Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Why Should Email Services Be In API?

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Have a look around yourself; we live in an increasingly becoming API-centric world. APIs are all over the place, and you may not even realize it. APIs allow two remote entities to communicate in a standardized format. There are hundreds of APIs for various categories currently available, covering everything we do with applications as well as what we program applications to do with other applications. Surprisingly, the fastest-growing category of APIs has been for data sharing and analysis across multiple applications over the last five years, with email service API emerging as one of the most important API services. So naturally, this post aims to discuss ‘why should email services be in API?’. So let’s get started.

What Kind Of Email Services Are Required Today?

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Emails are an essential part of running a company. This method of communication is used to communicate with customers, market new products, contact potential clients, and so on. While many other forms of communication, such as social media networks, chatbots, and collaboration tools like Trello and Slack, are now available, email is here to stay. Therefore we need some way to check the vast number of emails currently present in the world.  Hence, the need for an email service API.

There are two types of emails to consider when it comes to business email: transactional emails and marketing emails:

  • Transactional emails usually contain information that the recipient requires or desires, and they usually have automated notifications triggered by user actions. Transactional emails include account creation emails, account notification emails, and purchase receipts.
  • Email marketing contains information to attract, convert, and retain customers. Marketing emails include newsletters, promotions, and advertisements, to name a few.

Why Are APIs Preferred For Email Services?

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APIs can be a valuable tool for software developers. Developers don’t have to write new program code every time they try to create an application that does everything. Instead, they can outsource specific tasks by repurposing pre-made pieces that perform better. As a result, the software can communicate with one another via APIs, allowing for the creation of novel and intriguing mashups.

Furthermore, emphasizing modern B2B usage, an application programming interface can be a crucial component in integrating data flows with clients and partner systems. Moreover, companies continue to recognize the potential of extending and integrating application data flows via APIs, allowing for smoother business process integration across applications in conjunction with other types of B2B technology and improving speed, agility, Consistency, and accuracy across multiple industries. However, libraries, third-party packages, and similar tools are challenging to implement.

As a result, an API might be built up of numerous libraries to perform a certain task. On the other hand, a library is not an API in and of itself but rather a collection of helpful techniques or procedures. As a result, an API can do more than a library.

Furthermore, we know that practically all platforms require integration with some type of email provider. Therefore APIs are the ideal option.

Here are some criteria that are a requirement for good APIs:

  • Speed
  • Security
  • Deliverability
  • Ease of use
  • Price

High speed, security, deliverability, ease of use, and reasonable rates can be extremely beneficial and complementary to effective email services. Fortunately, mailboxlayer is an email API that offers all of this to users. Here is an article that helps you understand the common mistakes made by other email validation APIs.

What Is The Best Email API Available To Users Today?

should email services be in API macbook

Email validation is one of the most common uses of email services in API nowadays. Moreover, To assure deliverability, an email validation API examines your mailing list for mistyped email addresses, domains (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook), or throwaway email IDs.

Proper email validation considers the following:

  • Sending emails to fake/no-longer-existent addresses will hurt your deliverability.
  • Mistyping an email address will block users from confirming their account or resetting a password.
  • Valid email addresses let you stay in touch with users.

Mailboxlayer is a free, simple, and powerful REST-based JSON API that validates and verifies email addresses instantly using syntax checks, typo, spelling checks, SMTP checks, free and disposable provider filters, and more. In addition, It is a REST-based API and secure with 256-bit HTTPS encryption. Furthermore, Its purpose is to support developers and organizations in combating fraudulent users, improving email campaign success rates, and only sending emails to legitimate consumers.

Moreover, mailboxlayer provides 250 monthly validation requests free, with no credit card. This is crucial for new online businesses starting to expand their customer base and who need to check the validity of emails before adding them to their database.

Furthermore, mailboxlayer offers extensive documentation that allows users to quickly grasp how the API works and how to utilize it.

In addition, mailboxlayer includes typo checks, “did-you-mean” suggestions, and a numeric score for each email address’s quality. These frameworks make it simple to automatically separate “real” clients from spammers, boosting your email marketing response and success rates.

Let’s look at an example request in JavaScript:

// set endpoint and your access key
var access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY';
var email_address = '[email protected]';
var format = 1;

// verify email address via AJAX call
url: 'http://apilayer.net/api/check?access_key=' + access_key + '&email=' + email_address + '&format=' format,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {

// Access and use your preferred validation result objects


This is a basic request with only one extra argument: format. Giving it a value of 1 displays the API’s Response in typically JSON-structured format, enhancing readability. Check out this article to learn more about the best email API.

What Are Some Key Takeaways From This Discussion?

The most successful digital businesses rely on application programming interfaces to run everything from Amazon’s cloud business to Google advertisements to Facebook likes. In addition, APIs provide mobile experiences, web-to-web connectivity, and platform business models.

Email service APIs, in particular, are highly popular these days, and Mailboxlayer is the best in this category. Moreover, It excels in terms of speed, delivery, and usability. As a result, Bitwage, Zumper, Intel Security, and Zillow are among the smartest companies that trust it.

Now that you have learned why email services should be in API, click here to use mailboxlayer, an email service API providing you with the most premium features.

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