open-source, front- and back-end integrations allow you to update client-side charts.

Export Files: Maps, gauges, and charts can be exported in a variety of formats, including pictures, Excel spreadsheets, and PDF documents. Display the names of the exported files in the export menu to personalize the export process.



FusionCharts includes all of the modern components needed to create numbers and statistics-focused programs. You can simply incorporate these JavaScript charts and dashboards into your app to examine raw data in a meaningful way. Scripts for interactive activities may also be injected so that end users can slice and dice data to gain relevant insights.

Furthermore, the charting library’s SWF file copy-paste capabilities, JSON/XML/URL data interface, visualization development in under 15 minutes, accessible developer documentation, and transparent licensing make it a must-have for your app development tech stack.

Try FusionCharts Suite XT – 14 Day Free Trial.

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