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How to Build the Best Currency Exchange App in HTML, CSS & JavaScript

best app for currency exchange

Are you finding the easiest tutorial to build the best currency exchange app? Look no further! In this article, we will explore building a simple Currency Converter using HTML and JavaScript. Moreover, we will use the most reliable API to build our application. Let’s look at what we will perform in the below sections to build the best app for Currency Exchange.

Everyone needs a basic understanding of APIs and their utility in fetching up-to-date exchange rates. In our case, we’ll utilize Fixer API to acquire real-time conversion rates for the best app for currency exchange. Following the instructions outlined in this article, you can construct your currency converter, enabling you to convert between different currencies swiftly.

What Is API?

API, short for Application Programming Interface, is an acronym representing the essential communication system between software applications. When discussing APIs, applications refer to distinct software components designed for specific purposes.

In terms of interaction, the connection between two apps can be likened to an interface, signifying a mutual agreement. This agreement outlines the guidelines for communication through requests and responses.

The API documentation provides developers with comprehensive information on structuring queries and interpreting the corresponding responses.

It serves as a reference point for developers to understand their API interactions’ proper formatting and styling.

In this project, we will use Fixer API to build an app for Currency Exchange.

Fixer API

Fixer.io, a widely-used platform, is trusted by numerous developers, and small and large businesses. With over six years of experience and reliable data sources, Fixer is the top choice for real-time exchange rates.

For developers, Fixer provides dedicated support from their exceptional team, available round the clock. The API documentation is comprehensive and user-friendly, with code examples facilitating quick and hassle-free implementation.

The Fixer API offers a powerful and reliable JSON API with guaranteed availability, scalable volumes, and lightning-fast response times in milliseconds.

In addition, to live data, Fixer provides separate endpoints for single currency conversion and Time-Series data, expanding the functionality of the API and catering to specific needs.

What Is a Currency Converter App?

A currency converter app is a software application designed to facilitate the conversion of one currency into another. It allows users to quickly and conveniently convert monetary values between different currencies based on the prevailing exchange rates.

Currency converter apps rely on real-time exchange rate data from reliable sources, such as financial institutions or currency exchange APIs. These apps allow users to input an amount in one currency and instantly see the equivalent value in another.

Currency converter apps are widely used by travelers, investors, businesses, and individuals engaged in international transactions to calculate currency conversions accurately.

What Are the Prerequisites to Building a Currency Converter App?

Index.html File

The index.html file serves the purpose of providing the project with a structural framework. It is responsible for organizing and arranging the various components of the project.

Styles.css File

On the other hand, the styles.css file helps us apply visual styles and aesthetics to the project. It allows for customization and enhances the overall appearance of the project.

Script.js File

Lastly, the script.js file helps us introduce functionality related to drag and drop or browsing capabilities. This file enables users to interact with the project by incorporating features that allow for the seamless movement of elements or the ability to browse and select files.

Step1: Adding HTML Code

Now, let’s delve into our HTML code to explore how we can effectively shape the structure of our project.

We’ll utilize the h1 tag to incorporate a header element. Next, we’ll establish an input field where users can input the desired amount of money for conversion.

Next, we’ll create a navigation bar that displays the currency exchange rate and an exchange button.

Next, we will apply styles to our currency converter using the stylesheet.

Step 2: Adding CSS Code

Moving forward, the defined classes within our HTML elements will primarily serve the purpose of styling our structure. Additionally, we have utilized the ID selector in this project to enhance the visual appeal of each component within this post.

We will guide you through the step-by-step styling process to provide a clear understanding.

1. We will begin by importing the Sansita and Swashed fonts from Google Fonts using the provided import link.

Using the body tag selector, we will apply the “zero” value for padding and margin.

2. Moving on to the next step, by applying styles to our heading using the <h1> tag selector.

Step 3: JavaScript Code

You should add your own AP key in the URL used in the above code:


    ? access_key = API_KEY

    & from = GBP

    & to = JPY

    & amount = 25

We have successfully developed a Currency Converter application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can readily utilize this project by copying it into your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Building the best currency exchange app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, powered by the reliable Fixer API, is a promising endeavor. By harnessing these technologies’ capabilities and leveraging the Fixer API’s comprehensive features, developers can create a robust and user-friendly app.

With access to real-time exchange rates for over 170 world currencies sourced from trusted financial data providers and banks, users can rely on accurate and up-to-date information. The Fixer API’s bank-level security ensures secure connections, while their dedicated support team is always ready to assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is an API?
An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a communication system between software applications, defining how they interact.

Q. What is Fixer API?

Fixer API is a reliable platform offering real-time exchange rates, trusted by developers and businesses for over six years.

Q. What is a currency converter app?

A currency converter app allows users to convert monetary values between different currencies based on current exchange rates.

Q. What are the prerequisites for building a currency converter app?

Prerequisites include an index.html file for structure, styles.css for visual styling, and script.js for functionality.

Q. How can I add my own API key for Fixer API?

You can add your API key in the URL used in the JavaScript code provided, replacing “API_KEY” with your actual API key.

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